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Is it just me, or is BioShock going to be very controversial with the whole Little Sister situation?




I can see this being blown out of proportion alot, but then again, do I really want to be killing a little girl in a videogame?

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Well, apparently they're pretty fucking evil so...


Anyway, Shadowrun is still awesome. 1 week or so later i'm still racking up the acheivements, 24/50 now. :)

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They seem to have a vendetta against Hero-of-Time though... wonder what he did to them??


"Looook, Adam!"


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They seem to have a vendetta against Hero-of-Time though... wonder what he did to them??


"Looook, Adam!"



Oh they`ll pay, dont think they wont pay!


EDIT: Just seen Forza 2 stormed the charts and went straight into pole position, quite rightly too.

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That has to be the wierdest Achievement I have gotten.

I just started an exhibition match and suddenly I get the 25 court games played...what the hell. I thought the court games were the VS mini games, as it has Court games as the title....strange.

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That has to be the wierdest Achievement I have gotten.

I just started an exhibition match and suddenly I get the 25 court games played...what the hell. I thought the court games were the VS mini games, as it has Court games as the title....strange.


Take what you can get, Stef.

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I am mate, just been playing more. Got the 250 drop shot achievement, and the 250 lobs.

Then got the 100 grass games played achievement.


If anyone else who wants to play VT3 for the achievements just get another controller. Put it under your feet with your big toe on the Y button. Play with the other controller normally. Get a second character with the other controller. All you have to do it press your big toe down when you serve it then hit back accordingly. I started to do smashes this way.

Get's a bit fiddly.

Oh and no-one quote me 'why you doing this you points whore' I just dont care what you say.

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Everyone should buy Pacman Collectors Edition, smoke a spliff or 3 and prepare for very fun time! its fuckin ace!

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This is getting irritating.

Could I ask, someone who has killed all the gang bosses on Crackdown to help me with 1 thing. There's this 1 blooy hidden orb which is murder to get with all th enemies around.

If someone could help me I will help you on any other things you want to do on that game.

I have a plan on how to get the orb but with gang member all around the car will blow up before I even get there.

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Everyone should buy Pacman Collectors Edition, smoke a spliff or 3 and prepare for very fun time! its fuckin ace!


Couple of wrong things there.

Its Championship Edition... and drugs don't make ya cool.


This is getting irritating.

Could I ask, someone who has killed all the gang bosses on Crackdown to help me with 1 thing. There's this 1 blooy hidden orb which is murder to get with all th enemies around.

If someone could help me I will help you on any other things you want to do on that game.

I have a plan on how to get the orb but with gang member all around the car will blow up before I even get there.


I'm willing to help Stef.

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Yay, it's the one that we tried to get ages ago. That day was wierd. It went from me helping you to get the impound car achievement. To getting the stunt rings, to then trying to get that hiden orb.

I will help you get the stunt rings then when we do it :D

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Yay, it's the one that we tried to get ages ago. That day was wierd. It went from me helping you to get the impound car achievement. To getting the stunt rings, to then trying to get that hiden orb.

I will help you get the stunt rings then when we do it :D


8PM sound good?

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Its Championship Edition


well you got what i ment


and drugs don't make ya cool.



yes they do, they also make pacman very cool.


Get over it.

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i brought frogger eariler as i noticed i had 460 points spare to spend :) will play later yey


any news on when bomberman is coming to arcade?

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I thought it would definately becoming out this month but it may be 4th July.

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well you got what i ment




yes they do, they also make pacman very cool.


Get over it.


When you are suffering from drugs induced psychosis and paranoia you'll sure be a real badass.



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2 achievements left on pacman, i like this game too much!

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Cheers Jordan, finally got that bloody hidden orb.

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Cheers Jordan, finally got that bloody hidden orb.


Personally i found it funny how easy it was in the end to find it.

I found another agility orb, only 2 to go now T_T

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