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Gametrailers Top 10 Aniticipated games for E3


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Zelda and Mario as the Nintendo titles, but Red Steel is in there, so that's 2/3 Wii titles!


I'd forgotten about Resi 5 in all the Wii hype, but that will be great to see and hopefully we'll here something about it getting a Wii release (don't really want to get a 360), or else an exclusive Resi Wii!


and Toy Soldiers, I mean, Gears of War looks cool!

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My list:


1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

2. Mario 128

3. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

4. Super Smash Bros. Wii

5. Donkey Kong Wii

6. Virtual Console Games

7. Shigeru's cancelled SNES game for the DS

8. StarFox Wii

9. Pikmin Thwii

10. New Franchise Wii

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capcom said they havn't got any plans on releaseing resi 5 in the Wii they did not say we are not making it for the Wii at all


Correct; though unfortunately, I don't see it happening even though it would be one of the best things ever if Wii got a ver. :heh:

Obviously one with a little extra content and better controls :grin:

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The replay value on melee was ridiculous. I'll be wasting alot of my life with the Wii version. Online mulitplayer...too much:heh:


I know what you mean. I plan on using a weeks holiday from work when Wii and Smash Bros invade my life. Hopefully they will keep all the unlockables in the game like Trophies, messages and characters.

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I know what you mean. I plan on using a weeks holiday from work when Wii and Smash Bros invade my life. Hopefully they will keep all the unlockables in the game like Trophies, messages and characters.

Such a great idea for a game. We should team up and Own online:heh:


If only it came out in June...

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I'll make a top 10 too cause I'm bored:


1. Twilight Princess

2. Metroid Prime 3

3. Super Smash Bros. 3

4. Phantom Hourglass

5. Red Steel

6. Children of Mana

7. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

8. Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (if Wii then up 6 six places)

9. Mario 128 (Not too hyped yet)

10. New Resident Evil

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My list:


1. Metal Gear 4


3. Zelda TP

4. Metroid Wii

5. Mario 128

6. This raceing game

7. New Pokémons

8. Zelda Phantom Hourglass


I'm afraid that's it.


I'm pretty pumped about seeing what all the developers ideas for Wii games are, and seeing the third secret.

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There's a lot of games i'll be checking up on, Metroid, red steel, MGS4, Halo 3, Resi 5, but really the only game I really want to see is the mario game. I think people have forgotten how brilliant the mario games are. Its been what, ten years since 64. Sunshine was great, brilliant even, it was just not up to that mario standard of SMB3 and Mario 64, games that you should see in any serious gamers top 10 list. WiiMario, as I like to call it, is going to be the same as 64. A groundbraking title that will define how games are done on the Wii with a Wiimote. I just wish I knew how.

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I think it's funny all the hype Killzone is getting when the first one was only a mediocre game. People are such graphic whores.

My list would be something like this:

1. Twilight Princess

2. Super Smash Bros: Revolution

3. Phantom Hourglass

4. Mario Wii

5. Metroid Prime 3

6. Red Steel

7. RE 5

8. Pilotwiings

9. MGS4

10. Spore

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I think it's funny all the hype Killzone is getting when the first one was only a mediocre game. People are such graphic whores.

My list would be something like this:

1. Twilight Princess

2. Super Smash Bros: Revolution

3. Phantom Hourglass

4. Mario Wii

5. Metroid Prime 3

6. Red Steel

7. RE 5

8. Pilotwiings

9. MGS4

10. Spore

My kinda list :heh:


Minus MP3, RE5 and MGS4

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ohh just watched the video! Those gamespot-guys are really dumb!

4 of their most anticipated games will only come as video-footage to E3...

and we all know how to judge a game by screenshots and videos, but I thought pros like gamespot know that this doesn´t work... otherwise it´s an american site...


I smell manipulation and brainwashing comin down of us-game-sites....

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