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I'm sad that its back. Who should have been left where it was rightfully made and where its production values were justified.


Since it's rebirth, its painful to watch and crap. It was even worse to work on for the few days I did.

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I'm sad that its back. Who should have been left where it was rightfully made and where its production values were justified.


Since it's rebirth, its painful to watch and crap. It was even worse to work on for the few days I did.


I am not alone.

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Worse series than the sixth doctor, played by Colin Baker (1984–1986) and the seventh doctor, played by Sylvester McCoy (1987–1989, 1996)?



Yeah, even worse than Peter Davison too.

It's a shame really, after last years chistmas specials swordfight I had hopes Tennant would be doing a Pertwee (action doctor), but it never happened. It was all convenient solutions to seemingly impossible situations and really was more of a soap than Eastenders.

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You know, I think the main problem veteran fans have is that Doctor Who has changed. Not only has the Doctor 'Regenerated' but so has the way the show works. Lets not forget, its been a long time since the series ran consistantly. A lot has changed, and unfortunately for some SO has Doctor Who.


It's hardly difficult to see WHY its changed. Watch classic Dr Who with any kids nowadays and compare it to the two new series. Some may not be as uninterested as most but I think you will find that most kids will not connect like they do to Modern Who. Doctor Who is being MADE for a new generation. It's catering the hardcore fan as well as it can in this new climate.. Daleks, Cybermen, Living Dolls or whatever they are.. Sarah-Jane... But ultimately its starting afresh. Its hitting at its target audience, the KIDS!!! This is a FAMILY programme. Who here has a parent of relative who has told of those 'I was hiding behing the sofa' stories from when they were younger? I can imagine quite a few. Now they are the adults. My dad turned his nose up at one new episode because apparently "Doctor Who was never full of this romantic bullshit". Maybe he is entirely right, infact old Doctor Who's are hilariously sexist and authoritarian. Not that sexism is funny but... bleh... ANYWAY al I am trying to illustrate here is that those who grew up with old doctor will find it hard to ajust to the new one. Its very different. We saw thw same thing with Star Wars Episodes I to III. OLDER fans were bemused, annoyed... BETRAYED while the younger generation lapped it up.


It may be a sad truth but TV is not only there for our entertainment but for its own well being. It is out to get ratings, to create fan bases... Look at the merchandising of Dr Who! It's EVERYWHERE!!! And don't say its more shameless than 30 odd years ago cause it still existed then.


Things must change. Sad but true. It's so human to be angry, scared and frustrated with change but thats life. We loose things were dearly loved all the time. Sometimes they expire, sometimes we outgrow them...


I'm afraid that perhaps a lot of your angry fans have simply outgrown Dr Who., or certainly the path it is taking now. But maybe if its such bad television it isn't such a bad thing.


Quite frankly as soon as I read the Radio Times special before Season (New) 2 came out and I saw it had a Werewolf episode I was immidietly Bias.. sad but true. And I religiously watched it from 1st to 13th. I didn't do that for the 1st one, I tell you that much.

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BRAVO!!! well done on the amazing ending to the second series :D can't wait for the torchwood spin off now!


i'm ashamed to say i cried at the end!!! but then again i cry to moulin rouge and to the end of sex and the city and desperate housewives series one every time so . . . lol


well done anywho! a well written funny and touching finale :D

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  • 1 month later...

working in the railway for four years, i worked with a lot of older guys, a lot of them grew up on doctor who. me, personally, am 28, and only ever started watching it with remembrance of the daleks in sylvester mccoy's years.


my point tho, is that outta ALL those guys not a single one of them complained about the new show. and i know a coupla VERY big dr who fans (starwaster where are ya? lol) and they all love the new show, and love how it appeals to new fans while keeping old foes and storylines going.


top show, bring on torchwood!

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I notice a few things from series one now that has been explained only in series two, like the Time War. When the Doctor is captured by the Autons and he is talking to the Nestene Consciousness, and said "I couldn't save your planet, I couldn't save any of them!" Try watching it again if you have NTL, the On Demand has been updated so you can watch Rose and the Unquiet Dead for free. 75p for episodes up to Father's Day.

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  • 6 months later...

Thread resurrect! Doctor Who should be starting 'soon', so let's get some conversation going!


The Time Lords are apparently returning this series, as someone has been cast as The Rani. John Simm out of Life on Mars is rumoured to be playing The Master in Series 4.

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The Time Lords are apparently returning this series, as someone has been cast as The Rani. John Simm out of Life on Mars is rumoured to be playing The Master in Series 4.


After they made such a big deal of him being the last of the timelords?

Smells like desperation to me.


I also hear from a reliable source that the Sontarans are coming back, but get this, the BBC forgot to copyright the name when they first created them back in the 70s, so now they have to change their name.


It's going to be crap, that's for sure, RTD can't write scifi for toffee.

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The Daleks return for a two parter starting in Episode 4, titled The Daleks in Manhattan.


The daleks in new york? I'd love to see it. I hope they come back in the last two episodes, too. How do you know so much tellyn? Can't wait for this series. Loved the daleks vs cybermen last time. It was great.

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It's going to be crap, that's for sure, RTD can't write scifi for toffee.


have to agree,the best bits of this Doctor Who aren't the scifi stuff that he bumbles through but the jokes!


I loved Doctor Who back in the day being 22, I have only ever seen it on re-runs, which used to run quite a bit on the BBC when I was growing up. And I just think that Doctor Who like this, is a result of the changing needs of TV, they have to cram it into an hour, or 2 when they split them up in two parters. Whereas the other stories seemed to run for weeks on end..

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The daleks in new york? I'd love to see it. I hope they come back in the last two episodes, too. How do you know so much tellyn? Can't wait for this series. Loved the daleks vs cybermen last time. It was great.


Wikipedia and the BBC. ;)


"Smith and Jones" - written by Russell T. Davies, directed by Charles Palmer



"The Shakespeare Code" - written by Gareth Roberts, directed by Charles Palmer




"Flesh and Bone" (title is not confirmed) - written by Russell T. Davies, directed by Richard Clarke



"Daleks in Manhattan" - written by Helen Raynor, directed by James Strong



"The Oncoming Storm" (title is not confirmed, part 2 of ep #4) - written by Helen Raynor, directed by James Strong



"The Lazarus Experiment" - written by Stephen Greenhorn, directed by Richard Clarke



"42" - written by Chris Chibnall, directed by Graeme Harper



"Human Nature" (CONFIRMED) - written by Paul Cornell, directed by Charles Palmer



"The Family of Blood" (part 2 of ep #8) - written by Paul Cornell, directed by Charles Palmer



"Blink" - written by Stephen Moffat, directed by Hettie MacDonald



"Utopia" - written by Russell T. Davies, directed by Graeme Harper



"The Sound of Drums" - written by Russell T. Davies, directed by Colin Teague



(unknown, part 2 of ep #12) - written by Russell T. Davies, directed by Colin Teague

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