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How do you rate Wii?


Do you think "Wii" is good name for the Revolution?  

168 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think "Wii" is good name for the Revolution?

    • Yes, absolutely great!
    • Yes, I really like it.
    • Yes, I think it's alright.
    • Meh, it's okay I suppose.
    • Nice sentiment, shame about the name.
    • Change it, now.
    • Absolutely awful!
    • Nintendo are the d00m3d! / Probably not going to buy one.

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when i first seen the name i thought it was prononced (Why) which didn't make since and when i heard i means (We) it makes even less since, but i can deal with the name but Rev, Revolution, RS or DW (dual wield) if the system came with two controlers could have been beater.

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I think the biggest surprise, for me, is the large proportion of positive votes in this poll. Maybe it's down to some people giving it time to dwell on it, before voting? Anyway, it stands to show it's got a lot more support than I expected.

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i am neutral, i feel it is a name that isnt designed to be liked or disliked, but to stand out.


Bang on mate.


It's really a non-word, I don't even think that they should try and justify it, infact I'm quite surprised that they told us how to say it. I think it would have been far more interesting to leave it slightly anonimous.


As a symbol, I think it works really well, cute little antenna dots 'n' all. Must admit that I'm not crazy about the typeface choice though. It just doesn't look very professional.

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I'd rather have a good name than the 'oh look at us we're soooo different' blahblah Nintendo is throwing at us now, really.


Well it depends on what your definition of a good name is?


Something that's easy to remember, can be said in any tongue, and doesn't need to be abbreiviated.

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Nintendo's press release only shows they have not hired marketing experts. A name is supposed to be a show-off, something that makes the product look good and interesting. Calling it something simple like that (and weak sounding) is not going to help it. Sure, it has attention now, but how is it going to compete with ' EX BOX THREE SIXTY ' 'PLAY STATION THREE ' when the only thing they have is 'wii...'.

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Nintendo's press release only shows they have not hired marketing experts. A name is supposed to be a show-off, something that makes the product look good and interesting. Calling it something simple like that (and weak sounding) is not going to help it. Sure, it has attention now, but how is it going to compete with ' EX BOX THREE SIXTY ' 'PLAY STATION THREE ' when the only thing they have is 'wii...'.


Question, does the name "Wii" stand out?

I don't see how the answer can be anything but yes. It does stand out. Therefore, isn't it a stroke of marketing genius by Nintendo?

Think about that.

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No, I don't think it makes itself special enough. It lacks power, it lacks an ability to convince and thereby makes the product seem weak. Superficially thinking, I'd rather play on something with an awesome name than something with a name resembling a child's cry. The bad thing is, casual audience thinks superficially about these things, as they know zero about it. That's why I think this is a bad name.


If the name only gets good when you have to hear the background philosophy, then the brand designer has done something wrong. A brand should explain itself, but Wii requires to be explained.

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A childs cry?! :S


I think he meant as in "weee." As in, the sound a child makes when going down a slide. Maybe?


Anyway, yeah, i do see what you mean. I still think the name stands out a mile. Its got people talking already. There is a somewhat buzz surrounding the console, and the name.

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No, I don't think it makes itself special enough. It lacks power, it lacks an ability to convince and thereby makes the product seem weak. Superficially thinking, I'd rather play on something with an awesome name than something with a name resembling a child's cry. The bad thing is, casual audience thinks superficially about these things, as they know zero about it. That's why I think this is a bad name.


If the name only gets good when you have to hear the background philosophy, then the brand designer has done something wrong. A brand should explain itself, but Wii requires to be explained.


But I don't think Ninty want a strong, powerful name. It isn't going along with their coverall demographic, sure 15-25 year old males like a name like that. But would a 40 year old woman buy the "Extermintor 6" console, no! Using the Apple anaolgy, iPod is a soft, 'nice' name/word that anyone can just see and identify with, just like Wii - it's a picture almost, not a word!

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I agree with Phube. The gamers will buy it for the games. The non-gamers will be curious about it because of the new gameplay and will see it as just another gadget. When bundled with the right game and two controllers the system will still be cheaper than an iPod.


I think Nintendo is hoping it becomes something that redefines gaming so that when Sony and Microsoft incorporate Wii-like features into new systems people can say "oh, is that a fake Wii" kinda like they currently say "oh, is that a fake iPod?" about any other MP3 player. That way everyone else is playing catch up. You know, iPod + iTunes == Wii + N-Store (or whatever it will be called).

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something to add, wii sounds more organic.

"station" "box" "cube" "system" and any numbers tend to be more numbers, scientific/engineering approach.

the word play, or game in playstation/gamecube also fits this, describing and getting to the point.


wii. this is more an arty name. I think it makes it more accessible. I actually really like the name.

it goes very nicely with Nintendo's move away from tech specs.

how many Mhz is your tv? what about your phone?

some of you (sadly) will know the answers off hand, but most people care about one thing in both cases - does it do what I want it to do.


This is a step to make a mainstream electronic device. A bold step out from the old path, taking a new unexplored path.



I personally love it. :)

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How is possible to put non-gamers off....?


Well but a lot of you who dislike the name prefered any with a meaning and thatis what nintendo doesn't want so it could become universal. I mean a word like gamecube makes sense in countries where the English is spoken. Now wii has no meaning in any languange and is left to nintendo to show it is supose to mean community.I believe the commercials will be different in every country.


Again I repeat, is an excelent name and will become part of all the languages and not only english and japanese.

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