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Tony Hawks Downhill Jam: Rev EXCLUSIVE!!


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I doubt revo can't handle a tony hawk 360/ps3 ports, tony hawks never push hardware by the slightest. But the series really needs a fresh start, things are starting to get boring.

It won't handle it. Like I said before the 360 and PS3 are multithreaded (the Rev isn't), shader intensive (the Revolution still uses 1990s technology) high-definition consoles AND they are far more powerful. Anything made for the 360/PS3 architectures in mind would be incredibly hard to run even if it was as powerful, so I doubt we'll see many ports.

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It won't handle it. Like I said before the 360 and PS3 are multithreaded (the Rev isn't), shader intensive (the Revolution still uses 1990s technology) high-definition consoles AND they are far more powerful. Anything made for the 360/PS3 architectures in mind would be incredibly hard to run even if it was as powerful, so I doubt we'll see many ports.

And you know this, because you have insider contacts right? If you read my post, I said Tony Hawk games hardly push the hardware, so if they keep the trend ports wont be a problem. I can play Diablo on my AMD 64 3,5 and that doesn't mean I can't play it on a AMD 1,0. A lot of 360 tech isn't even being used, because it raises cost and difficulty of programming and HD is just a matter of downsizing textures. Of course that some ports will be difficult to make, but some people are taking exagerated conclusions based on an IGN rumour.

Again, I'm not saying it will be a powerhouse, but let's not take it to extremes.

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And you know this, because you have insider contacts right? If you read my post, I said Tony Hawk games hardly push the hardware, so if they keep the trend ports wont be a problem. I can play Diablo on my AMD 64 3,5 and that doesn't mean I can't play it on a AMD 1,0. A lot of 360 tech isn't even being used, because it raises cost and difficulty of programming and HD is just a matter of downsizing textures. Of course that some ports will be difficult to make, but some people are taking exagerated conclusions based on an IGN rumour.

Again, I'm not saying it will be a powerhouse, but let's not take it to extremes.

Problem is, that the the PS3 and 360 are extremes. They are so different and so much more powerful that it won't happen. Comparing it to the PC is comparing apples to oranges. You're underestimating the power of the console and overestimating the Revolution.


I've no doubt the Revolution is more powerful than the IGN specs, but that doesn't mean it can handle 360 ports. Try porting Sonic Adventure (which didn't really push the Dreamcast either) to the Nintendo 64, nobody can do that.


Sorry if you think I'm too negative again, but if the specs don't change dramatically (which they won't), it will be incredibly difficult to port the games. So difficult we may only see games that are built for the Revolution from the ground up.

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Tony Hawk: Downhill Jam details for Revolution: The game is an exclusive for Nintendo Revolution and DS. “…By using the Revolution controller’s motion-sensitivity, racers will be able to turn and boost without touching a button. The game will also feature button combinations to pull off tricks that recall the controls for the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and Tony Hawk’s Underground titles…” A full feature with screenshots and more details will be available in the July Issue. The game is developed by Toy for Bob and published by Activision. Four Player Split-Screen multiplayer feature. Eight new racers. Eight huge environments are real-world locations (includes Machu Picchu).

They also mentioned a bunch of other shit that was already rumbling- Monkey Ball, SpongeBob, Yoot Sait, Castlevania..and basically everyone going "when the time has come"


All sounds pretty poor to me, but I'll still give them the time of day when they're talking about it at E3.

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On the other hand, we have Xbox ports in 360, which is the opposite of what we're talking about, but it shows that difference in power is not that big of an issue when it comes to porting. I doubt the difference will be as big as n64-dreamcast.

Again, we're just speculating based on nothing, so let's just wait for more news before we start ripping each other appart ;)

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On the other hand, we have Xbox ports in 360, which is the opposite of what we're talking about, but it shows that difference in power is not that big of an issue when it comes to porting. I doubt the difference will be as big as n64-dreamcast.

Again, we're just speculating based on nothing, so let's just wait for more news before we start ripping each other appart ;)

Yeah, you're probably right :indeed:


The Xbox ports look pretty crap though - forward porting is much easier :heh:

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This is why Revolution is getting an exclusive title:




Because Revolution won't be able to handle that for shizzle.

To people who say: that footage could be from Downhill Jam

I say: Pfft, we've seen DS screen of DownHill jam and it's clearly going to be a downhill skateboarding game with second class graphics.


I will be buying the 'true blood' version of Tony Hawks, it is your opinion which you prefer.. graphics or gameplay- I know I've made my mind up and I don't consider it to be a shallow decision at all.


Just look at the physics and lighting!!

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That's the reason for it being exclusive. They'll probably rework the THAW engine for the Rev and go all wow for the PS3 and 360.


Nice to see you can judge within half a second Nintendork. Of course when a test looks like this the entire game cannot be worse and therefore is already your buy, end of discussion. Right...

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16 and a half seconds actually ;) I had been after one for a while anyway.. the Motor Strom pictures that leaked last week didn't do it much justice and I didn't trust anything that they showed at E3 as 'in game'


This clearly is in game and has made the decision for me.

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1. That footage doesn't look real.

2. Wii wouldn't be able to produce such graphical power.


I think it's real. Now i know it's not a final build of the game.


It looks very good! Espicially the skater and i'm sure alot of people would be dissapointed if the Wii couldn't produce graphics like that.



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I dont think this is a video of someone playing. It looks more like a showoff movie to show what it can handle. cuzz if the area's you go trough looks like this it would be damn boring. But i doubt it that this is for wii. I hoop so tho:hmm:

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Ohh DCK... do you really believe that 360 is so powerfull?

3x3,2GHz is just marketing, get it!!!!! Those 3 cores are together as big as a 1-core-P4...you see where I´m coming from? This in-order-hardware-bullshit is so overrated, that I bet an athlonFX, which you can buy now is even more powerfull than those tiny dwongraded 360-cores...

But as we can see MS-marketing worked great on you!!!!

Multithreading - meh!!!!!

In-order-programming - please no!!!!!

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I've played 1-4, I probably wouldn't buy it even if it was a straight port of whatever classic Tony Hawks they're doing for the PS3/xbox.


My guess is they want to take the 'classic' Tony Hawks and they want to engineer an entire city, huge environments of skateable stuff like in GTA.


I assume the Revolution can't handle their aspirations, so they're going to do something different for the Revolution and make it exclusive and use the controller.


I am bored of the series in general.. Tony is milking it a little now and he said in an interview he'd stop after the 5th game because it was getting a bit repetitive.


I'm more interested in SSX really.. that's my kinda game.


Umm, they already did this, it was called Underground and American Wasteland...It's really not a matter of power. I think they're just reverting back to the old games style of "levels" which IMO was better an each one had it's own flair and style to it

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Hang on a second, Nintendork. First, you slate Tony Hawk's games for being too similar to each other.


I am bored of the series in general.. Tony is milking it a little now and he said in an interview he'd stop after the 5th game because it was getting a bit repetitive.


Then, you go on to say that you don't want Downhill Jam before we even see any information about the Wii version. So, you're bored of the series but don't want to look at alternative look to skateboarding? Make up your mind.



And then, you go on to praise this new video flying around which basically is just a graphics update.

I'm confused.

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I'm still 50/50 on the video. It could be an early test or a very good fake. But I'll wait for E3.


I honestly think it's no good trying to say what Wii can and cannot handle. Hell, the insides of the console are top secret and all we have are rumours, guessimates and vague comments (as well as scans of Red Steel screenshots which some people doubt are actually in-game).


I think it's best to save the 360 vs PS3 vs Wii graphics arguments until after we ACTUALLY SEE in-game videos and playable demonstrations of Wii games at E3. Otherwise it's all just hot air. Especially the "1990s technology" comment - where did Nintendo say that? :p Hello, this is 2006. Nintendo might use something a couple of years old at the oldest, but last decade!? :laughing:

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Ohh DCK... do you really believe that 360 is so powerfull?

3x3,2GHz is just marketing, get it!!!!! Those 3 cores are together as big as a 1-core-P4...you see where I´m coming from? This in-order-hardware-bullshit is so overrated, that I bet an athlonFX, which you can buy now is even more powerfull than those tiny dwongraded 360-cores...

But as we can see MS-marketing worked great on you!!!!

Multithreading - meh!!!!!

In-order-programming - please no!!!!!

Clearly all pro-Nintendo marketing has worked on you too. You see, the CPU is not as powerful as Microsoft seems to suggest, but it's still a beast when programmed carefully. It easily outperforms any Pentium D or Athlon 64 when programmers get it working alright - a PowerPC does generally better at games anyway because of supreme floating point performance. The CPU doesn't make the graphics however, the GPU does. The Xbox 360 has an incredibly powerful graphics processor, far, far beyond the reach of the Wii.


And please learn to type. And don't pretend you know it all, because you don't.

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