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Thought I'd find the trailer and have a look. Pause at 0.21



There seems to be a bit more to them than tally marks, but then they don't seem exactly like the ones I was thinking of either... though it seems wierd they'd do the same sort of thing again?!





I've just found out that the episode that featured the above was called 'The Impossible Planet'... Yesterdays episode was called 'The Impossible Astronaut'!


Not sure if that's just a coincidence though?!

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Hmm, maybe they don't look very tidy because they are drawing them on themselves.


They have used the theme last series that nothing is ever really forgotten as long as someone remembers and it has shown that it can be something to help them remember.


When Amy seen the creature for the second time on Saturday she remembered the first time etc. Could the tally marks be a way of reminding themselves what they have already seen?


I could be completly wrong though! haha

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Well you never know with Doctor Who! They have a way of linking things up but my feeling is that the episode title wont be linked.


I also think that time is going to be 'rewritten', as i wouldn't think they would do a story showing a future Doctor dieing and have that set in stone. Since it would suggest there is going to be no more versions of the Doctor and has given him an age when he will die.

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Yeah they're definately going down the 'Time can be rewritten' thing with this episode.


Yeah, although it would be cool to link up to another Doctors episode, I'm not sure they've ever really done that before with all the new series have they? I can't remember Matt Smith referencing anything Tennant, or Tennant anything Ecclestone?

Sure they've had the likes of Rose to be able to keep some connections between them, but they rarely ever seem to explore previous episodes/themes, which would be a nice thing to do occasionally.

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I've just found out that the episode that featured the above was called 'The Impossible Planet'... Yesterdays episode was called 'The Impossible Astronaut'!


Spookily, that's something I once knew, yet my my mind went blank when trying to recall it today (I can remember what part 2 was called, no problem). Perhaps those aliens really can wipe our memory!

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It is something id like to see. Im always a big fan of continuity in stuff so I dont like to see events never reference. It was annoying enough when they had Amy no longer remembering the Dalek/Cybermen invasion or the Earth being stolen etc. I know that was tied with last seasons storyline but it felt more like a quick way to establish that this was Moffets Doctor Who now.

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I can't remember exactly what that episode was about, what was behind the voice calling the people up the stairs into the ship, and what was that thing about them having to touch the buttons at the same time or something? The spaceship de-cloaked and flew away at the end right? revealing just the single story to the real house.


I think James Corden talked about being in Doctor Who again when he was on Radio 1 a few weeks back.




Doctor Who (TV series)

Craig Owens

– Episode #6.12 (2011) … Craig Owens

– The Lodger (2010) … Craig Owens

Not until Episode 12!

Edited by Retro_Link
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I can't remember exactly what that episode was about, what was behind the voice calling the people up the stairs into the ship, and what was that thing about them having to touch the buttons at the same time or something? The spaceship de-cloaked and flew away at the end right? revealing just the single story to the real house.


I think James Corden talked about being in Doctor Who again when he was on Radio 1 a few weeks back.


If memory serves the ship had broken down and no longer had a pilot. I think it was attracting ppl to the ship to find a new pilot and if they were not compatable it killed them or something. I can't remember how it was all resolved but yeah i remember it ending with it flying away.


And yes Corden has confirmed he is back in Doctor Who at some point.

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Not until Episode 12!


That's amazing though. They're letting someone other than Steven Moffat write Episode 12? There are only 13 episodes, and the last two are always linked as a 2-parter.


The Lodger was very funny though, so I'm glad Craig Owens is writing another one, it's just surprising that it's Episode 12.

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If memory serves the ship had broken down and no longer had a pilot. I think it was attracting ppl to the ship to find a new pilot and if they were not compatable it killed them or something. I can't remember how it was all resolved but yeah i remember it ending with it flying away.


And yes Corden has confirmed he is back in Doctor Who at some point.


It might just be that I've watched the new episode a few minutes ago, but as I recall the ship in said episode had a button on it that needed a hand print, which I recall as being the same shape as those of our new lanky friends.


Watching that episode knowing that I'll have to walk down a dark corridor to my room was probably not the best idea. I shall commence Operation Attempt Not To Shit Oneself shortly.

Edited by The fish
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Sightings of the Silence

The Eleventh Hour -


While hanging from the TARDIS, the Doctor looks up into it and for a couple of seconds has a confused look on his face.


When Rory and Amy exit the elevator on the second floor of the hospital, Rory glances behind him at something, but when he looks back towards Amy, he shakes his head like he forgot something. It is about 42:49.


In the scene at the end of the episode where Amy goes into the TARDIS for the first time. there’s one point where she leans back on the console and is looking around the room. The camera is pointed towards her face, so we can’t see what she’s looking at. She looks around with a sort of awe-struck smile, but then her eyes linger over something and her expression turns into a look of horror. She starts breathing really quickly and turns as if to get the Doctor’s attention, but as soon as she’s facing him she just asks, perfectly normally, “Why me?”, as if she’d completely forgotten about what she’d just seen. Also, she flicks a TARDIS button/switch/lever at this point. Accidental Amy or something meaningful?


The Beast Below - At around 9:25 a black figure walks past Amy, she looks confused/scared for a couple of seconds then shrugs it off.


Victory of the Daleks - Near the end after the Daleks escape, the Doctor moves slowly backwards, as he gets near to the green framed window/doorway he looks to his left with a shock. The camera then switches to Amy and Churchill who both stare to the Doctor’s left with a look of shock before Amy continues on as normal with the line “Doctor, it’s OK you did it, you stopped the bomb.”


The Lodger - At 21:47 for a couple of shots Amy looks in the distance or at the screen and gasps, then shouts for the Doctor’s attention but he doesn’t listen. She looks away and shakes it off.


Vampires of Venice - At the end when Rory, Amy, and the Doctor are standing by the TARDIS, the TARDIS door is open and then shuts on it’s own.


The Big Bang - There are cloaked figures behind the Sarcophagi in the museum; a third figure moves out of shot at the edge of the screen at about 13:31



I believe the Logder one and the last part of The Eleventh Hour could be true.

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I just checked all the epsiodes at the exact moment and yeah some of them I can believe and I'm never not going to see that shadow on the last episode again and the beast below one is pretty obvious when you see it. Pretty cool if true.

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I feel like I've missed something...

Did those new enemies actually introduce themselves as The Silence? I don't remember hearing that.


I watched the first of those video, but to me they all feel like the majority have just been taken out of context, and others I'm sure if you watch the full episodes their reactions make more sense no?

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