Stocka Posted March 31, 2007 Author Posted March 31, 2007 Not true, we had some good GoW-nights with N-E people two weeks ago... Yeah I know, I took part. But generally they don't seem to happen. We should arrange it well from now on rather than just say like "Gears on thursday night folks?"
theguyfromspark Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 I may get it then, even if I never play it on hard. Download Frets on Fire for the PC and have a play around with it (it's free btw). It's essentially the same game as guitar hero but with keyboard control which makes it harder i guess. I really enjoy it so that's why I'm getting guitar hero, even if i never get up to the hard levels.
That Guy Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 The thing is these N-E nights and stuff just never seem to happen after all the 'yeah i'm up for it' etc. Mmm I want Eternal Sonata and Blue Dragon so damn much Know what you mean, but just putting it out there. maybe people will be on.
Bluejay Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 Can anyone give me impressions on Dead or Alive 4? I'm gonna get that or maybe GRAW. GRAW looks great, I just feel I will fail completely at it, I'm not so hot at tactics, I can understand use of cover, but past that I just end up running in and shooting shit, hence why I feel GRAW might not be for me. Whats the learning curve like, is it really punishing? As for DoA4, is it a good multiplayer game, decent story mode etc. Better than Tekken or Soul Calibur?
Caris Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 DOA4 is a solid game, i would wait for Virtua Fighter 5 though.
That Guy Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 Can anyone give me impressions on Dead or Alive 4? I'm gonna get that or maybe GRAW. GRAW looks great, I just feel I will fail completely at it, I'm not so hot at tactics, I can understand use of cover, but past that I just end up running in and shooting shit, hence why I feel GRAW might not be for me. Whats the learning curve like, is it really punishing? As for DoA4, is it a good multiplayer game, decent story mode etc. Better than Tekken or Soul Calibur? It's a decent fighting game, not as good as Tekken or Soul Calibur, but still good. REEEEEEEAAAAALLLLYYYY crap boss fighter though. Online is decent as well, but there is lag.
khilafah Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 Can anyone give me impressions on Dead or Alive 4? I'm gonna get that or maybe GRAW. GRAW looks great, I just feel I will fail completely at it, I'm not so hot at tactics, I can understand use of cover, but past that I just end up running in and shooting shit, hence why I feel GRAW might not be for me. Whats the learning curve like, is it really punishing? As for DoA4, is it a good multiplayer game, decent story mode etc. Better than Tekken or Soul Calibur? the next-gen Ghost Recon games are easier. you will be fine with it mate!
Guest Stefkov Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 I cant remember how long ago it was, but we had like 3 nights ina row of Gears fun. I was there every night. It was always when Caris 'organized' it then couldnt turn up :P I'll join in some more nights of online. 2 weeks off!!
Bluejay Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 the next-gen Ghost Recon games are easier. you will be fine with it mate! Good stuff. GRAW confirmed then. Probably Oblivion with it, although right now, I would rather have a multiplayer title than a lengthy RPG. I'll decide when I go down to GAME next week. Thanks m8s for the reccomendations. While I'm asking for this forums services, can any hunt me a cheap copy of Max Payne 2 or Doom 3 for the Xbox?
Daft Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 I need some Crackdown help! Does anyone have tips to get the "6 car stunts in 60 seconds" achievement? Also the "shooting the wheels out of 20 gang cars in 60 seconds" sub-achievement?? Thanks!
Nintenchris Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 I need some Crackdown help! Does anyone have tips to get the "6 car stunts in 60 seconds" achievement? Also the "shooting the wheels out of 20 gang cars in 60 seconds" sub-achievement?? Thanks! I have no idea... but i would like to know the tips too... so hurry up with the goods someone! Can i add you to my friends list Daft?
Daft Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 Can i add you to my friends list Daft? Nope, cos I just added you!!! : peace: Please accept my friends request...
Nintenchris Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 Nope, cos I just added you!!! : peace: Cheers!
theguyfromspark Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 I need some Crackdown help! Does anyone have tips to get the "6 car stunts in 60 seconds" achievement? Also the "shooting the wheels out of 20 gang cars in 60 seconds" sub-achievement?? Thanks! For the first one, join a co-op game (preferably me as I need that achievement too!) and have the other guy pick up the car you're in and throw it in the air (4 star strength helps a lot). Then do as many spins as you can until you land then get the other guy to throw you again and repeat. The second achievement is best done by doing a boss timed level that has lots of cars in his lair (can't remember a good one right now) and just lock on to the cars and aim at the wheels but moving the stick down. repeat till you get it.
Guest Stefkov Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 I need some Crackdown help! Does anyone have tips to get the "6 car stunts in 60 seconds" achievement? Also the "shooting the wheels out of 20 gang cars in 60 seconds" sub-achievement?? Thanks! I dont know the first one, but the second, the boss location where its a kinda dirt track. It's like an oblong building. THe top part on the right of the far right purple dot. Anyway, theres 5 cars in there. Line them up in a row like they would be behind each other in a queue, front of one to the back of another. Then you just aim at them, press down on the right stick to aim at the tyres, if you have a machine gun out then holding it down to shoot more than one bullet will shoot out both the tyres. Just go along. I did it fine. Seemed like it took more than a minute but it worked.
Daft Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 For the first one, join a co-op game (preferably me as I need that achievement too!) and have the other guy pick up the car you're in and throw it in the air (4 star strength helps a lot). Then do as many spins as you can until you land then get the other guy to throw you again and repeat. The second achievement is best done by doing a boss timed level that has lots of cars in his lair (can't remember a good one right now) and just lock on to the cars and aim at the wheels but moving the stick down. repeat till you get it. Cool, thanks! If you have 4 star driving couldn't you just use the jumping suspension thing to the same effect?? And for the second one, are there enough cars on that level (I think you are talking about the Los Muertos car arena level) to get the achievement? Thaks for the help again!: peace: EDIT: Second question has been answered! THANKS!! Also another general question, does anyone get serious lag in co-op? Half the time it is fine but half the time it's really annoying!
That Guy Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 I was really excited about Crackdown the first couple of hours I was playing it, but now I don't care at all about going back to it. Loving Virtua Tennis still though. Won my first few Rank 100 tournaments, coming back from 3-1 down 30-40 final game to win 4-3 with me and Sharapova. Best game I've played this year so far.
Caris Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 First one, go to the beach near the ferris wheel. There will be huts there. Just use the jump on the huts and do a barrel roll, do one on the next hut, turn round and repeat.
rokhed00 Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Nobody else pick up Earth Defence Force 2017? I'm finding it pretty good, lots of massive bad guys, good weapons and for £18 you can't really go wrong, shame the co-op isn't online.
Domstercool Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I did, but it hasn't arrived yet, since I also got it from Play for 17.99, probably will do tomorrow. Damn play for not getting games to you on release day.
Daft Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I probaby would get EDF2017 but I really wat to try a demo first...
Retro_Link Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I probaby would get EDF2017 but I really wat to try a demo first... Video Review If it helps!
Ramar Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Yeah I know, I took part. But generally they don't seem to happen. We should arrange it well from now on rather than just say like "Gears on thursday night folks?" Maybe we could have a dedicated game arranger. And essentially we have a weekend night either saturday or sunday and assign a game to it. Say gears the first weekend, pgr3 the second etc. Then have a calendar set up, so people can follow and instead of saying "i'm up for it" you get on live at the dedicated time and the game arranger then adds people into the game. How does that sound?
rokhed00 Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I did, but it hasn't arrived yet, since I also got it from Play for 17.99, probably will do tomorrow. Damn play for not getting games to you on release day. Mine arrived on release day, and that's the latest I've had a game on release from play, usually arrive two or three days early. I probaby would get EDF2017 but I really wat to try a demo first... It's a budget game, it's unlikely to have a demo.
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