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Can we have a thread with all the reviews linked to....?


I'm getting sick of trawling round the net looking for reviews for the 360 games, while I try and make my mind up on what to get...



Thats a good idea. or yo can go to http://www.gamerankings.com



On another note. The Game store i work in (norway) just got their 360Demo pod :) And the game condemed. (i'l try taking the 360 home with me one day ;))

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Yeah my local Gamestation got theres in last week.


The funny thing is my mum has seen the Xbox360 in the flesh before me, and she isn't even remotely interested in it!!


I won't be going on the demo-pod and i'm trying my best to keep away from seeing it, i rather wait till next week when i get it!




11 DAYS TO GO! :)

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Owen, calm the hell down. Jeeze man...


I haven't said anything?!!!! All i've said was i'm trying my best not to see it and i won't be going on it before the release-date because i believe that will ruin it!


Jeez, i can act how i like anyway! :heh:

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I dunno if the game will be kong, i mean i hope it is, its included in the bundle im getting but from what i saw someone playing on a pod it was shite.


Well many are saying it's now aload of rubbish about this blown us away, game IGN reviewed and will put up monday.


Someone over at gamefaqs also stated that IGN don't update on mondays, so it must of been a practical joke!


Nevermind. :grin:


Oh and yes i am EXTREMELY excited about the console, to be truly honest it kinda gets to me when people tell me to calm down. I can act how i like afterall, why shouldn't i? We are all different, if you want to be a scrooge thats fine, but don't ruin everyones elses anticipation because you don't feel the same.


Let me be, thanks :awesome:

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Excitment is good, just remember all the poor guys who couldn't get one while your playing though. :P


Thank god I aren't a emo, It would be a month ruining session with a mega long poem. :D


LOL! Yeah i honestly do care about the people who couldn't get one on launch and i will post impressions when i recieve mine!



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Aww, well, it's good here. Been up the Empire State building and all that. And it just so happened that the date is was booked for coincided with the 360 launch! I'm going to Times Square at midnight in case there's some event on, as that was where the first Xbox was launched. At the Toys R Us. With the huge ferris wheel in it.


Oh and I got my Universal Media remote today for mine, and I must say it feels a bit weird... It works with the TV in the hotel though, so that's good!

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