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Well i don't like the name, but as long as the games are good i really don't care what the hell it's caused!


I don't even know how to pronounce it! :grin:


Jesus...I don't see why you're all complaining for a name. Get over it. Its the official name.

Besides, the name sounds like "ipod" and I think it will appeal to many people. Its a smart move by Nintendo. You can pronounce the name "why" so stop saying it'lle sound like pee. Personally, I found the name is strange at first but it's sunk in now. The logo is sleek aswell :hehe:


When I first saw the name I didn't know whether it was pronounced "W 2" or "why". On the official website it had to say how it was pronounced.


It's not that bad, but for one thing, it looks more and more ridiculous every time I see it and that can't be good. Another thing, every time I see it I think World War II. So yeah. Way to go.





Revolution was so much better........why!!!!


Even bluewave was better, but why wii, it's crap, it would be bad enough as a online service name, but for a console, why...!!!!!!!!!!!


please let this be nintendo playing with our minds...... the name sounds awfull and will only make it harder for it to compete with 360 and ps3... what the hell is wrong with N5 or REVO????? ps3 or ps2 are hardly universal! but they work!


Imagine the confusion in Scotland.


"I'd like to buy a wee wii"


Seriously, I thought Nintendo couldn't get any stupider, I thought they were improving but clearly not.


To be honest I can't do anything but laugh. Its a joke, can you really picture yourself walking into gamestation when the release date is announced and saying "Can I put my name down for a Wii?" They must rebrand this for the West or they will die horribly at retail.


I don´t like the name, but I´m pretty sure it´ll grow on me. I can see Nintendo is trying to create a simple and effective nime like i-Pod. Revolution could have been pretty hard name to pronounce in Japan but on the other hand, Wii can be a little problem in western countries. Wise move to reveal the name now so we won´t be so shocked at E3 conference.


Video is really cool, though...


WOW is all i can say about Wii i really like it! " im just gonna go for a quick play on the wii" :D yay! and too all of you Wii haters well im just gunna say........Wii can not change the name now Wii will have to get used to it :P


One of the more funnier skits that is flying around the net.


"What would you like for Christmas, little Johnny?"


"I'd like a Wii please Santa"


"Then get the f*ck off my lap, ya little bugger"


Nintendo have really opened up a can of worms here. Rival companies are gonna have a field day with this one.

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