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Happy St. George's day!

The fish

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Happy St. George's day.


It's also shakespear's birthday AND the day he died.

Must have been a fun party :heh:


By the way, St George was a butcher who lived in Turkey, and sold dodgy pork to the Roman army. There were no dragons involved.

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Happy St Geogre's day aswell! I will be going out with a few friends for a few drinks today and having a laugh!







Also known as

Victory Bringer


23 April (Roman Catholic); 3 November (Russian Orthodox); fourth Sunday in June (Malta); third Sunday in July (Gozo)


Soldier. Martyr. That's all we know for sure.


Several stories have been attached to Saint George, the best known of which is the Golden Legend. In it, a dragon lived in a lake near Silena, Libya. Whole armies had gone up against this fierce creature, and had gone down in painful defeat. The monster ate two sheep each day; when mutton was scarce, lots were drawn in local villages, and maidens were substituted for sheep. Into this country came Saint George. Hearing the story on a day when a princess was to be eaten, he crossed himself, rode to battle against the serpent, and killed it with a single blow with his lance. George then held forth with a magnificent sermon, and converted the locals. Given a large reward by the king, George distributed it to the poor, then rode away.


Due to his chivalrous behavior (protecting women, fighting evil, dependence on faith and might of arms, largesse to the poor), devotion to Saint George became popular in the Europe after the 10th century. In the 15th century his feast day was as popular and important as Christmas. Many of his areas of patronage have to do with life as a knight on horseback. The celebrated Knights of the Garter are actually Knights of the Order of Saint George. The shrine built for his relics at Lydda, Palestine was a popular point of pilgrimage for centuries. One of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.


tortured and beheaded c.304 at Lydda, Palestine

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Happy St George's day to all the English at these here forums.


You're right St George lived in Turkey and never stepped foot in England but he fought in the crusades for us and stories of his bravery and desire reached back to England to all the soldiers who were going out to fight and hence the line: "For England and St George"


My friends and I celebrate every year and are gonna have a marathon of our own today by going on a pub crawl starting at 1pm. It's gonna get messy !


So have a good day to all those who celebrate in whatever you do.



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I find national pride annoying. However, it's harmless. Carry on.


Yeh but it can lead to atrocities like this




Dero dear anyway happy st georges day everyone! I need to resdiscover some english pride after being immersed in jewish american and italian american culture recently.

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is it just me or is st georges day slowly gettin bigger?!


i think everyones favorites saints day is st patricks day! the irish sure know how to party!


It's always been big with my family and friends, always celebrated St Georges day, shame nothing big ever happens for it, a few things go on at covent garden which is good but other than that just a few pubs put up some flags and have deals on beer.


And as for everyone favourite saints day being st patricks ? yeah if you're Irish, but me being English mine is St George's day of course.


Anyway i be going !!

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Happy St. Georges Day everyone.:yay:


Most of my friends don't even know who St. George is despite me telling them every year. It's a shame that in this country we all celebrate St. Patricks day but on the whole do next to nothing for our own patron saint.



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Why isn't St. George Day celebrated big in England? He is your national saint isn't he, shouldn't it be a bigger deal?


Oh, well, happy St. George's Day to all ya'll in England... (and Scotland and Wales if they celebrate it too)

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Why isn't St. George Day celebrated big in England? He is your national saint isn't he, shouldn't it be a bigger deal?


Oh, well, happy St. George's Day to all ya'll in England... (and Scotland and Wales if they celebrate it too)


Because the powers that be, don't think we should be allowed anouther bank hoiliday.


-Also I think it's a cool story, even if it is just talles from long ago. :D


Happy st. George's day everyone!

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Why isn't St. George Day celebrated big in England? He is your national saint isn't he, shouldn't it be a bigger deal?


Because St. George's cross is the flag on the NF and is used by the BNP.

And it's the name of my school, which is just evil.

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St George's day doesn't really have any traditional celebrations behind it. I'm not Christian, but Christmas for me means presents, and Easter means eggs. I can't really celbrate St George's day because how would we do it?


I think we should start a tradition where we all have to eat some dodgey ham to celebrate (although I'm a vegetarian, so it'll be dodgey quorn for me)

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Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), Prime Minister during World War II

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859), engineer, creator of Great Western Railway and other significant works

Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997), first wife of HRH Charles, Prince of Wales (1981-1996) and mother of Princes William & Harry of Wales.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882), naturalist, originator of the theory of evolution through natural selection and author of The Origin of Species.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616), English poet and playwright, thought of by many as the greatest of all writers in the English language.

Sir Isaac Newton, physicist

Queen Elizabeth I of England, monarch

John Lennon (1940-1980), of The Beatles, musician

Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, naval commander

Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector

Sir Ernest Shackleton, polar explorer

Captain James Cook, explorer

Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts

Alfred the Great, King of Wessex

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, military commander and statesman

Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister

Michael Crawford, actor

Queen Victoria, monarch

Sir Paul McCartney, of The Beatles, musician

Sir Alexander Fleming, pharmaceutical innovator



That's the top 20. And the link's below.


I wouldn't give Winston Churchill the number one spot and I don't know what Dianna's doing above Shakespeare.




Edit: Ooh! David Bowie got number 29 ^___^ rock on!

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Been doing a bit of reading about St. George on wikipedia, interesting. He was apparantly almost certainly a soldier, but other then that nothing seems certain. One story says he was a Roman soldier in Turkey and personal guard of Emperor Diocletian. Diocletian ordered the persecution of Christians thughout the Roman Empire. George confessed to being a Christian himself and asked the Emperor to stop the persecution. For his troubles he got tortured and executed and as a reuslt became a martyr. He is apparantly respected among Muslims in Jerusalem as a protector in times of crisis. Also it suggests the reason behind St. George being associated with England is due to England conquering Wales, the symbol of which is the dragon. Never thought of that, but I suppose it makes a little bit of sense.

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'Cause the Church is absolutely one unified body and has no separate factions within it. And this totally unified body totally wrote the entire Bible with the clear vision to lie to everybody and do nobody any good whatsoever.


Also, Darwin invented the theory of evolution. A very convincing theory, but it's not proof of anything.

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