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Class and Race only have an effect on the speed you progress through the game. Obviously a Breton will increase in Magic faster than an Orc so you have to work for longer as an Orc to reach the high magic levels (and th reverse with blunt and etc skills)


Birthsign makes a difference though so choose that one carefully

I went for a combat Nord in the end. With warrior type mixed with magic (blade, armour, conjour etc.)


Just got to the first town area. The game is somewhat daunting. So epic and open ended. Music is excellent so far. Real atmospheric. First person view is so much more involving than a 3rd person view. I love it.

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I'll probs be on if you need an extra player, think my mic is screwed though :'( anyone know if any of the unofficial ones are any good or have any recommendations? I got my last one from Ebay shipped from HongKong and has only lasted a month.


Is Oblivion better on the 360 that Morrowind was on the xbox? It was so clunky and horrible compared to the PC version.

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Buy it Ash! You know you want to!


Never played the Xbox Morrowind but 360 Oblivion is an improvement over PC Morrowind so it *should* be better than Morrowind on Xbox

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Tried to start Dead Rising, then realised it saves everything about the past saved data. My brother played it and got to level 20.

Really cannot be bothered with the game, I'm gonna go trade it for something.

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Buy it Ash! You know you want to!


Never played the Xbox Morrowind but 360 Oblivion is an improvement over PC Morrowind so it *should* be better than Morrowind on Xbox


No way, Morrowind was so much better then Oblivion : peace: The story was much more engaging, and instead of the 5 types of dungeons in Oblivion all the dungeons in Morrowind are different.


Then again, having said that, I played the pc Morrowind with muchos mods and nogalastia 'might' be affecting my judgement a tad :smile:

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I just bought Oblivion Collectors Edition and I can just say wow. I don't think I've ever been this compelled by a games first hour(s). I'm just out of the sewers and am gonna deliver the kings amulet. Damn, this game is cooler than I thought. Feels like a First-person Diablo. Sorry if I sound like a total newb but I've never heard (or been interested) in these series before. But this is what I call a nice change of RPG style.. not just Final Fantasy all the time. :)

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Hmm might have to invest in Oblivion, maybe wait until exams are over though.


I hear you Stefkov about Dead Rising, I was so dissapointed with the full game after playing the demo. Seems so flawed, they had a really cool idea then made it as rigid as possible completely removing the fun element.


Are there actually any nice faceplates available for the 360?

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I'm with you on the Dead Rising thing, the trailers showed the player running around doing funny and gross things to zombies, yet if you did those things you'd run out of time and fail the story. I hope the sequel keeps all the zombie crushing but removes all the time limits and the stupid save system.

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Getting the scarab gun on Halo2 is so fucking crazy mad anoying agh!


must get the achivement though...

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Goddamnit yes! Finally beat that son of a swine King. Now to get Duke.

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I'm with you on the Dead Rising thing, the trailers showed the player running around doing funny and gross things to zombies, yet if you did those things you'd run out of time and fail the story. I hope the sequel keeps all the zombie crushing but removes all the time limits and the stupid save system.


I think the intention is you play it seriously the first time round, then you unluck the unlimited mode thingy and mess about to your hearts content.

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There's no way thats official. But it's better than 2's i hated that box art.

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just talking to microsoft... the guy cant speak for shit


7 or 8 days more, its still at the repair centre... shit


lots of shits today

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I think the intention is you play it seriously the first time round, then you unluck the unlimited mode thingy and mess about to your hearts content.


Maybe, but that's not how I wanted to play it and it's definitely not how my gf wanted to play it. I'm all for difficulty in games where appropriate but adding the limited single save system just made the game unplayable to me. For me, games are meant to be fun first, anything that is added that decreases the overall fun level shouldn't be in there. In my opinion, the save system and the real-time events nonsense reduced the fun i could have with the game.


If i was in charge of Dead Rising 2 i would keep lots of things the same but have all the bosses and survivors start when you come across them, and have a save anywhere system.

Once the game is completed, a real time option could be available that plays similar to the first game for those that want to play that way.

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Finally got Duke aswell. Decided to use King, which was a good decision.


That box art looks too bland. For Halo it has to have a bit more to it.

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Maybe, but that's not how I wanted to play it and it's definitely not how my gf wanted to play it. I'm all for difficulty in games where appropriate but adding the limited single save system just made the game unplayable to me. For me, games are meant to be fun first, anything that is added that decreases the overall fun level shouldn't be in there. In my opinion, the save system and the real-time events nonsense reduced the fun i could have with the game.


Kind of agree with you, kind of don't.


Its a system that is disliked but I don't know if its a bad one. Probably not a good one for a sandbox title like Dead Rising, not the kind of game you want limiting factors. At least it does have an unlimited mode.


How hard is it to unlock the freedom mode?

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I can't believe it. I was playing gears online and my 360, totally out of the blue, just shut off and them 3 quadrants flashed their evil hate towards me. I swear to god, it nearly went through the living room window. I blame the NYKO fan thing that welded itself to the 360. Now it totally won't work, at all. I've been on microsoft's website and tried doing what it says but it still just sits there dead. Has anyone got any suggestions? I'm at a total loss

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