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I completely agree. The storyline is poor, just basic action really. With some attempted kinda extra bits that try to sound clever. I dunno, what to call it, there's an annoying thing that seems to happen alot, examples will be best:


"I thought the [thingy] screwdriver could open anything?"


"Not this specific item!"


Stuff like that annoy me greatly for some reason!

They've never said the Sonic Screwdriver can open anything.

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It is a kids show, always has been, always will be.


It is and always has been a FAMILY show. There are parts for the whole family.


Why is it that just because it has bits that kids like, it means it is a kids show?


Oh, and I am not really interested in arguing with you (or anyone for that matter. Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics. Weather you win or loose, you're retarded) but I don't go in to rap threads (I hate rap) just to say "Oh, you kids don't know what it's all about with your rap music. You never heard classical!" It's the same thing your doing.


I just think you are wasting your time. Lots of people think the new series is crap. Lots of people think bear is crap, or long hair, beards and tattoos. Loads of people think dogs are crap. Lots of people think Xbox and Wii is crap. Many people think that Stargate is crap, and Jesus is crap and Octopi is crap and Emoticons are crap and Light bulbs are crap and Godzilla movies are crap...


But on the other hand, lots of people like those things, and nobody will change there mind. You can voice your opinion, but you see to be insulting the fans and telling us to change our mind. You're like a Cyberman ("YOU WILL BE LIKE US!").


You're not going to change our minds. Many classic series Doctor Who fans love the new series and a few (it is less, that’s a fact) dislike it. Just let people live there lives and stop forcing your opinions into people’s face.

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i totally agree with rokhed to be honest, it is 100% a kids and big kids show.


It is, just some people aren't comfortable watching a kids show once they consider themselves grown up and have to call it a family show.

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I really enjoyed tonights episode. Low on action, but very well scripted and D.T. looks like he's finally cracked the Doctors character. I feel like the series has finally taken off. Just lovely, wonderful sci-fi drama. Great performance from his lass too. Now eagerly awaiting next weeks episode. I don't care if it's a kids show. It's fantastic. If that makes me a kid, I don't ever want to grow up. It's just great, great television and sci-fi.

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It is, just some people aren't comfortable watching a kids show once they consider themselves grown up and have to call it a family show.


It's definitely a kid's show, but that doesn't mean they don't put jokes in for adults watching. Also, few kids will appreciate the references to the old doctor who's. (I know some of these references screw up continuity etc.)

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I also thought the final twist as to why they wanted her brain in particular was quite clever.


You're kidding, right? That was one of the bad points, along with the unecessary romance, and the doctors newly invented telepathy. Robots that are cold and ruthless enough to use the body parts of the passengers to repair the ship I can accept, robots that pursue one individual through time for no given reason I can accept, but robots that are so stupid they think the best possible match for the ships computer is the brain of the person it was named after is just ridiculous.


Next weeks does look better, highly reminiscent of the Dalek invasion of earth, but a little plagiarism isn't a bad thing considering the stories they managed to come up with on their own.

I'm not too keen on the new look Cybermen either, aswell as making them look worse they seem to have done a 'dawn of the dead' on them too. Cybermen never used to move that quickly.

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That's because they are new Cybermen, if you watch the Tardisode, the main idea is an UPDATE which I assume is to turn all human life into Cybermen.

Still look like crap compared to the classic skin tight silver suit and classic helmet, they've been going downhill since then.

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Still look like crap compared to the classic skin tight silver suit and classic helmet, they've been going downhill since then.


still being all teary eyed about the past?! awww didums!

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You're kidding, right? That was one of the bad points, along with the unecessary romance, and the doctors newly invented telepathy.


Time Lords have always had telepathic powers but they have not been explored much in the series.


There was a time when regeneration was a "newly invented" plot devise. There was a time when the Sonic Screwdriver was a "newly invented" idea. If we don't discover new things that the Doctor can do, then the series would go no where. We would just have repeats of the same plots.


Robots that are cold and ruthless enough to use the body parts of the passengers to repair the ship I can accept, robots that pursue one individual through time for no given reason I can accept, but robots that are so stupid they think the best possible match for the ships computer is the brain of the person it was named after is just ridiculous.


Why is it that all enemies that the Doctor faces have to be intelligent monsters with a clever plan of destroying the earth. These robots were scary as they were stupid and stuborn...two things that don't mix well. I thought that this was the high point of the episode.


Next weeks does look better, highly reminiscent of the Dalek invasion of earth, but a little plagiarism isn't a bad thing considering the stories they managed to come up with on their own.


The episode is based on the BigFinish Audio "Spare Parts" and explains the origins of alternate Cybermen.

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still being all teary eyed about the past?! awww didums!


No, I'm all for change, if it's for the better, the cybermen have been on a slippery slope for quite some time appearance wise. It's not just their latest incarnation that has disappointed.


Time Lords have always had telepathic powers but they have not been explored much in the series.


There was a time when regeneration was a "newly invented" plot devise. There was a time when the Sonic Screwdriver was a "newly invented" idea. If we don't discover new things that the Doctor can do, then the series would go no where. We would just have repeats of the same plots.


Still, a bit convenient, it's something you'd have thought he would have used at least once in the last thirty odd years, it's certainly something that would have come in handy.


Why is it that all enemies that the Doctor faces have to be intelligent monsters with a clever plan of destroying the earth. These robots were scary as they were stupid and stuborn...two things that don't mix well. I thought that this was the high point of the episode.


No arguments on the stupidity, but they can't have been that stubborn as they gave up pretty easily at the end without even looking for a way back.


The episode is based on the BigFinish Audio "Spare Parts" and explains the origins of alternate Cybermen.


Still, very reminiscent of the Dalek Invasion. Both invade earth, mainly London, both convert humans for their use, robomen isn't a million miles away from Cybermen, and if the Cybermen plan on pulling a Mondas on Earth then they'll be converting the planet for interstellar travel, just as the Daleks planned to. Wether or not it's done conciously there's still some plagiarism going on there by the looks of things.

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