CVD Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 I must have got lucky, it downloaded for me in about half an hour (I'm only on 4MB). Ironically, I don't care about this demo, I want the Audioslave video and it's stalling on 5% constantly...
DiemetriX Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 ^^ I got my cussin to go home to my place and download it. To bad it's 2hour till I'm done at work.
laura_inthesky Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 first time i wake up early in weeks and dead risings on the marketplace! The demo is great, lots of fun. Glad I preordered this. Bit of a problem with screen tearing though - hopefully that will be sorted out by release. Apart from that, I dont think I have ever seen better graphics in a computer game.
arnold Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 HELLL YEAH DEAD RISING *Cough* >> The game I've watned sincei heard about and Now i'm getting the Demo, i'm a happy chappy =D *does a happy dance*
CVD Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 I'm not a fan. Good graphics and all, just your bog standard horror-em-up
Guest Jordan Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 I'm not a fan. Good graphics and all, just your bog standard horror-em-up HAY SEE VEE DEE, THATS HALF THE POINT M8.
Guest Stefkov Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 damnit, its been stuck on 28% for a whole medium circuit with Solayman on table tennis. I am cry.
rokhed00 Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 first time i wake up early in weeks and dead risings on the marketplace! The demo is great, lots of fun. Glad I preordered this. Bit of a problem with screen tearing though - hopefully that will be sorted out by release. Apart from that, I dont think I have ever seen better graphics in a computer game. The demos a few months old from what I've heard, it was what all the press got to play around E3 time. More recent hands on experience has shown marked improvements apparently.
That Guy Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 Dead Rising is fucking great from what I played. And Re Perfect Dark, I just didn't like it. I liked Quake 4 but probably wont buy it. I'll just buy Dead or Alive 4 and Halo 2 next week. The gamerscore makes me look shit lol cus I'm only really just playing through a few races on PGR. Only got 40 points so far. Good job I ain't a points whore lol.
KKOB Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 Dead Rising is fucking great from what I played. And Re Perfect Dark, I just didn't like it. I liked Quake 4 but probably wont buy it. I'll just buy Dead or Alive 4 and Halo 2 next week. The gamerscore makes me look shit lol cus I'm only really just playing through a few races on PGR. Only got 40 points so far. Good job I ain't a points whore lol. same here, my gamer score is shite!!! i'm blaming WoW and all the demo's i've been downloading OMG i started munching on these chocolate fingers 2 mins ago and i only have 4 left . . . these are magical and must last me an hour . . .
Guest Jordan Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 I just managed the 7 star achievement on Street Fighter II' HF... i'm a happy man. Took me 47 rounds.
KKOB Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 I just managed the 7 star achievement on Street Fighter II' HF... i'm a happy man. Took me 47 rounds. *STUNNED SILENCE*
Hero-of-Time Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 BRING ON MADDEN NFL 07! Agreed. Me and one of my mates at work are getting all hyped for this game and the new NFL season. I had a quick blast on Dead Rising and I ahve come off it feeling a little underwhelmed whcih is disappointing as I was really hyped for this game. No doubt I will still buy it though.
The3rdChildren Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 Dead Rising Demo Where do I begin? The concept of this game was one introduced to me by Jordan several days ago. From what little I could discern from his ramblings and a large map image, the game told the tale of a photographer trapped inside a zombie-infested mall with only the items contained within the various stores dotted about the mall as his defence against the undead hordes. Naturally I was intrigued, and who wouldn't be? The prospect of beating zombies to death (is that the correct term?) with plethora of pseudo weapons both excited and aroused me. Then a second frantic Jordan MSN conversation occured, this time with him telling of a demo on the marketplace. I rushed to download this gigabyte monster, my 1mb connection working against me all the way, but I prevailed and it is now mine. Pure Entertainment Something rare has happened with the Dead Rising demo. Something that has rarely happened with any of the Xbox 360 demo games: I've actually played it several times, and don't intend on stopping there. Though a little restrictive in where you can go, this is one solidly fun experience just waiting for a download. The basic premise is you find yourself standing in a cleared area of a shopping mall, with literally hundreds of the undead titting about in search of people to eat. These zombies, however dead they may be, have personality. I stumbled upon one aimlessly pushing around a shopping cart and one perusing a nearby sports store wearing a hawaiian shirt. However when they spotted me, they abandoned these activities and set about the favoured zombie passtime of trying to eat human brains. What these zombies didn't bargain on was old Guy had been shopping. Not only did I start the demo with a scythe (can be used to cut off heads or legs), a sledgehammer (can be used to hurt) and a shotgun (where did this come from?) but alongside my starting selection I had amassed a baseball bat and a hot frying pan thanks to Jordan's wonderful guidance. The Tragedy of Sports Store, Hawaiian Shirt Zombie Sports Store, Hawaiian Shirt Zombie wasted no time in going for my brain meats, lunging hungrily towards me. However a press and hold of the X button would thrust my glowing red frying pan into his face, leaving him with a nasty burn that rather complimented the broken angle at which his head was set. Not content to stop harassing me there, this zombie backed me into a corner where I was presented with the option to wield a golf club. The rest was poetry. The kind where there are no rhymes and you beat a zombie to a pulp with a golf club - in my opinion the very best kind. Being such a jagged-rogue, I opted not to use the door to leave the store and instead smashed one of the glass window panes with my bare fists and made my escape. Please note this was an entirely different window to the one I smashed through to get in. Shopping Trolley Zombie meets Her end... After exiting the sports store feeling quite chuffed with myself for not only stealing a golf club, but using it to bring a "living creature" to a violent end, I clocked a shopping trolley poking itself around the corner. However, this trolley was moving. This shopping trolley had a zombie attached to it, pushing it aimlessly around by a stairway crammed full of it's pals. I wanted that trolley, so I did the same thing I do whenever I'm at Sainsburys and all the trolleys are gone, with the only visible one being driven wastefully slow by an elderly or otherwise incapable-of-defending-themselves vegetable - I took aim and blasted their arms off at point blank range with the shotgun. This didn't seem to go down too well with our would-be shopper, but one negotiating blast from the baseball bat sorted her out. Now armed with a shopping trolley, I began to theorize how exactly I could put this device to the best use in my current situation. After weighing the merits of looting with zombie slaughter, I opted for the latter upon reminding myself of the packed zombie stairway nearby. With my hopes of inflicting casualty high, I hoisted the trolley up above my head and tossed it down the stairs, sending the zombies everywhere in a bloody mess. It was fantastic. I continued to go zombie trolley bowling for a while, until I realised I could actually push the trolley myself - and at quite a fair speed, a speed so fair it just might make for a wonderful zombie plough, and I was right. I took off across the plaza, ramming into all manner of zombie old, young and female. Is That It? Other weapons I came across, thanks to Jordan's enthused instructions, included a katana sword to slice zombies clean in two, a pistol and night stick I ganked from a zombie security guard, a semi-automatic machine gun, cooking oil which causes zombies to slip over and look silly and finally a bowling ball which works far better for bowling than throwing a shopping trolley. You can also change your main character's clothes in any of the many clothing stores. One of my favourite things to do is deck him out in ill-fitting children's clothes and go on a killing rampage. When the police review the security tapes after the event, they're bound to be entertained by the sight of a man in a little girl's outfit attacking zombies with a cream pie. I know I would be. Round it up, boy! Couple photography, a seemingly endless number of makeshift weapons in a shopping mall, classic Capcom homages (A restaurant called Jill's Sandwiches, anyone?) and add to that mix thousands of zombies and you're looking at one of the better upcoming Xbox 360 titles. I'm certainly having a blast playing around with it, and with the promise of GARDEN TOOLS in the full game I cannot help but want it. Get this downloaded now guys, and Colin: give it another chance. I'm told you can master wrestling moves in the final game to use on zombies, so if that doesn't sell you I'm fairly sure nothing will.
Guest Jordan Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 Wow, long post and a i get a couple of mentions to boot. Last night as pretty damn funny, every time i play that demo i leave it with a smile on my face.
DiemetriX Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 How many endings does the demo have? And where do you find the machine gun,Bowling ball, oil and katana sword? I have found 4 endings. Sniper ending Cult ending Outside ending Out of Time ending [dieing is not counted as an ending]
Domstercool Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 I just managed the 7 star achievement on Street Fighter II' HF... i'm a happy man. Took me 47 rounds. Took your time! :P
Guest Jordan Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 How many endings does the demo have?And where do you find the machine gun,Bowling ball, oil and katana sword? I have found 4 endings. Sniper ending Cult ending Outside ending Out of Time ending [dieing is not counted as an ending] SMG = At the start, if you look up you'll see some blue roof things. Walk foward to the stairs infront of you, turn around and jump onto the blue outcrop. Run to the end to find it. Bowling Ball = Lower floor of the main sports store Oil = On the floor of Jill's Sandwiches Katana = Go upstairs to the something Roastnut cafe or whatever, go over to the counter, look over the end of the balcony and you'll see an orange textured roof thing, made of fabric. The Katana is on there, simply jump down to get it. Another Ending (SPOILERS) It shows why the zombies are the zombies, theres a door on your right i think at the start that goes into a warehouse!
rokhed00 Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 Another Ending (SPOILERS) It shows why the zombies are the zombies, theres a door on your right i think at the start that goes into a warehouse! Tried that door, said I needed a key.
KKOB Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 people are going ape shit over a demo!!!! man Capcom have been doing things right the past couple years, SF II : HF excluded. cant wait for Okami either
DiemetriX Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 Dead rising Demo map
Bren Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 the guitars on dead rising are ace. Katana is cool aswell, and burning peoples faces is funny. Cant wait for this
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