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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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This is very confusing. Why mirror the game when you can just mirror the Link model?


I really think this is a wrong translation. It makes absolutely no sense at all. It's ridiculous really.


Watch the latest videos. The enemies have clearly been mirrored, too.

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Link is a left handed swordsman, who because of this is considered better than a traditional right handed one (look up history long story) I understand about the whole lefty righty thing, But its not really an issue. Link should be left to do what he naturally does. Shield in right sword in left.

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its going to be difficult to read all that inverted text though. So i will get the GC version for sure


I just find that hilarious...



You realise that there is no text (well, theres Hylian) in the models/textures, right?


[sarcasm detector is currently offline]

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Don't you think, to save game disc space, it would be easier to just have an option when you setup your Wii to select which hand you want to use for the Wiimote and Nunchuk, then it does the same ingame?


You mean so some people will have to change the settings on the Wii when they change to a game where they hold the controllers in their other hand?


I'd prefer game-specific options. (also, but it won't happen, I'd like red steel set up so you can swap the wiimote to the other hand for the katana...but thats just cos im weird)

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Just curious: How do left-handed people cope with the Gamecube? Do they make do with the normal pad, or are there special left-handed pads? (Before anyone points out, I realise this is different for the Wii)


good point


the atari lynx had two sets of controllers. Great for a handheld.


I wonder why 3rd parties neer thought of making left anded controllers. For the ps2 there must have been a massive market.

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Just curious: How do left-handed people cope with the Gamecube? Do they make do with the normal pad, or are there special left-handed pads? (Before anyone points out, I realise this is different for the Wii)


Normal controller is fine, I have never seen a left handed one (unless you can get them on prescription, and I'm just mission out)


Why would you switch controller hands?


I already said - I'm odd. Different kinds of movement is best with a different hand (A sword-esque object is comfortable in my left hand, a gun-like object in my right)

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but when link speaks its going to be back to front. You get most the clues from link. I think if i look at the screen through a mirror it could be ok. Will that work? or will it comeout upsidedown? I'm not sure nintendo have thoguht this through properly


[sarcasm]Yes, Link has the most dialogue in the game, mirroring will ruin Zelda! [/sarcasm]

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Some of you guys are freaking wierd. Stop bitching about shit that doesn't matter. If the game gets repetive, or has a bad camera, those are flaws poeple. Not if Link is right or left handed.


Being left handed is nothing special so get over it. Its not like left handed poeple have it harder in life and have huge obstacles to overcome. If anything you just have a harder time using a can opener.


Edit: By the way Blender, nothings going to be back to front, do yourself a favor and talk in front of a mirror. I know its going to blow your mind when you see what happens but just do it.

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Some of you guys are freaking wierd. Stop bitching about shit that doesn't matter. If the game gets repetive, or has a bad camera, those are flaws poeple. Not if Link is right or left handed.


Being left handed is nothing special so get over it. Its not like left handed poeple have it harder in life and have huge obstacles to overcome. If anything you just have a harder time using a can opener.


Edit: By the way Blender, nothings going to be back to front, do yourself a favor and talk in front of a mirror. I know its going to blow your mind when you see what happens but just do it.


Being a leftie means your life is shortened ten years, you can't use scissors, and if writing in a book, writing on the left page and going along means you smudge your writing!

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its going to be difficult to read all that inverted text though. So i will get the GC version for sure
they are just inverting the 3D render engine, where there isn't any readable text.


The HUD and ingame messages like "Ilia is drop dead gorgeus isn't she" will still appear readable. :D

but when link speaks its going to be back to front. You get most the clues from link. I think if i look at the screen through a mirror it could be ok. Will that work? or will it comeout upsidedown? I'm not sure nintendo have thoguht this through properly
It's not like he's talking in "rewind" or something... and he's not even lip synced with the text since there's no voice acting in there; still... if there was one... it would be like you talking to a mirror and seeying that dialogue through the reflection... it won't look odd at all.



Edit: By the way Blender, nothings going to be back to front, do yourself a favor and talk in front of a mirror. I know its going to blow your mind when you see what happens but just do it.
you beat me to it :p guess I didn't refresh the page for a long time.
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I don't know what all the bitching is about LoZ has been a great series(apart from CDi games) they know what there doing end of the more pressing questions:

1) in regards to the Wii is the sensor bar does that mean if you have the TV on the wall will it not detect the movement of the Wiimote.


2) And in terms of TP the story will we see the enemies from Oracles of ages/seasons make a reapparence.

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It's like the army, they make you shoot off you right hand, regardless of your preffrance. All we need is a boot camp for lefties. :hehe:


Hmm... that is to stop burning hot shell casing flying into your face though. Could this happen if Owen tries to play left handed? :confused::shakehead

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Some people really need to get out more. A quick glance over some of the message boards reveals a handful of devoted self-proclaimed "purists" who refuse to 1) accept the fact that Nintendo has changed seasoned Zelda hero Link from a lefty to a righty and 2) reversed the placement of the game world in the Wii version of the game.


Link will remain left-handed and the world will remain in its "normal" position in the GameCube build.


I've been a diehard Zelda fan ever since the first game came out and I can honestly tell you, I couldn't give a rat's ass. Really. And just to make sure I haven't gone mad, I asked Zelda nut Peer Schneider -- a frothing fan of the franchise -- how he felt about these changes; like me, he doesn't much care.




Observe the picture above. This is what you should care about. Because it's awesome. And you should care about the following image, too, for the very same reason.




What shouldn't you care about? Well, how about whether or not the doorways in the game world slide left or right? (Unless you're writing both the GCN and Wii strategy guides for the game, in which case, good luck.)




The game isn't out yet. You haven't even experienced it. You have no context. So try not to worry about trivial modifications.


The Control


Now on the other hand, I can identify with people who are frightened that Nintendo's new Wii-mote specific controls may muck up a proven control configuration.




When I fight this guy, I don't want to find myself also wrestling with the new control scheme. So what can I tell you about the new sword swiping functionality? It works. Indeed, it seems to work just fine. I think people are holding Zelda Wii to a higher standard because your expectations really do change when you pick up the Wii-mote. Zelda has never featured one-to-one sword fighting control. But when you have the Wii-mote in your hand and Link's sword doesn't mimic every subtle gesture you make, you suddenly notice it. You can still do everything you could with the sword in older games, mind you -- and in some ways it even feels better, but obviously people have fixated on what's still not possible.


Also, you need to do a little internal re-wiring to get used to it. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time with Twilight Princess at Nintendo's New York City event to walk away convinced that the Wii-mote additions will move the control scheme forward. But neither did I walk away convinced that the game was broken. I just needed and wanted more time with everything.


To answer a question that keeps popping up, you cannot choose to use to use buttons instead of Wii-mote gestures. You either use the remote or you buy the GameCube version. At least, that's how the E3 demo was and Nintendo has not given me any indication this will change.


But be aware, people who have been playing Twilight Princess longer than any of us call the tried-and-true button-based sword swiping function of old games "clunky" compared to using gestures with the Wii-mote. These aren't dumb people. They are proven gamers with realistic expectations. These same people herald Twilight Princess the greatest Zelda game ever made.


Frankly, I want to believe them.


If you're a hater, stop being so pessimistic and try to have a little faith. Twilight Princess is going to be an epic, beautiful Zelda outing with more dungeons, puzzles, and action than ever before. The new control scheme may not yet be proven, but as I stated, people who've had a lot of time with the game swear by it. And I have a hard time believing that Nintendo would sacrifice the game's quality with a gimmicky method.


In short, believe.

Source: http://blogs.ign.com/Matt-IGN/2006/09/21/31522/
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