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2am Pacific, Halo 3 trailer is out.

Keep an eye out.


10am GMT btw...

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Aaaaand its out in HD and SD flavours. Enjoy guys!


Quote me and copy all that above mate ^ :)


Thanks Yamcha, but it still says invalid file/url. I think it may be because I'm new and not allowed to post links yet.


EDIT - I've got it working now. thanks mate.

downloadin the halo 3 trailer thing, is it a documentary on brutes?


Sure is, its very very pretty too.


Okay, so my xbox live subscription has ran out and im not paying again since im off 2 Oz in february. Can I drop it down to silver without having to sign up for a new account, if so, how?

Okay, so my xbox live subscription has ran out and im not paying again since im off 2 Oz in february. Can I drop it down to silver without having to sign up for a new account, if so, how?


it goes down to silver wen ur time runs out i think, why dont you get a 3 month card? if u can get those :P


CoD3 patch and maps coming.


Activision and Treyarch have announced they plan to release a new patch and two waves of multiplayer maps for Call of Duty 3. First, a member of the COD3 Multiplayer Team announced in the Xbox.com forums that they are in final test for a new multiplayer Title Update that should be available on Xbox Live in the coming days.


When it propagates, the update will download automatically upon logging into Xbox Live and running Call of Duty 3. This update addresses many of the Ranked and Player Match issues that we’ve discussed over the last few weeks. While we’ve made a number of enhancements, the most significant improvement is that Ranked Matches join lobbies much faster through both Custom and Quick Match. Player Matches through Quick Match will now query a higher number of games before attempting to join, thus returning a better variety and better quality for the player.


Additionally, we’ve added some gameplay, HUD and options enhancements. For example, brightness settings will be saved across both single-player and multiplayer; players will be able to instantly punish medics who maliciously team kill and revive continuously; Auto Team Balance will remain turned on after multiple map rotations, ensuring that each team always has an equal number of players; and players will be able to select either Axis or Allies in Ranked Battle games.


These enhancements will create a more streamlined gameplay experience; however, please be aware that online play is always complicated by players with non-optimal router and connection settings – don’t hesitate to refer to Xbox Live’s “best practices” for router configurations, as it will prove helpful.



The publisher also announced today it plans to release two waves of multiplayer maps after the holidays: the Bonus Map (free) and the Valor Map Pack (800 Microsoft points).


The Bonus Map, named “Champs,” will take players to Port Royal de Champs, France for classic Call of Duty infantry-based combat that’s great for small to medium-sized online games.


The Valor Map Pack will contain five new multiplayer maps that will take players through a maze of French locales that serve up settings primed for intense close-quarters action, whether via online, split-screen or System Link play.


Shame the game's a load of shit.


Have you got everything required to install like Windows Media Encoder and .NET Framework 2.0 ? I all ready had these installed so it worked fine for me, if you havent got these here is everything you need and where to get it in the readme.txt.


Encode360 2.0



Installation Prerequisites


- You need to have .NET Framework 2.0 installed. Get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5&displaylang=en

- You need to have Windows Media Player 11 installed. Get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/download/default.aspx

- And most importantly, you need Windows Media Encoder 9, from here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/forpros/encoder/default.mspx

- I recommend you uninstall ALL codecs, then install K-Lite Full Codec Pack from here: http://www.free-codecs.com/K_Lite_Codec_Pack_download.htm

- During the K-Lite install, pick CoreAAC for AAC decoding. Otherwise you'll probably have problems decoding files with AAC audio streams. I also untick Windows Media Player Classic as I don't use this, but that's up to you




- Extract Encode360 to a folder of your choice

- Download the latest FFMpeg from here: http://esby.free.fr/CelticDruid/mirror/ffmpeg

- Copy FFMpeg.Exe from the 7zip archive to the Encode360 folder

- TS file support requires Elecard MPEG2 Decoder - get it here: http://www.elecard.com/ftp/pub/mpeg/decoder/EMpgDec20.zip


Please visit the Encode360 Forums for further info: http://dcunningham.net/forum



ok while it's intsalling, can anyone tell me how the video quality is and does it work well?

I installed net framework 2 but now when ever I click on the application it just keps giving me the error (the one which says send error report)

Ahh this is gay


wait, i got it working


downloaded demo of novodrone eariler wasnt impressed :/


o and theres nothing wrong with carmageddon.....carmageddon 1 (pc) + 2 were awesome just number 3 was crap


got marble blast ultra eariler LOVE IT! great game


RESI 5 news


"We haven't smelled any decaying Umbrella Corp. corpses for quite some time now. Capcom might be going all hushy-hushy on us about Resident Evil 5, but worry you not. Jun Takeuchi just spilled some zombie juice on the much-awaited sequel, and it's anything but decaying corpses.


He's pitching that this next RE installment that's coming out for both the 360 and PS3 could only possibly be available by 2008. "Ouch," you might be saying. That really is a long wait, indeed. However, the wait could just be worth it. Takeuchi states that Capcom wants the picture rate to run on 60fps :yay::bowdown: . Lovely.


The engine they're using makes it possible for them to produce realistic facial expressions and animations. They're even boasting of some good hair days for the characters as each strand of hair would be modelled from root to tip!


Takeuchi reveals that RE5 would have more interactive environments this time around - much more interactive than its predecessors. More than this, he even hints that hot and cold temperatures would play a crucial element in the gameplay. The temperature of your surroundings would supposedly determine your character's stability.


If all this is any indication, then 2008 doesn't seem all that bad. Why? Would you want Capcom to release a stale corpse of a game, or would you rather have them come out with a zombie feast that's minced to perfection?"

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