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1 = 0.9999999...


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I'm having a mathematical debate with someone who believes 1 = 0.9999...


I personally, do not think that this is the case, even with his really terribly smart (for 14) equations:




Let X = 0.999...


Then 10X = 9.999...


Subtract X from each side to give us:

9X = 9.999... - X


but we know that X is 0.999..., so:

9X = 9.999... - 0.999...

or: •

9X = 9


Divide both sides by 9:

X = 1




x = 0.9999...



:= lim Σ 9·10-n

N→∞ n=1


= lim ( 1 - 10-N )



= lim 1 - lim 10-N

N→∞ N→∞


= 1 - 0

= 1




0.9999... ≤ 1


0.9999... < 1

then there is some positive number P so that

0.9999... + P = 1

But for ANY positive P,

0.9999... + P > 1

which contradicts the equation in . Therefore the only possible alternative is

0.9999... = 1




Buw how can 1 = 0.99999999...



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This argument is as old as the sun.


What they mean is 0.99999999... = 1.


Not 1 = 0.99999999.


Then the line gets blurry. You have an infinitely close value to 1, but you never quite have 1. Either way don't ask me.


Don't argue about this though, it's a waste of time.

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I was about to post Monopolyman's solution, but he beat me to it.


Anyway, most mathematical people (ie. my teachers) seem to think that 0.9999... is equal to 1, and I believe some exam papers (I've definitely tried some practice papers where this is the case) require that you will assume this in order to get the right answer to the question.

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1 only equals 0.999rec if you assume 1/3 = 0.333rec.


But how then can you equally divide 1 by 3 AND 4? If you work in 1/3rds, sure, 1 does equally 0.999rec. But that is NOT an exact measurement. The increment is so slight that it cannot be exactly measured, as 1 is not equally divisible by 3, much like 10 isn't.


If you assume 1/4 of 1 is is 0.25 then 1 equals 1.


1 is 1, not 0.999rec. Saying that 1 = 0.999 is a contradiction in itself because they are two different numbers.

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Basically, I think, everybody agrees 0.3333...=1/3, now multiply both sides by 3


1/3 x 3=1

0.3333... x 3=0.9999....


Therefore 0.9999...=1




Ah, I'm so clever



What 1/3 doesn't equal 0.3333, it's just easy and normall currect to assume it equals 0.3 reacoricing for an invinte times, but it real terms of mathmatics you can't put 1/3 as a unit ither wise 1 would have to equal 0.9999 reacuring. arrr i hate maths anyway.

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the line of working that looks dodgy to me is.


9X = 9.999... - 0.999...


9*0.99999....rec does not equal 9.999.....rec


does it? to me it sounds wrong. Surely at the end you will get a small bit of difference. The only way this would be true is if you did 10*0.9999rec


Therefore, the step where you took away 0.999 to leave 9 is wrong. It would infact leave a tiny bit left. 0.0000001 or something.


therefore the whole rest of the proof does not work.

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..I think there's several more possibilities than the 0.9999..= 1 thing (if I can remember correctly) because our maths teacher in my last year at school showed us stuff like that near the end of term with a few different numbers.. but the number's had to end with 9s or something..

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ah, god.


I've had a rethink and it seems to be mathematically right. I can't seen any errors in the working.


I think where the error lies (and there has to be one) is in an assumption made.


It seems small but 0.99999rec * 10 perhaps does not equal exactly 9.999999 rec because you have shifted everything one place forward, so what ever "inaccuracy" there is at infinite places has now become 10* bigger.


so assuming that 9.99999rec is the same as 10*0.999999 might be the downfall behind this.


However, i'm not very good at proofs and am probably wrong, because to me it seems mathematically right.


I think to solve this perhaps its all about the nature of infinite and what a recurring number actually is...definitions.


because tbh, there isn't any REAL difference between 9.999999 rec and 10. nothing that you can right down is there? but we do know they are not the same.

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Dabookerman is wrong; it's not rounded, it simply is 1.


With each 9 added, it gets closer to 1. You have to stop writing it out somewhere, as it is recurring and you would run out of space. At the point where you stop writing, it isn't equal to 1, but taken as a whole, the number is.


And 0.333rec isn't an approximation of 1/3- try dividing 1 by 3 with long division and see what comes out. This means that this proof does work, and although I personally think it is the neatest, the others work too.

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