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I played a few more games and got to level 10, still aint won a match yet.


Did you kill the Moth flying around level 5 at the beginning? Alot of people are thinking you get the achievement for killing the end of level boss on level 4 and are mixing it up with the real target. This moth you dont have to kill as its just flying around so you can just run past it and miss it, kind of like the Worm.


Never even noticed it.

I'll have to use level select to go back and take care of it.

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Haha, that made me laugh.


Had some more games of Gears tonight with some random Live idiots, really made me realise that I just cannot be bothered to put in the effort to become good at games. It was fun but I got about 6 kills in 4-5 games.


Thats why its best to play with mates when you can that way it doesnt matter if you suck as you do generally have a laugh and a good time.

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In Dead Rising its really dark at night so much so I can't really see whats going on! Is there any way of switching the mall lights on or finding a flashlight!?:hmm:



Sorry but I dont think so. EMBRACE THE DARKNESS...mwhahahahahahha!


How are you finding it to play? Alot of people gave up on that game pretty quickly, I personally loved it and plan on going back to it to get my final achievements.

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I'm really liking it! I find the shooting frustraiting (can't move while aiming, a bit old school Resi Evil), and getting shot causes you to stand still fo vital seconds! So little things like that are a bit annoying but I like the whole 3 day thing! (Very Majora's Mask, whick I loved!) Its a crying shame there is no multiplayer or co-op, that would have ruled! I am finding the fact that ur in a mall and not able to switch the lights on very annoying but I will live with it...there should at least be a flashlight I think!


So I'm really enjoying it but there are some minor niggles...can't wait for the next one if it has multiplayer!

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Guest Stefkov

Mulitplayer in what? I couldnt see a mulitplayer in Dead Rising. Maybe a fight to the death type game, where masses of zombies come at you.

Theres a multiplayer in Viva pinata, but its just with 2 people on one console.

The first tiem I started up Viva pinata, i couldnt create a save slot. I was gettign annoyed, then I saw the second controller plugged in, took it out and it sorted it. Was worried I'd bought a broken copy.

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Co-op mode would be quite cool! One player could distract the Zombies while the other rescues someone. There could be the good old Kill as many Zombies as u can within the time limit. Capture the Body Bag, where you have to drag said bodybag back to your safe zone while fending off Zombies and the other team...I don't know excatly but stuff like that would rule!

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Dead Rising frustrates me so much sometimes. I still need to complete it so went back to it but have hardly any time to get to the next mission i have to do. Once I do get there everything is just a rush and i can't do it.


Exactly why I gave up on it. I spent hours building up my level, to make the bosses easier to beat and to get the 53,000 kills achievement, but have just started to run out of time on the next case. Basically, it's not fun so why bother?

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Does getting the Core pack effect anything that is available with the Premium pack?


Everything that you get with the Premium pack will work with the Core if that's what you mean.


Don't get the Core though, getting the Premium is so much cheaper if you're getting even one or two of the accessories anywya.

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