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Guest Stefkov
Me and my bro can go on Live at the same time (different accounts) and do them. I'm not sure if you need to be on Live or not though.

I also did that with my bro. I went online with him i think...


I'll ask him if he wants to do it one day, and try it out.

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Gears getting a patch -


The game has only been out for about a week, yet Epic Games are already working on a patch for Gears of War. One of the game's lead designer's said "A patch is in the works to address the connection issues as well as several other bugs that have been reported."


No date has been announced for when the patch will become available, although with the game launching in Europe this Friday, it can't be too far off.


Edit - Football Manager is set to use the Vision Camera

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Guest Stefkov

I checked earlier and game says my copy was being picked and packed.

And that was at Graphics which was between 11:35 and 1:15.

Hopefuly it gets done and sent tonight.


Isee in my friends list, The Fish is playing it.

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i'm just doing the normal thing a buying it from Gamestation since i have the limited ed. on preorder there.


traded in dead rising today with some DS games, got 28 for DR, nto bad for a game i couldn't get on with. 113 quid credit note in all so i have enough to get gears and an extra Wiimote :D and a few quid left over yay :)

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so he can now goupto other 360 games and say "o look at me i got 1000gp first on rvs07" pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he didnt even do season mode on legendary or hard he just changed the difficulty on the last match to get the achivement. achivement points are just a number in my sig thats all they are ever gunna be to me

(no offence HoT)

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so he can now goupto other 360 games and say "o look at me i got 1000gp first on rvs07" pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he didnt even do season mode on legendary or hard he just changed the difficulty on the last match to get the achivement. achivement points are just a number in my sig thats all they are ever gunna be to me

(no offence HoT)


Lol, their ya go.


Im gonna go for the full achievments on condemned, need to clean up on games before i start getting more, feels better knowing your game is fully achieved, thats just me thought.

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so he can now goupto other 360 games and say "o look at me i got 1000gp first on rvs07" pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he didnt even do season mode on legendary or hard he just changed the difficulty on the last match to get the achivement. achivement points are just a number in my sig thats all they are ever gunna be to me

(no offence HoT)


No offense taken mate. Points are nothing to some and everything to others, its a debate that has been going on since the whole achievements thing started.

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Guest Stefkov
Lol, their ya go.


Im gonna go for the full achievments on condemned, need to clean up on games before i start getting more, feels better knowing your game is fully achieved, thats just me thought.


I am also like that. When I completed Blazing Angels, which incidentally was completing the whole game, (ie every mission with the amount of kills for an Ace, and other things) and by comleting the game you got all achievements for it, I was really happy.

The first and only 360 game ive fully finished and it was a great feeling. Cant say the same for other games. Ive only ever finished mario 64, Phoenix wright....i think thats it, wait Starfox assault if dont count getting gold stars and i finished starfox adventure (is it called?) a while ago, but when i finished them i was happy.

Now to say the same about all my other games, ill be a while.

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Guest Stefkov
Did you not say please? I hope gameplay send it tommorow, I want it early to show off.... wait thats allready been done!:awesome:


I hope GAMe send mine tonight, I would love to get it tommorow, but i would no doubt get it on Thursday.

Its still only being picked and packed.

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I predict GOW to be a dissapointment, as everyone has their hopes waaaaaaaaay too high.


I played a bit on my lecturer's copy and it seems both intense and gratifying and that was like the first 10 minutes or so. If they manage to do that for an entire game. Then keep downloadable content in new weapons and maps and the like hopefully, Halo 2 will topple as the most played game on live.

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I predict GOW to be a dissapointment, as everyone has their hopes waaaaaaaaay too high.

I don't think it will be due to -what- people are expecting. I haven't seen anyone wanting a revolutionary piece of software, just a solid shooter that's fun to play and does things right. From what I hear, GoW is this game.


My copy from Sendit.com has been 'Being Packed' all day. I guess I'll be getting it on Friday, which is a bit of a shame as I have to send off my 360 soon and won't get to play it for around a fortnight.


Oh, and CoD 3 is pretty bad.

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