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Please explain. Classic who was before my time, i only saw the first few episodes!


I think Midnight is linked to a particular story from 1988.

I would tell you but I can't seem to get the spoiler tags to work.



The 7th Doctor Sylvester McCoy tricks Davros into blowing up Skaro's sun. Skaro is/was the Dalek homeworld. Now watch Midnight again and think about how and when a diamond is created."]


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SFX magazine sneak preview of Doctor Who season finale


We don't normally run previews of the new episodes of Doctor Who - doing the reviews keeps us busy enough! But our Ian was so excited after watching his preview disc of episode 12 (Russell T Davies's "The Stolen Earth", the first part of the two-part season finale) last night that he just had to share his instant assessment on our forum:


"Episode 12 is ABSOLUTELY BLEEDIN' MENTAL and SUPER-DOOPER-FANWANKY. They'll have to power-hose the squee off the walls of the Outpost Gallifrey forums a week on Saturday.


"It feels a bit like a nostalgic Russell flicked through Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia and went 'Oooh, yeah, that was good - I'll have some of that. And them. And her. And bring in that wotsit from that throwaway line in episode X.' Whilst throwing his head back, hooting with laughter, and booming 'MARVELLOUS!' It's like watching the entire new series so far compressed into a blipvert.


"Ming-mong-kryptonite, then, and there's a danger that the sheer density of it will give casual viewers concussion, but I spent 45 minutes whooping and bellowing with laughter at the sheer don't-give-a-toss audacity of it, and am about to watch it all over again IMMEDIATELY. I bloody loved it, even though there's a slim chance I'll think it's a big pile of tits once I've calmed down sufficiently to be dryly rational - in, say, about three years' time."


Fear not, readers: we've administered a large dose of horse tranquiliser, and Ian is now in a stable condition.

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Martha Jones, Harriet Jones, Mickey Smith, Jackie Tyler and The "full" Torchwood team (it's unknown if "full" means the current team of if it included the dead ones)



are in the final two episodes (at least one of them, either).


So there seems to be a lot of random stuff from old and new Who going on. I'm worried that it could be too cluttered.

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A fortune-teller "casts a spell" on Donna. And then suddenly we see Donna in a world where she's never met the Doctor. Instead, she meets Rose, who calls her the "most important woman in creation." There's a "circle of mirrors" that Donna has to go back to, to make everything right.


The Eight legs are is in this episode and an eight leg is on Donna's back.


History is being rewritten and Donna is the only one able to fix it, Rose is there to help her sort it all out.


The Time Beetle may prevent Donna from ever having met The Doctor, causing him to be killed when flooding the Racnoss Base instead of escaping.


Therefore, all the events of series 3 such as the Racnoss, Judoon invasion, and Professor Lazarus' monster happen again in this episode, with different consequences.





As a Dalek master plan goes into action, the Doctor and the TARDIS face total annihilation. But as Earth's only hope, a secret army of companions, faces Davros himself, it is prophesised that one of them will face death.




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Guest bluey

this is going back a really long way.. i think it might have been like, the 2nd episode with martha as the companion (where that guy created a machine that made you young again~) but did anyone else geek out at the lines:


Doctor: It really shouldn’t take that long just to reverse the polarity. I must be a bit out of practice


...referring to the old "reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!! it solves every problem EVARRRR!!" trick in the older series's ... :grin: loved it!!

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I quite enjoyed that episode, despite missing half of it because my family decided to speak as loudly as they could whilst I was eating even though they knew I was trying to watch it.


How does Bad Wolf mean the end of the universe? Parallel worlds clashing?


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IMO, I'd have to say that Turn Left has to be one of the best episodes so far and next week looks so awesome so that might be the best! lol Will definitely be watching it!!! Did anyone else like Turn Left?


How does Bad Wolf mean the end of the universe? Parallel worlds clashing?


I don't know but could it be...


"...because of what happened in the first season with Christopher Ecclesson when the Daleks were taking over Satellite Five? Bad Wolf was written everywhere to bring Rose back there when the Doctor sent her back to Earth. Could that possibly be it?"]


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What a load of crap, that has to be the worst 'what if' episode of any TV show I've ever seen.


No surprise it was written by the biggest **** in the universe.


I haven't been in this thread for moooonths, but back then you were complaining and you still are. My mind boggles as to why you still bother to watch it and then completely slate it. I thought maturity came with age?

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"...because of what happened in the first season with Christopher Ecclesson when the Daleks were taking over Satellite Five? Bad Wolf was written everywhere to bring Rose back there when the Doctor sent her back to Earth. Could that possibly be it?"]


I realise that it's continuity from seasons 1 and 2, I just don't see how it now means the end of the universe when it was originally a means for Rose to bring herself back to the time vortex.


And who the hell was the fortune teller, and why did she want to change time?



Oh ye,Billie Piper sounded weird.


Aye, it seemed like she'd forgotten how to do her original accent.

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I realise that it's continuity from seasons 1 and 2, I just don't see how it now means the end of the universe when it was originally a means for Rose to bring herself back to the time vortex.


And who the hell was the fortune teller, and why did she want to change time?


You have to be spin off series fan.


The Sarah Jane Adventures : The Tricker Ep


The Stolen Earth Tralier


How does Bad Wolf mean the end of the universe? Parallel worlds clashing?


Think it was the Tardis's cloister bell giving the warning that universe is in touble.


An alarm that tolls, in the manner of a heavy church bell, in the TARDIS to warn the crew of impending disaster. First heard in Logopolis, it rings again in Castrovalva, Resurrection of the Daleks, the 1996 television movie, the 2005 Children in Need special, "The Sound of Drums," "Time Crash" and "Turn Left".

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Actually I think I liked Doctor Who Confidential more than I liked the episode this week. I'm with Rokhed on the matter actually, it was probably one of the worst "what if" ep's ever. Fair enough it was cool the way they wove in some stuff but at the same time it was like Timetravel and Parallel Universes for Dummies, lol. But equally no offence to those who enjoyed it- I liked episodes that other people disliked too.


I liked how Donna had to be run over and then the way Rose said something to her, purely because it was kind of reminiscent of how Jake Chambers was run over so he could be reborn in the gunslingers universe in the Dark Tower.


Confidential then. It was good because they theorised a bit on the storyline rather than blethering on about oh yeah, this is how we drove the car into the canal, then fished it out after, etc.


One last thing- Bad Wolf should be self explanatory...!

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The appearance of the Giant Spider of Metebelis 3 that clung to Sarah Jane Smith's back in Planet of the Spiders influenced the design of the beetle that clings to Donna's back in this episode. :D


In as much as it sat on her back, spiders and beetles look very little alike.

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Some people think this ep is signifying Donna is something more than she really is.


DONNA: I'm just a host (to the time beatle)

ROSE: No, its more than that. The readings are strange..it is like realities just bending round you

DONNA: Because of this thing

ROSE: No no we are getting separate readings from you. They have always been there. Since the day you were born.

UNIT LADY: This is not relevant to the mission.


Doctor Noble was also an alias of the third incarnation of the Doctor

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Hmmm odd episode...so what is Donna? Next weeks episode basically looks like an orgy of characters and villians, all of torchwood, sarah jane, martha, donna, rose, captain jack.


Didn't mind this episode so much not the greatest as what ifs do annoy me but at least she did remember parts of it so not totally what if.

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Doctor Noble was also an alias of the third incarnation of the Doctor


Jon Pertwee, no he always used John Smith as an alias.


RTD has said that the next 2 episodes will have everything "and the kitchen sink" thrown at them. Expect to see alot of people returning for the last 2 episodes.


Sounds like it's going to be a mess.

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Jon Pertwee, no he always used John Smith as an alias.




Sounds like it's going to be a mess.


I have to agree in someways...he is going to chuck everythin in for his last episodes as series chief and surely it can't all be woven together properly?


Some of the rumours flying around are crazy? like Donna is a timelord superman-esque sent to earth to protect her from the timewar...

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