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You might aswell get the elite, if you can use HDMI.


Thing is, the Elite is gonna cost me £330, whereas with the bundle, I can get a premium 360 with 3 top games for £300. I dunno if HDMI is worth it. :wtf:

I'd jsut get that bundle. The elite is jsut a bigger hard drive and black (wow that sounds like i'm describing black people).


lol. Another thing I'm considering is the reliability of the machine. These premium consoles have a good chance of dying whereas the Elite is a better model.....I don't know what to do!


You've got your 3 year warranty on the normal egbox anyway, if near the end you want to switch, there'll be cooler models, which you can trade for. Which would probably also have the big wang.

You've got your 3 year warranty on the normal egbox anyway, if near the end you want to switch, there'll be cooler models, which you can trade for. Which would probably also have the big wang.


whats the big wang?

The Hard Drive...


oh ok.......


oh man, I don't know if I should get the bundle or not!!! I've finally saved up the cash but I don't wanna buy it and then a newer model comes out, and I end up regretting it!

Guest Stefkov

Well what do you really want. Do you want to just play games and get online? Not really bothered about too many Arcade games? Not bothered about HDMI? I would personally go with this bt if so get that deal you posted.

If you want HDMI, a big HDD for loads of Arcade games and loads of other games then wait for the Elite.


How big is the difference between component and HDMI anyway? I've always wondered, I thought it was minimal. No games currently support HDMI anyway.


yes they support HDMI, it's jsut a better way of processing HD signals, it doesn't compress the signal, it's not a different type of video format.

Guest Stefkov

I dunno. I've not been feeling in the mood to play any games lately.

It all seems the same now, all we ever play is shooters online.

The fact is, like all the fanboys say, there isn't anything else anyone else would play.

We came to the decision of R6V and look at it.


Er, i'll play worms at about 11 onwards, or any game so some people be online!


And Baboo, i would defiantly get a Elite, HDMI is awsome, alot better than component as it upscales and far better than VGA. Also you have the 120GB HDD and about the reliability. All the UK elites come with the new Heatsinks for the GPU so it's better than the premium and the launch ones might be coming with the 65nm chips, if not they wont be far away.


Hope that helps :smile:

Are you lot still playing Rainbow Six Vegas? I should be getting it tomorrow, and I feel that we should go and wup some cocky Septic arse!


Thursday tomorow... Royal mail still on strike then untill 7pm so i was told

Thursday tomorow... Royal mail still on strike then untill 7pm so i was told


The only nationwide one was yesterday, there are intermittent local ones however.

The only nationwide one was yesterday, there are intermittent local ones however.


Do you know where you can find a list which tells you which areas are still on strike. see im on 2 disc package on love film and they dispatched them Only got 1 on monday they owe me another so i want to know if i get another tomorow.

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