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Enjoyed that episode but a few niggles....


I was hoping that this would be the creation story for the Autons but I guess we will figure things out next week. Let's just hope that it's not the equivalent fo the Clone Saga for DW.


It reminded me of the cloning process of the Sontarans



I'm quite annoyed as there are two episodes left until we have to wait until September.

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Have to say i agree with Cube, that was the first thing i thought when i saw this


Can't say I'm impressed with having ANOTHER cloned doctor, it was fine cloning Tenant as it wrapped up "rose" meaning she need never return, but having another! god he best melt/die in the next episode


I just hope the clone doctor doesn't build his own tardis, unless he goes back to the first episode and he's the one to die


And as fr the Rani, its got to be, i mean a being who seems to be monitoring/observing outside of normal space and Time, not to mention somehow a time lord child has been created


I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out in the final episode (after every single episode scanning Amy once or twice) that she gives birth, to a timelord child genetically manipulated by Rani, to use as a host to escape the time lock.


For some reason this is a problem, madness ensues and River does something to dispose of/send the child back through time, in the process killing Rory (since she kills a good man) and saving the day, only not how the Doctor would like so he leaves her on that prison world


the only good thing out of all that is it will be the last time we see River


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Didn't really like the look of that tbh.


The concept and US characters feels way to much like the ones that come out of all US series, like Flashforward, The Event, Alcatraz, and thus it feels generic and weak.


Mind you, I can't say I ever got into Torchwood.

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I dunno about characters though, from press releases, one of the characters...

is a paedophile who was to be executed, but the execution didn't take due to this incident and as such, he becomes a religious icon

You don't really see that too often in American TV

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I liked the Rebel Flesh... reminded me of Resident Evil. It was quite small scale and oddly paced but then it is a two parter.


The trailer for Torchwood already has two of my pet hates. RTD's love of news reports to move the story along and the awkward moment when a publicity still from Series 1 of Doctor Who is used as an in-show photo of Captain Jack. There was nobody in that room in the Blitz taking a picture of Cpt. Jack. Just a bit lazy.


But tiny pet hates won't change if I enjoy it or not. Just have to wait and see. :)

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Have to say i agree with Cube, that was the first thing i thought when i saw this


Can't say I'm impressed with having ANOTHER cloned doctor, it was fine cloning Tenant as it wrapped up "rose" meaning she need never return, but having another! god he best melt/die in the next episode


I just hope the clone doctor doesn't build his own tardis, unless he goes back to the first episode and he's the one to die


And as fr the Rani, its got to be, i mean a being who seems to be monitoring/observing outside of normal space and Time, not to mention somehow a time lord child has been created


I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out in the final episode (after every single episode scanning Amy once or twice) that she gives birth, to a timelord child genetically manipulated by Rani, to use as a host to escape the time lock.


For some reason this is a problem, madness ensues and River does something to dispose of/send the child back through time, in the process killing Rory (since she kills a good man) and saving the day, only not how the Doctor would like so he leaves her on that prison world


the only good thing out of all that is it will be the last time we see River


I like your theories I really do want Rani to come back! Despite my misgivings that it ever actually would happen. Aside from the master and davros she is one of the individual brilliant villains in the whole series. I think the fact she only appeared in two storylines plus the children in need special makes her this elusive character.


Could she be Rani in the timelock and like you said she somehow manipulates something to create this time child inside amy to regenerate herself back into the real world.


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Didn't really like the look of that tbh.


The concept and US characters feels way to much like the ones that come out of all US series, like Flashforward, The Event, Alcatraz, and thus it feels generic and weak.


Mind you, I can't say I ever got into Torchwood.


Got to agree, it was an OK show, nothing special though, and americanizing just feels so wrong for it. I'll give it a shot though, it'll still be a BBC show over here, right?

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Got to agree, it was an OK show, nothing special though, and americanizing just feels so wrong for it. I'll give it a shot though, it'll still be a BBC show over here, right?

Of course. It's a joint production between BBC and Starz

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OK, I didn't notice the BBC logo anywhere, just asking.

Na, you wouldn't. That trailer is for the Starz network in America. They plan things way out in advance and announce it as such. BBC don't really start advertising or even set a date publically until two weeks prior to airing

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Na, you wouldn't. That trailer is for the Starz network in America. They plan things way out in advance and announce it as such. BBC don't really start advertising or even set a date publically until two weeks prior to airing


I hate it when they do that, channels advertise something as 'coming soon' with teasers for ages, then all of a sudden it's starting next week.

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The Torchwood trailer looks good, but it does seem like someone made the "Miracle Day" thing and then Torchwood got shoved in at a later date.


And it's likely going to be


Related to Jack's inability to die


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The Torchwood trailer looks good, but it does seem like someone made the "Miracle Day" thing and then Torchwood got shoved in at a later date.

That seems to be how Russell T Davies writes Torchwood these days. My memories of Children of Earth are fuzzy, but I remember a lot of scenes with the main characters sitting around a television/laptop while the story went on without them. :blank:


Of course, I only ended up watching Children of Earth because it was on late at night, so I wasn't a fan to begin with.

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I read a great theory that suggests that the reason Rory keeps dying is because he DID die. He didn't just get sucked into the crack, he actually died and THEN got sucked into the crack.


Therefore, he is meant to be dead and the universe keeps trying to correct itself, but Amy keeps stopping it happening (Amy was the one which saved him Curse of the Black Spot, for example).


The reason the TARDIS can't determine if she is pregnant or not, is that she is pregnant, but the father is not supposed to exist anymore.

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Hmm interesting... as for the dream/sliding door lady


Its amys time baby causing her mind to slip back to previous adventures whilst she's in labour and when she sees the lady thats her mind slipping forward again


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I read a great theory that suggests that the reason Rory keeps dying is because he DID die. He didn't just get sucked into the crack, he actually died and THEN got sucked into the crack.


Therefore, he is meant to be dead and the universe keeps trying to correct itself, but Amy keeps stopping it happening (Amy was the one which saved him Curse of the Black Spot, for example).


The reason the TARDIS can't determine if she is pregnant or not, is that she is pregnant, but the father is not supposed to exist anymore.


Sounds like a pretty good theory! Shouldn't be long till we find out anyway!!

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After two more episodes the series will stop until September..


I know.


Since we are meant to be getting some big cliffhanger at the end of the 7th ep i am assuming that we will find out what is going on in that episode and would then be some kind of "To be continued"!

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