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As for the replacement


It's unknown exactly when she was replaced. However, Amy herself was completely unaware of it happening - it was the real Amy who was in complete control of the avatar at all times, unaware that she was controlling an avatar.


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And one more episode done



Man this season just keeps on giving!


Firstly though, "Mels" really? Random new character appears that just happens to have a shortened version of Melody's name.

Least they didn't let it run for too long and was revealed pretty quickly :)


Got to say I was always looking forward to seeing Rivers own first encounter with the Doctor, but wasn;t prepared for her almost killing him!

Though of course still begs the question, where does that leave the bit with the spacesuit by the lake?


So does she remain programmed to kill The Doctor?


Again though every other version of River we've seen has been when she was in Jail or after and therefor after she kills The Doctor, including the River that was with Rory and Amy witnessing the Doctors murder by the lake. so again how does she not remember since she obviously remembers she is the one that does it but when viewing it from a different angle then doesn't recognise either the date or location or the actual event? That better get answered :heh:





Oh and bloody hell was it awesome getting those little cameos of Rose, Martha and Donna even if they were just pictures :D


WOOT, been waiting for confirmation that he still remembers them. Would it have killed them to try and get at least Martha back for a cameo once a season or something :heh: (I say Martha cause giving Rose in alt-universe and Donna unable to remember Martha is really the only chice :()


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And one more episode done



Man this season just keeps on giving!


Firstly though, "Mels" really? Random new character appears that just happens to have a shortened version of Melody's name.

Least they didn't let it run for too long and was revealed pretty quickly :)


Got to say I was always looking forward to seeing Rivers own first encounter with the Doctor, but wasn;t prepared for her almost killing him!

Though of course still begs the question, where does that leave the bit with the spacesuit by the lake?


So does she remain programmed to kill The Doctor?


Again though every other version of River we've seen has been when she was in Jail or after and therefor after she kills The Doctor, including the River that was with Rory and Amy witnessing the Doctors murder by the lake. so again how does she not remember since she obviously remembers she is the one that does it but when viewing it from a different angle then doesn't recognise either the date or location or the actual event? That better get answered :heh:





Oh and bloody hell was it awesome getting those little cameos of Rose, Martha and Donna even if they were just pictures :D


WOOT, been waiting for confirmation that he still remembers them. Would it have killed them to try and get at least Martha back for a cameo once a season or something :heh: (I say Martha cause giving Rose in alt-universe and Donna unable to remember Martha is really the only chice :()


So you actually liked Martha?! That whole era is when I kind of switched off Dr. Who for a bit her and David Tennant was too much!!!

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Great to hear you're loving them @Mokong :)


I think my enjoyment for much of Matt Smiths era was tainted by not liking River.


For me, outside of Silence in the Library which I loved, they ruined the character and I didn't really look forward to any episode in which she would appear.


Seeing as how she tends to feature in a majority of the 'big'/story driven Matt Smith episodes I don't think I could ever enjoy them to their fullest.

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I feel exactly the same about the Matt smith era due to River Song, she was a great character in the Tennant era but ruined horribly into some over the top overly flertacious overly obnoxious character that was effectively used in the absence of explanation "oh my god you defeated so and so how did you know?" "uh uh uh spoilers" "oh well that explains it"

not it didn't no it doesn't and no to River Song

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Hhhmm... strange reading this dislike of River Song here, I loved her :D


Anyway, finished off Season 6 last night, woot.

Also noticed Netflix Canada just added season 7....but only the first 6 eps...grrr... it's ok I already "aquired" all of season 7 anyway :heh:


Anyway back to season 6 for a mo


The ep "Night Terrors" enjoyed it, wasn't anything spectacular but a decent ep, I liked the twist at the end too


"The Girl Who Waited", really enjoyed that ep, interesting concept and I think Rory and Amy did well to carry the ep without the Doctor.


"The God Complex", another good one, loved teh setting and the idea of the rooms filled with different peoples fears.... not quite sure bout what the creature was though "feds off peoples faith but requires them to praise him :heh:" The end with Amy and Rory was weird....


Likely inside The Doctors door was probably his "lost" companions and/or the fear that he might eventually lead Amy and Rory to their death.


Still I never expected him to just tell a companion to go, so far it's always been though no fault of their own (Rose and Donna) or the companions choice (Martha).


Though was nice of him to set them up with a house and car



"Closing Time" I really loved cause of James Cordon, was glad to see his character return, was only thinking would be nice to see him again and there he was :D

I'd hope he gets to appear again in the future, would be nice to see him travel in the TARDIS sometime, though with him having a kid doubt the character would go :(


The the finale

"The Wedding of River Song"


Firstly I was a little disappointed that this wasn't a big epic 2 parter, espcailly since we've had like 3 really good 2 parters in this season already, for the finale to be just a standard one ep seemed a little bit of a let down. However I did really enjoy the ep. The idea of how they "broke time" was really good, seeing what the Doctor got up to in his 200 years before gathering his friends at the Lake... though I thought the Twist of how he would survive seemed too obvious, worked it out as soon as I heard the line "anything else we can do to help"


Still i t was a nice ride.


Watched the Xmas Special too, The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe. Another good special, loved the ending too *tear* :cry:


Now onwards to season 7..... bloody hell don't like teh forthcomig situation of having to wait for new eps soon :heh: haha. Ah well.



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Righty, powering through season 7 at the mo :D


Just finished the ep "The Bells of St John"


But lets start at the begining....


"Asylum of the Daleks"

Very good season opener, really enjoyed that. The "twist" at the end was very good, I knew something was up with teh girl but never expected that!


Having Amy and Rory back I thought was weird, he's "let them go" but he seems to keep bringing them back. I watched that Pond Life short posted above too, cheers.



"Dinorsaurs on a Spaceship"

Really liked this ep, the comedic robots were a good laugh, also really liking Matt Smiths Doctor more, been much better since season 6 started, feels a bit more like the previous 2 Doctors in how he gets excited by things most people would run from. I know each Doctor is meant to be a "different" person but it is nice to have some sort of similar personality trait between them and this natural to appear to be happy/excited in the face of danger is what really says "Doctor" to me something Smith didn't have in his first season. Oh also Rorys dad I liked, nice new character :)


"A Town Called Mercy"

To be honest this ep was a bit of a bore, I had hoped to one day see a wild west themed ep, thought The Doctor would be able to have a good adventure/story in such a setting but this just didn't gell with me at all, yawn :(


"The Power of Three"

Back on track, great ep loved it all round. Hoping the new enemy introduced will appear again, seems like they could potentially be something of real menace in the future.


Damn what a good ep and DAMNIT what a sad ep :(


Did they have to do that to Amy and Rory, I thought these two were gonna be the ones to get a normal happy ending, well I guess in a way they did in that they got to live their lives together and finally got to raise a child but you know from The Doctors and Rivers point of view (and the viewers) it is a sad ending for (what I thought) were two very good companions.


What I don't get though is the reason The Doctor couldn't go back to save them. Ok so there's some sort of Time Wall blocking in in 1938 (or whatever year it was)...why not tell Amy to wait a year and he'll pick them up in 1939 when it is safe for him to land the TARDIS :heh: (writers eh?)


I did find the mini ep PS on youtube though (since I'm not using Netflix anymore I checked the eps list on Wikipedia so I'd know which Xmas special was which and took note of the Miniep titles :wink:) which was good as I was wondering what would happen to Rorys dad, shame they never actually filmed that scene though. Though if I were Rorys dad I'd be upset if The Doctor never came back to apologies himself! :mad:


Also I'm somewhat annoyed that the Doctors reaction to losing Amy and Rory was not one of rage and anger like he tends to have whenever someone hurts one of his friends. Not grand speech to the Angel(s) about how they will regret forever more what they had done to his friends and no indication that he might want to try take revenge in someway. He just ....leaves



Loved this, when I saw Clara for first time I did cop it was the same actress from the Daleks ep. At first I thought, maybe just teh same actress but different character. When she mentioned "souffle" I then went "WOW, hold on a second now"...pretty much same as The Doctor thought himself.


I was thinking she would survive and become the new companion and we'd have a situation similar to River where we would know what her future lies in store for her and how would The Doctor cope with having a friend that he knows exactly how she will meet her end. Granted he's prolly used to losing friends/companions at this stage but he's never known beforehand how exactly he'll lose someone.


But then she died...huh? OK so maybe it's a kind of re-encarnation thing going on? Maybe the same "soul" being reborn in various generations of the same family line?




Cracking epsiode!


So Clara returns again ... kinda.... so yeah really looking forward to seeing what happens to her/what she really is.... had a though during the ep that maybe she'll be like Kenny from South Park and die every other ep and The Doctor just keeps meeting and befriending different reencarnations of her :heh:


Though with her gaining super computer knowledge I'm again thinking maybe her and Oswin from ep 1 are still the same person and the Doctor is just leading her to her end...but then again why didn't Oswin recognise him at all in that first ep of the season? So maybe they are different characters again? OH I like this new twist and mysetry :D


Also very interesting to see the "Great Intellengence" from the Xmas Special was who was behind everything in this ep. I guess this "GI" is going to be the main story src bad guy for this season?


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Oh god oh god no! i hate and love you @Cube, i never knew of that video, but it just devastated my feelings :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:



@Mokong, i had the same thoughts about the lazy time travel explanation...i probably posted as much in this thread! wait a year, use time machine problem solved

Not really, as their deaths are now fixed, so even if the Doctor could take them, it'd be too risky and would create another paradox.

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OK just finished "The Name of the Doctor"



...but first my season 7 episode recap.....:D


"The Rings of Akhaten"

Really enjoyed this ep, great big final twist at the end, certainly didn't expect that :D


"Cold War"

At the start of this one I had a bit of a "Town Called Mercy" feeling from it, thought maybe it wouldn't be great but turned out to be pretty awesome :D top marks there :D



Bit of a spooky ep, love it when The Doctor goes into a touch of horror :D


"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS"

Top episode, really enjoyed that one. Learning about the engines of the TARDIS *mind blown*

Powered by a time suspended exploding star....WTF....damn them Time Lords be one hell of a civilisation to have someone who could have imagined and created that haha



"The Crimson Horror"

A decent ep, was definately interesting seeing Vastra, Jenny and Starx again, really like those three :D Oh and Jenny in lethal and kicking ass.... wooot :D

Was very interested in seeing when they would meet Clara and seeing what happened, had hoped it would be here we might learn something new bout her, twas not to be I guess.


"The Nightmare in Silver"

Enjoyable ep, really loved seeing The Doctor fighting with "himself" that was very good. But even though there was a massive amount of Cybermen and they (Doctor and co) seemed well and truely trapped I for some reason didn't have any sense of worry.....

Also bit disappointed that The Doctor had to cheat to "win" the chess game, was looking forward to seeing him outsmart himself :heh:




Cracking finale (for a one parter :heh:)

Hell of an explanation for Clara but I'll be damned if it ain't a brilliant one. Having everything come full circle with The Great Intellegence was good too.... though I was a tiny bit disappointed that it was him that was the antagonist for this ep as from the ep title I was hoping we'd see the return of The Silence .... ah well maybe another time then?


Enjoyed having River back too...but a little confused seeing as this River was actually the "dead" River from when we first met her. I get she still "lives" in that computer and all but how could it have been that River that would have gotten a message from Vastra and take part in the mental-link conference call? Also the way The Doctor was acting it was like he is now already at the stage in his life where River is actually dead, ie: he's past the point when she goes back in time to visit the liabrary.


For one that would kind of explain I guess why he's made no/little mention of her since "Angels Take Manhattan" and why he seemed to be "falling" for Clara a bit (ie: he's now a widower so no longer tied down?) which I thought seemed weird as I wouldn't have thought The Doctor to be one to cheat on his wife.


BUT I would have thought when we reached that point in the Doctors life where it's after the point where River goes to the Library that we would get to see that moment when he goes to her to give her his Sonic Screwdriver. I actually thought maybe River would be around for a fair bit longer as she seemed to give off the impression that she's met more than the two versions of The Doctor that we've seen her interact with.


But ah well back to the episode, yeah loved it, loved seeing Clara have those "encounters" with past Doctors and getting quick glimpses of them all (though wish some weren't so brief).

I actually tried to watch Classic Doctor to watch the 1st ep as I wanted to see that moment we saw here to see if it matched, like did someone (prolly face unseen) or something change the Doctors mind about which TARDIS to take? But all the Classic Doctor seasons seem to have vanished from Netflix! Only season 21,22, 25 and 26 are showing, pretty sure all of them were there before. I then switched my Wii U back to the settings for Canadian Netflix and the same there expect that is only showing season 4,5,7 and 14 I think it was...gggrrrr.


Ah well.


OH and the ending..... John Hurt.... WTF? So somewhere The Doctor has a regeneration who didn't become "The Doctor" if I understood that right? Yet that caption still called him "The Doctor"

This is prolly something building toward the 50th Anniversary ep (I'm guessing since that is my next ep to watch?).....something to do with the "Time War" maybe then...finally gonna find out more solid info on this that they've been drip feeding these 7 seasons, yay.




So next ep is the 50th Anniversary ep, really looking for to that now :D

Will leave it till tomorrow though so I can watch that and teh Xmas Special after it all in one go....and that will then be me all caught up then won't it?


I might watch the movie with the 8th Doctor before that though, I remember @Retro_Link posted a vid of a mini ep "Night of the Doctor" which he said to watch after "Name of the Doctor" and before ""Day of teh Doctor" and said it was related to the 8th Doctor and I think the thumbnail showed the 8th Doctor. I know it's only a mini ep and watching the Movie prolly isn't required but I kinda want to "drag it out" a bit so it takes me a bit longer to get to the end and I have to start waiting for new eps haha. And would be nice to have some sort of background understanding of this 8th Doctor before I watch the mini ep too :)


Also according to Wiki there is another mini ep after "Night" and before "Day" called "The Last Day" I suppose I should look that up too after watching Night and before starting Day of the Doctor then yeah?





Oh and on season 7 as a whole, felt like a bit weird of a season. Great in some parts but low in others (Mercy!).

Also the switching of companions mid way seemed a bit weird...from what I gather looking at the ep list on Wiki and teh air dates looks like it had a big mid season break which even for me watching all eps together I still got a sense of "it feels like two different seasons in one"


Also weird about season 7....no double eps?

Prolly would have felt better if maybe it didn't have the Town Called Mercy ep and had one of the other eps extended into a two part story, like Angels Take Manhattan, such a big turning point for the Doctor and that ep did feel a bit rushed. Surely it could have been fleshed out more.


Same with Name of teh Doctor... while I enjoyed it and thought it was a good season finale again felt a bit rushed, could have droped Nightmare in Silver in favour of a bigger more epic 2 parter finale....but ah well can't change the past now can we.......

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Felt a bit sorry for the other people that got sent back in time though. The Doctor has this big plan to get his TARDIS back so he can move on but the girl and the copper have to remain stuck where they are. I guess he can't really decide to change their fates given they are all "part of events" now.


:bites fist: oh man, you have no idea Mokong no idea what you've just said (not with out future spoilers)


I'd love to forget every episode and the rewatch them for the first time like you are


Just realised I understand why you were biting your fist now, haha :D: peace:


"The Last Day" isn't particularly interesting or relevant, so you can skip that if you want.


Good to know....guess that why Retro only gave me the vid for Night of teh Doctor too so :)


Wiki says it;s only 4 mins long so I'll prolly still look for it tomorrow to try slow down my sprint to the end a tiny bit haha : peace:

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Cracking finale (for a one parter :heh:)

Hell of an explanation for Clara but I'll be damned if it ain't a brilliant one. Having everything come full circle with The Great Intellegence was good too.... though I was a tiny bit disappointed that it was him that was the antagonist for this ep as from the ep title I was hoping we'd see the return of The Silence .... ah well maybe another time then?


Enjoyed having River back too...but a little confused seeing as this River was actually the "dead" River from when we first met her. I get she still "lives" in that computer and all but how could it have been that River that would have gotten a message from Vastra and take part in the mental-link conference call? Also the way The Doctor was acting it was like he is now already at the stage in his life where River is actually dead, ie: he's past the point when she goes back in time to visit the liabrary.


For one that would kind of explain I guess why he's made no/little mention of her since "Angels Take Manhattan" and why he seemed to be "falling" for Clara a bit (ie: he's now a widower so no longer tied down?) which I thought seemed weird as I wouldn't have thought The Doctor to be one to cheat on his wife.


BUT I would have thought when we reached that point in the Doctors life where it's after the point where River goes to the Library that we would get to see that moment when he goes to her to give her his Sonic Screwdriver. I actually thought maybe River would be around for a fair bit longer as she seemed to give off the impression that she's met more than the two versions of The Doctor that we've seen her interact with.


But ah well back to the episode, yeah loved it, loved seeing Clara have those "encounters" with past Doctors and getting quick glimpses of them all (though wish some weren't so brief).

I actually tried to watch Classic Doctor to watch the 1st ep as I wanted to see that moment we saw here to see if it matched, like did someone (prolly face unseen) or something change the Doctors mind about which TARDIS to take? But all the Classic Doctor seasons seem to have vanished from Netflix! Only season 21,22, 25 and 26 are showing, pretty sure all of them were there before. I then switched my Wii U back to the settings for Canadian Netflix and the same there expect that is only showing season 4,5,7 and 14 I think it was...gggrrrr.


Ah well.


OH and the ending..... John Hurt.... WTF? So somewhere The Doctor has a regeneration who didn't become "The Doctor" if I understood that right? Yet that caption still called him "The Doctor"

This is prolly something building toward the 50th Anniversary ep (I'm guessing since that is my next ep to watch?).....something to do with the "Time War" maybe then...finally gonna find out more solid info on this that they've been drip feeding these 7 seasons, yay.



The thing with the River situation is that we technically have seen the Doctor's last trip with her before she goes to the library. In the second video I posted, in the mini-episode called "Last Night"

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And just finished with watching the Movie with the 8th Doctor and the 50th Anniversary Special. WOOT Awesome day today has been haha.


So yeah said I'd start with the 8th Doctors Movie as I wanted to have a bit more context of the 8th Doctor before I watched the mini ep Night of The Doctor.


Really enjoyed the film, didn't expect that the 7th Doctor's role would be as long as it was, I thought maybe it would start with him regenerating into the 8th Doctor. Really enjoyed McGann's Doctor. Different but still felt very much like a precursor to the 3 Doctors I've been watching these past few weeks. Loved the bit when he took the coppers gun and threatens to shoot himself rather than holding the cop at gun point, haha.


So yeah then moved on to the mini ep, Night of the Doctor. enjoyed that, very dark too. Didn't expect though that there would be such an apparent gap between the end of the film and this mini, got the feeling there is a lot the 8th Doctor had been through in the interval. He seemed a bit more hardened I think might be the word I'm looking for.

Very intersting too that he was given the means to control what kind of man he would next regenerate into.... guess that kinda explains why that "Doctor" decided to not be called/considered "The Doctor" (taking a quick look on Wiki, seems I should just refer to him as "War Doctor" yeah?...all the "numbers" after still remain the same?)



Oh and then the 50th Anniversary ep...


Loved the ep...LOVED having Tennant back...WOOT. When I saw his name in the title sequence thought maybe it was just a cameo so was delighted that he played a major role. Same will Billie Piper...though slightly upset she wasn't actually playing Rose (again when I saw Pipers name appear I was WOHOOOOOO) but still was awesome. Shame only War Doctor was able to see her though, would have been nice if at the end she made herself visable to all three, would have been interesting to see the reactions of both the other Doctors.


Anyway ep wasn't without a bit of a "meh" side though. I loved the stuff we saw of the Time War and the stuff in 1562 but wasn't too keen on the later subplot of the shapeshifters in the "present". Thankfully it didn't take up too much time.


Also a little disappointed that Ecsleston's Doctor wasn't involved :( I guess maybe he was unable to take part or didn't want too (think I read somewhere he left the show on bad terms or something when he left?). I mean if The Moments plan was to show War Doctor the men he would become surely that must also include his very next incarnation? If Tennant was the man who "regrets" and Smith the man who "forgets" what would Eccleston have been? But I guess we can't have things go so perfectly unfortunately.


Towards the end then when they came up with their plan for how to save Galifrey but also make it disappear (so as to not effect their timeline I guess) and then all the different Doctors appeared! Did not expect that at all, but it was brilliant how they did it. So simple yet it worked so well. Especially loved the quick glimpse of Eccleston we had even though it was just stock footage also. And then when Capaldi's Doctor appeared. Oh that must have been a hell of a tease for those of watching this when it first aired. Don't know if it had the same impact on me though given I have already seen pics of Capaldi as the Doctor but it was still cool and very unexpected :D


And then the closing scene with all 11 Doctors plus War lined up was awesome again. :D


Oh and just a quick note on Clara, not sure about her in this ep, I think it was when the 3 of them were going to press teh button and Clara had a moment that gave them the idea for a different way to do it. Just something about her in that scene didn't feel proper to me, like I just think if it were say Amy that was in that scene instead then it might have had a much bigger impact given Amy has a much longer history with the Doctor. Also had me thinking maybe they only added Clara so they could set up that scene in "Name of teh Doctor" that introduced John Hurts character.


Oh and speaking of John Hurt.... Loved it, very very different, didn't really act like a Doctor at all but I guess that was the whole point, he's technically not a Doctor afterall.




So that just leaves me with Time of the Doctor, will try watch that this evening after dinner :)

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