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Happy St. George's day!

The fish

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Why hate orgainsied religion, it provides help to millions. Its just the bad press that we see on TV - why? Becuase it sells papers and creates viewing figures to show a suicide bombing rather than a church helping the community or a religion helping someone leave a life of crime or drugs.

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Hey the fish, I'm a big fat Christian fundamentalist, who won't hear a word of your evolution bollocks. Fucking lynch me.


Ok. Pass me the rope, if you really want to me.

Fundamentalists are the worst (look at Ahmadinejad or Bush), along with Bible bashers :mad: . The rest are tolerable.

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Oh my God fish, are you really so stupid as to let all that I've said fly over your head?


I support evolution and Darwin.

I am not a Christian.

Do not lynch me.


I've merely been highlighting how zealously someone can support something that they know so little about. You've helped me immensely.

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On Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days, in which he and his girlfriend attempt to get by on the minimum wage, he manages to get furniture for his ant-ridden flat (which is above a crackden) and clothes and blankets from a Christian-run thrift store. That is a service they provide, for free, on their own time. That's just an amazing thing.

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Why hate orgainsied religion, it provides help to millions. Its just the bad press that we see on TV - why? Becuase it sells papers and creates viewing figures to show a suicide bombing rather than a church helping the community or a religion helping someone leave a life of crime or drugs.


True but alot of the time the people who reform through religion become bible quoting hypocrites. I dont know about Fish but my hatred for organized religion comes from my hatred of being lied to. Apart from that OR kills more people than it saves, even before TV brought it into the spotlight. And the atrocities done in the name of "god" today are tame compared to the old days. I would go deeper into my hatred but the semi final is on soon and I cant be bothered to type that much.

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Oh my God fish, are you really so stupid as to let all that I've said fly over your head?


I support evolution and Darwin.

I am not a Christian.

Do not lynch me.


I've merely been highlighting how zealously someone can support something that they know so little about. You've helped me immensely.


Sorry, but I really do hate fundamentalists and people who run organised religions. Other than that, most people are ok.

Apart from bible bashers.

and the guy who owns Mc Donald's.



I hate organised religion for the same reason as MunKy: killing people "in the name of God", constantly lying and attempting to disallow change.

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Sorry, but I really do hate fundamentalists and people who run organised religions. Other than that, most people are ok.

Apart from bible bashers.

and the guy who owns Mc Donald's.



I hate organised religion for the same reason as MunKy: killing people "in the name of God", constantly lying and attempting to disallow change.

Listen, change the record mate. We all know that religion is "holding us back" and is a "blight on society" blah blah blah. But the fact is, it's not gonna be deconstructed through simple hatred like what you are spouting at the moment.


It'll fall apart of its own accord eventually, just give it time. And in that time, find some sort of inner peace and, like Haver said, tolerance for your fellow humans.

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Why hate orgainsied religion, it provides help to millions. Its just the bad press that we see on TV - why? Becuase it sells papers and creates viewing figures to show a suicide bombing rather than a church helping the community or a religion helping someone leave a life of crime or drugs.


Very true, you just have to look at all the aid orgaisations which help so many people in third world countries, many of which are christain based or started.


Back to the topic, did you know the st. george flag was brought over to the UK from some horrid french guy (not saying that french are horrid, but this guy was, he didn't care about England but I think he was the King at some point, or something like that).

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When I was at church today they had the Union Jack displayed, which I guess was technically not correct.

If you harbour hatred against organised religion you're really only hurting yourself and wasting energy so you should try and move on.

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The fish just chill out. I am a christian and study history at uni. Its obvious that through history organised religion has done a lot of shameful things that actually condriditc the core messages of christianity of not casting the first stone and loving your neighbour etc. But a lot of good has been done in the name of religion aslo, like Wilberforce helping slave trading become illegal and the growth of literacy in the early modern period.


Anyway st george yay!

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I'm a follower of CubeChristianity. All it entails is blagging as much free stuff as possible.


It's a pretty cool religion.


Can I join? My moon religion isn't working out too well. People stopped buying it when I told them how we believe Jesus Christ came to earth on a meteorite to preach Moon God's message of eternal lunar paradise beyond the grave.

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Well i had a good day out while you lot were discussing this religion hoo har.


Started at 1pm and finished at 5am, ive just got up, ah what a good day. There were some other blokes doing the same pub crawl as us, however they were all dressed as Knights and one of them as a dragon, everytime they walked into a new pub everyone clapped and cheered, it was nice to see others making the effort.


Ive seen on the news that guy that has run well walked the marathon dressed as St George. He has only made it as far as Woolwich which is done the road from where i live, brave guy, good luck to him i hope he finishes.


Today im just gonna relax after a heavy weekend of drinkage, ive just taken my St Georges cross flags down (all 4 of them) from my windows but they shall go back up for the world cup :)

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