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E3 + RevoEurope = Overload?


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This is making me remember when the FHC was announced.So many threads about it...That "mods-only" thread is a great idea but I hate what masaki said.Reading one thread then main page and there's more 20...you simply can't read everything...

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I think mods only creating threads is a good idea for this period. Also I seriously think that blocking guests from viewing the site during this time would also be a benefit. As during the Red Steel fiasco easily a good third were guests just wanting the news and slowing the site down.


I don't know if this would be an issue with this forum wanting to gain more users during E3, but if current members are having trouble viewing the site because of guests then I kind of feel priorities are chucked out of the window.


Edit - It must of actually been well over a third when that Red Steel announcement happened, because at the mo over half the people viewing this forum are guests.................people really want their E3 news don't they. (or is it that people just don't bother signing in?)

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It's a bit of both but mostly I think it's guests. I also second the "only mods creating threads idea" but as Colin suggested, there are some problems with blocking guests. But at the end of the day all news will eventually go on the front page so I guess guests just have to wait.


Would we really be doing the site bad by blocking guests though? I mean c'mon.. registration is free. :shrugs:

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Why dont Revo-Europe become a subscription site, get a man over in LA for the week with a videocam and satellite truck and stream everything he records live!!



(oh and anyone who is already a member gets free membership for life for the sub part of Revo-Europe!! :D:D:D:D:D:D!!!)

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What about only allowing regular posters+ to post any reply, and members only can visit the forums, surly that would do something in stopping hundreds of new users. Maybe a little to harsh though.


I think mod only posting topics is good for the e3 peroid, (I very rarly post threads anyway), just as long as you make loads. Remeber red-steel, so many posts, so fast that every time you refreshed in was about 6 pages bigger, and that was for a a few picks of a pretty much unherad of game. Just think what the smashbros/zelda/mario 128 threads will be like....

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The only thing about Mods only being able to start threads means that any good news that Rev-Europe have missed out on won't get it's own thread. I agree E3 needs it's own sub forum, it would be silly to have loads of E3 threads in Cube/Wii and DS sections. Just make one forum room with E3 threads only.

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I don't remember Cube Europe being full of spam last year, I mean there where a few pointless topics but nothing that ruined the forum...then again this year is more then likely to be very different.


I think 'regular posters+ only' is probably the best option mentioned so far.

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I think 'regular posters+ only' is probably the best option mentioned so far.


Agreed because then I can post as much nonsense as I want :D

Seriously spoken I guess the mixture of that admins are the ones who can open new topics for a brief period of time and only registered/regular users posting is ideal for this E3.

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The only thing about Mods only being able to start threads means that any good news that Rev-Europe have missed out on won't get it's own thread. I agree E3 needs it's own sub forum, it would be silly to have loads of E3 threads in Cube/Wii and DS sections. Just make one forum room with E3 threads only.


Just about all of us will be watching the conference live and will be ready to make threads when needed. At least one of us will be online 24/7 and will be able to make threads.


Retro-lover, I know you know not to make stupid threads, but others don't. They don't look to see what's been made already or just make a new one anyway. Even if they are 'regular posters' they'll still do it. Mod's only is the best I think, at least until E3 is finished.

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Im glad a lot you like the idea of a Temp E3 board and the idea of having our mods being the only ones allowed to create new threads.


This should make the whole E3 peroid on the boards a lot more organised and a whole lot more user friendly for you lot to find out and chat about all the E3 happenings.


Hopefully this will be implemented at the beginning of the week.

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But both of your replies above won't stop the forums going down throughout like the last 2-3 years it has done. There's just too many page requests for the forums to cope with, hence why I said block guests for that period.


But I'll personally just sit and watch the conference all the way through and not bother posting till it has finished.

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At least until the end of tuesday it is the best option (the mods-only). I'm sure there won't be any great news after the conference so...

But you have to make sure you can creat new threads at the time the secrets or games are shown (I can't imagine if they show at least 10 games in a row...).


And even if you can't block guests just don't let them signing in that period.But I'd prefer if they couldn't acess the forum to help keep the forums healthy.

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The servers are out of our hands this year, AMN host us and have been hard at work to make sure that we dont suffer too much downtime as most gaming sites do around E3 time and like we have in the past.


We will try our best to stay online and keep you up to date with all the Nintendo E3 news.

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I guess the chances of the site going down are pretty high, everything else goes down, most sides crawled just for the GDC and last years e3 everyhting went down. I just hope the streams of the conferance hold up




*crosses fingers and prays, while turning toward Mecca and wailing, and basically just hoping against hope the streams stay live......*

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I'll set up the E3 board tomorrow, but its probably going to look like this:


All mods will be mods.

Only mods can make threads.

Official threads for all the big things.

A general thread just incase a mod isn't around at the time something big is announced.

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I'll set up the E3 board tomorrow, but its probably going to look like this:


All mods will be mods.

Only mods can make threads.

Official threads for all the big things.

A general thread just incase a mod isn't around at the time something big is announced.



Good man!!! :D

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Will everyone be able to post? Anyway, I think what you're doing is the best solution, some people might not like it, but it's for the best. Leaders must have a hard firm grip to do what's best :P.


Yes, but not be able to make threads. Similar to the Rules & Board News forums.

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