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Completed all story modes in DOA4 just a minute ago! and got a super cool secret! :smile:


I think it's pretty obvious, but i won't spoil it for anyone! :awesome:



The end song is great as well in my opinion! I won't spoil that for you either, just incase you don't want to know. I do know the band though, may try and find it, it will be easy. ;)

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I have all 100, the last one took me ages to work out.


Edit: i've got my DoA3 skills back up to about 80%, having a couple of problems with the harder throws but my countering and over all kick ass skill is back...


I was always better at DoA3 than DoAU, I just hope DoA4 is more like 3! >_>

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It was round the back of the Ice Temple place, you have to use 40 Below to get up there. Pretty simple really, I can't believe i missed it.

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Buy games on gameplay.com, they are £40 with £1 delivery. Much cheaper.

He knows what he's talking about.

Gameplay > Any other game retailer

I use them for pre orders all the time now, and pretty much 99% of all my game purchases. Only time I don't use them is if its sold out there or cheaper somewhere else, which is rare.

Cheaper than street retailers, and with pre orders you pretty much always get a day early, and if not on the day.

Had Twilight Princess pre ordered since last july now :hehe: Should get the day before it comes out...( whenever that is:indeed: )

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That's been up there since launch, hasn't it?


Yep, its been there for ages.


I signed into live for the first time in weeks, the amount of messages recieved was just stupid. So if I rejected any requests its cause I couldn't be bothered reading what they were. I did accept yours though mike.

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Microsoft to Halt Backwards Compatibility Until March or April


According to activexbox, Microsoft has stated that there will be a halt on any further backwards compatibility additions until at least March or April. This comes as a big disappointment to all those who were anxiously watching some of the upcoming Xbox titles such as Black.


We've been informed today that there are going to be no more Backward Compatibility updates released for the Xbox 360 until March at the earliest. Microsoft's David Reid has stated that the team who do the BC work are on holiday throughout January and will start work on priority titles when they return. But from what it sounds like, there will be only a few more updates released through 2006.


This will come as a disappointment to many new Xbox 360 users, not only because the lack of new 360 titles but also any new plain Xbox titles they may like the look of (Black for example) will not work on their shiny new 360. It is no wonder less Xbox games are being sold now.


Source: 360Updates




Damn :( Well.. I'll just play Black on my modded xbox then

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I can't believe that nobody's posted the new Splinter Cell 4 screens. So I'll do it. :heh: Yes these are in-game... or so I hear.


Edit: Arse, the links have died. But I assure you they look ace!


Splinter Cell's are utter crap, Metal Gear Solid wannabees.

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Splinter Cell's are utter crap, Metal Gear Solid wannabees.


All (very little) respect I ever had for you, has gone.


SC is nothing like Metal Gear, in the slightest.

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I like Splinter Cell more than MGS, but they are different.


I wouldnt really buy either though..


I'm get really pissed of with the amount of twats on LIVE. On PDZ playing DarkOps Infection, If they cant find the last guy they shoot each other till the game ends.... WHY!!! Sorry im generalising a bit, but its happened the past 2 out of three times ive played. Especially when you have a really nice gun, and people on your own team kill you so they can have it... it really winds me up, ive given out plenty of bad feedback for people like this and i hope you lot will to, if you ever come across someone like that. Lets people know they are little bastards, ya know.


Anyone know when Saints Row is out? It looks like a beast.

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All (very little) respect I ever had for you, has gone.


SC is nothing like Metal Gear, in the slightest.


Erm thanks?


It's called peoples views, i Dont like Splinter Cell.


Fatrox knows the score. Pitty some others dont, This is a great forum, but people like you spoil it...

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All (very little) respect I ever had for you, has gone.


SC is nothing like Metal Gear, in the slightest.


I would personally have thought that the fact that stealth and a collection of spy tools play a huge part in both games would suggest some level of similarity, but maybe thats just me. Tenchu FTW.


Medical Dispensaries

Edited by Johelian
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