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"Wii? i am not buying that!"


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So wii all know the new name (sorry i haven't used that pun yet so it will be the last)


Big question is will you still buy it or not. personnally i will still be first in the que for my Wii.:shakehead (still sounds bad)


it is about what it represents. let me know if this name has made you think twice about buying it?

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god no, the underpaid clerk at the game store who doesnt want to be there anymore than i do might laugh at me. the horror!


nah of course ill be buying it, its still gonna look hot on the shelf and Nintendo is still Nintendo

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Personally I don't like the name and I can't see a lot of casual/new gamers (at least from the U.K) choosing that over the ps3 or 360 with a name like that. I'm only referring to the small amount of people that will go into a shop thinking 'hmm what console shall I get, ps3, 360 or.. Wii??'


I think most, if not everyone, here will still get the Wii when it comes out. I think when I get mine though I'll just call it my Nintendo or still call it the revolution... I just can't see my self saying that I'll be going upstairs to play on my Wii.


Don't regard that as immature please because it's not, I'm sure none of you would like to be heard saying that you like to play with your Wii. It doesn't make me think any less about the system and I'm still as psyched as I was before about getting it but I just don't like the name.

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I really don't understand this association of gaming with image.. since when has it ever been cool to play video games, whether you're playing GTA:SA or BHA:WHR (that's Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue to you casuals ;) ) the difference is ultimately marginal. It's not like you brag about how cool and manly your console is to girls is it? The choice of name Nintendo decided to go with will really only matter to your friends (and how badly they can take the Wii out of you) and once they play it trust me their amazingly observant and mature (sarcasm) wee-wee jokes will fade away.. to be replaced by wide-eyed wonder that such immersion and freedom of control in a game could be achieved without their precious HD and 8 processors (or however many Sony have managed to fit inside that hideous George Foreman-esque creation of theirs).

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Of course I'll still get it, anyone who changes their mind due to the name is a shallow eejit. Some casual gamers as yet undecided might, however, be put off by the name. Oh and if saying 'queue for my wii' makes you feel awkward, just say 'queue for the wii' instead, it sounds less.... um..... questionable.

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I really don't understand this association of gaming with image.. since when has it ever been cool to play video games, whether you're playing GTA:SA or BHA:WHR (that's Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue to you casuals ;) ) the difference is ultimately marginal. It's not like you brag about how cool and manly your console is to girls is it? The choice of name Nintendo decided to go with will really only matter to your friends (and how badly they can take the Wii out of you) and once they play it trust me their amazingly observant and mature (sarcasm) wee-wee jokes will fade away.. to be replaced by wide-eyed wonder that such immersion and freedom of control in a game could be achieved without their precious HD and 8 processors (or however many Sony have managed to fit inside that hideous George Foreman-esque creation of theirs).


I agree.


You know, if there's anyone at the moment who's changing the image of gaming, i would have to say that it is Nintendo. The DS is really appealing to non-gamers all over the world.

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I'm agreed with vicious and Link. :D


Right now, Wii is the console that is capturing everyone's imagination. People laughed at the DS when it was first revealed but it now boasts phenomenal sales figures - only bettered by the DS Lite (which I shall be getting).


Of course I will still be buying a Wii. It's the most exciting console out there and actually offers something fresh, which both the PS3 and 360 fail to do. DS pulled in new crowds and Wii can do the same.


To refuse to buy a Wii just because of its name is just being extremely shallow and simple-minded.

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the name is a teeny bit off putting, but to be totally honest, I don't think I'll be buying mine from a shop anyway, online tends to be cheaper. and I was hoping not to get it on Launch. but I know I'm weak so :(


I can't say my cube pops up in conversation very often, at most I'll say I played a bit of "game name", because its not the cube I play most of the time (holding down z on boot got boring quick)


I'm thinking, if a memory stick was called "Wii" or a telephone was called a "Wii" pronounced we, would I think wee. And the answer is no.

would I call it my wii? nope, I'd call it my phone, or memory stick. and I'll call this my console.

In a shop, I'd ask if they had a "Wii" or any "Wii Games" without a problem (assuming I was intending on buying games from a shop).


in short, no problem myself, more put in my head by the constant wee association on here

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I'm going to let this thread stay here. But, we already have 3 threads already about the name. Let's keep it organised here please, guys.


lol has anyone taken a look at the IGN Rev.. ehem Wii boards? it's overrun with lame posts claiming Nintendo is doomed and making desperate lunges at immature humour generally involving urine..

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Of course I will buy it. It's just very unconformatable. Luckily I'm Dutch, or else I would have to ask "Where can I find the Wii games?"... Then again, Wii sounds exactly the same as 'wie', which means 'who', so we can all have a laugh at that, too :sad:


Seeing reactions everywhere I doubt Nintendo's keeping that name though.

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I personally think the name Wii is a great name. I'm don't know what the fuss is all about. At the end of the day, its a brand name that represnts what the console stands for....just like Apple's iPod (what a failure that was!!).


I think its a fantastic move by nintendo to pull itself away from the likes of the Playstation 3 (WHAT AN INNOVATIVE NAME!!!) and the XBox 360 (that seems to have aged 259 interations in 1 generation....wow, it MUST be good!) who have thrown lots of heavy hardware specs into 1 box...boast a bit of HD technology....which costs about a £1000 pounds to by a half decent tv for at the moment anyway....so there you have it £1300 for a nice new home console....whooppie doo!!


Nintendo have taken the time to think about what the consumer wants from games....I'd much prefer better interaction with a game and feel like i'm in the environment than lots of eye candy video effects....and probably costing under the £200 barrier at launch, they're onto a win!!


So I personally can't wait to see what innovatations the big N has planned for the Wii at E3.


Happy Days for Nintendo....Just waiting to pre order!!



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lol has anyone taken a look at the IGN Rev.. ehem Wii boards? it's overrun with lame posts claiming Nintendo is doomed and making desperate lunges at immature humour generally involving urine..


Aw well, every site is going to get members and threads like that though. Some more than others.

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I bought an NES, an SNES, an N64, and a GCN and the games have just been getting better. There's no way I'm letting a name get in the way of me buying Nintendo's next console. Besides with a good nights sleep it kind of grew on me. I found it sounds better when called the Nintendo Wii, than just the Wii.

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the name is the logo freak! i think that's quite a nifty bit of branding actually.. also the way the name transcends cultural and linguistic barriers lends support to the general thinking behind the concept of "Wii" and involving as many people in this potentially amazing experience without being offput by immature one dimensional subject matter and hardware and software clearly marketed at a very limited demographic..

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I personally think the name Wii is a great name. I'm don't know what the fuss is all about. At the end of the day, its a brand name that represnts what the console stands for....just like Apple's iPod (what a failure that was!!).


I think its a fantastic move by nintendo to pull itself away from the likes of the Playstation 3 (WHAT AN INNOVATIVE NAME!!!) and the XBox 360 (that seems to have aged 259 interations in 1 generation....wow, it MUST be good!) who have thrown lots of heavy hardware specs into 1 box...boast a bit of HD technology....which costs about a £1000 pounds to by a half decent tv for at the moment anyway....so there you have it £1300 for a nice new home console....whooppie doo!!


Nintendo have taken the time to think about what the consumer wants from games....I'd much prefer better interaction with a game and feel like i'm in the environment than lots of eye candy video effects....and probably costing under the £200 barrier at launch, they're onto a win!!


So I personally can't wait to see what innovatations the big N has planned for the Wii at E3.


Happy Days for Nintendo....Just waiting to pre order!!




The name would be better received if it did not bring to mind the act of urinating. Thats basically what has got so many people worked up.

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the name is the logo freak! i think that's quite a nifty bit of branding actually.. also the way the name transcends cultural and linguistic barriers lends support to the general thinking behind the concept of "Wii" and involving as many people in this potentially amazing experience without being offput by immature one dimensional subject matter and hardware and software clearly marketed at a very limited demographic..


I still think their will be more of a logo to it than just the name, even if its just adding in a couple of circles or something.

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The name would be better received if it did not bring to mind the act of urinating. Thats basically what has got so many people worked up.

Not only that, but Wii is the sound children make when going of the slide. It makes it sound very childish.


The i's in itself aren't that bad (though they are weird for a video console game), though multiple i's usually require a bigger name. What makes it so bad is the 'W'.

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