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The Beast Below... I just don't know what I think about Season 5 so far. I know I didn't love it and I didn't hate it. I spent most of the episode not enjoying it, but I have to admit, I did find the "twist" and the moral choices interesting.


So yeah, "interesting", but not fun and entertaining, especially when compared to one of the other 2nd episodes like The Shakespeare Code. Maybe I shouldn't compare, but when the 1st episode wasn't as good as other 1st episodes, and the 2nd episode wasn't as good as previous 2nd episodes, I see a pattern setting.


BUT it's not as bad as the truly bad episodes over the past few years and I do like the theme tune now. Looking forward to the Daleks.

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Well that was probably Doctor Who at its worst tbh. Found it really boring!!


They need a serious break from the Daleks, of atleast a season or two because they're just a complete joke.


You can predict the entire episode.


I also thought Karen Gillan seemed pretty awkward throughout this episode, and I didn't think the Doctor's performance was all that great either.


New Daleks anyone...


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Would be nice if that redesign of the Daleks was actually a redesign as opposed to a paint job with Westwood-style suped up spoilers.


Found it dumb they could create that humanoid robot but their own design is so much worse. This is a classic example of the writers of Dr Who being amazingly unadventurous.

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Well that was probably Doctor Who at its worst tbh. Found it really boring!!


They need a serious break from the Daleks, of atleast a season or two because they're just a complete joke.


You can predict the entire episode.


I also thought Karen Gillan seemed pretty awkward throughout this episode, and I didn't think the Doctor's performance was all that great either.


New Daleks anyone...


Completely agreed on every point. Especially on the bit where they were trying to deactivate the bomb. Awwwwwkward. haha.


The budgets definitely gone down since the daleks were last on, those SE's are awful haha.

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Completely agreed on every point. Especially on the bit where they were trying to deactivate the bomb. Awwwwwkward. haha.


The budgets definitely gone down since the daleks were last on, those SE's are awful haha.

They did say they had to have a massive budget cut. They said we wouldn't notice...I can notice :/

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So the game footage shown after to nights episode has the new Daleks and same clothes that Amy was wearing.


Edit: In Doctor Who Confidential, the new Daleks are a lot taller in size and also coloured classed:


Red: Drone

Orange: Scientist

White: Supreme

Blue: Strategist

Yellow: Eternal


Just like that non-canon film Dr. Who and the Daleks.

Edited by Dante
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Yeh I was kinda undermined by that episode . The best bit was when they were trying to make the android think he was human to deactivate the bomb. The smartie daleks were rather cool but I agree they are overdone now. On to next weeks episode :)

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I really enjoyed the Daleks episode - thought it was the best Dalek episode since Season 2. Could have been a bit more exciting, but the script and pacing gripped me. I notice they are taking the Daleks back to how evil they used to be, without the human qualities RTD often gave them - it was very ruthless the way they blasted the "Ironside" Daleks.


Having said that, I'm afraid this show is past its best in many ways. Just doesn't have the spark it did under Russell T Davies and Eccleston/Tennant.

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it was very ruthless the way they blasted the "Ironside" Daleks.
Was it really though? I thought the Ironside Daleks wanted it, as it was the best thing for the Dalek race.
I like Matt Smith though. I'm even starting to see past the massive nose and find him attractive.
The love child of Gordon Ramsey and Kieth Floyd.
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The Daleks in episode 3? They must be scraping the barrel on the ideas front.


I like Matt Smith though. I'm even starting to see past the massive nose and find him attractive. :p

As opposed to the Daleks in episode 6 of the first season of the revival? :P

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As opposed to the Daleks in episode 6 of the first season of the revival? :P
Yes but that was the revival... it's fine to have episodes bringing each classic villian back, but not to keep recycling in rubbish ways and clearly they just don't have anywhere near the same impact anymore!


It was also to introduce them to a new audience... who I imagine just find them pathetic as a villian already.

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My theory about the Daleks is that they are absolutely brilliant, but have been misused, rather than necessarily overused.


Season 1 and 2 were great, I think most people would agree. Daleks in Manhattan could have been great, but I didn't like the pig men or the Human Dalek (I also thought the story could have been much more of a laugh, given the Broadway setting).


The Davros story was slightly better, but I didn't find the resolution very satisfying, what with Half Doctors and Doctor Donnas!


Last night's, however, had a tight script with no real "problems" and probably would have been a lot more exciting if the programme still had RTD's verve! I still love them, though, just their voices and their lasers, and I'd miss them if they weren't in it! It's always dramatic when they meet a new Doctor too.

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I'm really liking the new retro look Daleks, better that they're taller too, prevents the doctor having to stoop to talk to them like they were little kids.


Yes but that was the revival... it's fine to have episodes bringing each classic villian back, but not to keep recycling in rubbish ways and clearly they just don't have anywhere near the same impact anymore!


It was also to introduce them to a new audience... who I imagine just find them pathetic as a villian already.


Ya but their his ARCH-nemesis, cant really just sweep them away. i'm getting the feeling that moffat is attempting to put his own stamp on the show by trying to re-invent old foes. the destruction of the army daleks was symbolic, out with the old in with the revamped

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