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9 August: Pac-Man

16 August: Texas Hold 'Em

23 August: Time Pilot

30 August: Scramble

6 September: Lumines Live


yep been posted already but MS apparently haven denied it yet, they've just said it hasnt been announced official despite it appearing in an official magazine :S weird people at MS

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yep been posted already but MS apparently haven denied it yet, they've just said it hasnt been announced official despite it appearing in an official magazine :S weird people at MS



I Was wondering who Added me on live the other day >>;;; Thouht it was soemone who I had played on Streetfighter, didn't even think about it being someone on here ^^; Well..thats that mystery solved for the day.


Pac Man 4TW and Lumines I wanna try that out looks intresting.

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I Was wondering who Added me on live the other day >>;;; Thouht it was soemone who I had played on Streetfighter, didn't even think about it being someone on here ^^; Well..thats that mystery solved for the day.


Pac Man 4TW and Lumines I wanna try that out looks intresting.


it wasnt me, though i have added you . . .


lumines will be bloody awesome!!! so much downloadable content and multiplayer over live :D:D:D

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I don't think so.




In other news, Dead Rising may be region free, will know for sure by tomorrow, so get ready to hit play asia or VGP for an early (and cheaper) copy.



If Dead Rising is region free i am just going to import it. I can't wait another freaking month for it.

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Dead Rising is sadly NOT region-free!


I emailed VGP and they tested it for me!


It didn't work!


Have to wait a month sadly....quite dissapointed with the EU release date.


Grrr, that sucks! I hate the fact that Japan/America get games ages before us. It makes the wait a lot more annoying. Well, at least there's the DR demo to keep us occupied until the game finally reaches here.


I was telling some of my mates about DR, and they were really hyped for it... until they realised it's a 360 only game. They seem confident that the PS3 will get it. Actually, it prolly will get ported over to the PS3 knowing what Capcom are like. *CoughRE4cough* ¬¬

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You guys are obviously spoilt, a month is nothing. Im actually staring to wonder if FF12 will ever be released this side of the pond.


the answer is no . . . not for a very very very loong time and only if your a very very very good boy ;P

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Red Storm need to fix GRAW.


In multiplayer, the left and right bumpers should be for leaning in those directions, and a quick tap of Y should change camera sides, as Y is used so little in mp, and most people use first-person veiw anyway.


By the way, who here uses one of the SCARs or the M60? I can't see why people do, the SCARs have average or no scopes, and average of smaller clips, and generally shite accuracy, and the M60 isn't light and accurate (which would be very good), it's neither.

Use the MP5SD, SA-80, or MR-C if you are a rifleman, MR-C or SA-80 (with nade launchers) if you're a grenadier, the Barret (they call it a M107) or the SR-25 SD if you are a marksman, and the MK48 (light) or the MK21E (accurate) as a support gunner.

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