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I don;t get it, are you taking the mick of him?


and again @tellyn, the garlic bread/cheese cake voice is one of those that makes me want to stuff a big stick of garlic bread down his throat



nor do i


him me and any one else with a strong accent


i am from the north not to far from mr kay



i love that joke i havent heard it since i wore shorts and braces

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Guest Jordan
Rock on 2006!!! The year of this queer!!!


From TakeoMiyazaki, is there any need to be this "in your face" about being gay?


I have nothing wrong with people who are, one of my best friends is but just because you are doesn't mean you have to go around flaunting it...

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if you knew me you'd know that i dont 'flaunt' being gay, as in i aint a screaming inyour face attention seaking annoying gay guy, but this year has just been brilliant and i couldnt think of anything snappier to have down there and queer rhymed lol i did it in january and i just havent bothered to change-can you think of an alternative?

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isnt this apart of being gay the fact that they dont think the same and say things that we dairnt.


so if your not gay it will seem like they just dont care and its because they dont. so deal with it or go live in manchester, soho or brighton then it will be all so clear and no im not queer but have an understanding of life (my uncles gay) hehe and i live in brighton

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brightons nice! and my uncle is gay too so it aint like an uber special thing for me-the whole comment thing is just because at the start of this year i felt empowered to not be treated like crap so i felt that the comment below fitted that whole idea.


no biggie-its not like its in 12foot pink glittery writing with a naked angel beside it! lmao


now that would be in your face!


anyway back to doctor who!!! :D

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i'll stop saying that david tennant is fit if you stop saying biliie piper is!




seeing as everyone knows who's in the new series-what old characters would everyone like to see in the 3rd series of doctor who?? :D:D:D


(please no more comments about billie piper being fit or stuff about me being gay. its a dr who thread after all! and maybe there should be two new threads about billie piper and being gay?!?! just a thought lmao)

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If they had to bring anyone in from the oldl Doctor Who it'd be the Master, but they can't do that as they killed him off in that shitty 1999 TV movie.


I tell you, I watched the three doctors this morning, then half a dozen episodes of the rose tyler show, there was no comparison, special effects aside, the old Doctor beats the new in every department.


BTW, David Tennants Doctor just looks like a turd coloured spiv.

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i'll stop saying that david tennant is fit if you stop saying biliie piper is!




seeing as everyone knows who's in the new series-what old characters would everyone like to see in the 3rd series of doctor who?? :D:D:D


(please no more comments about billie piper being fit or stuff about me being gay. its a dr who thread after all! and maybe there should be two new threads about billie piper and being gay?!?! just a thought lmao)



hey hey i never said she was fit i just said she gave me the twitch:grin:

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Half the fun of being gay (or bisexual in my case) is that you get do it in people's faces.


true but lets save that for people i hate and complete strangers! :D


the amount of times i've kissed a guy infront of a group of chavs just to see what'll happen . . . it was so fun! :D




Tennant is a cool doctor, younger more charming than chrisopher eccleston-and thank god the leather jankets gone lol bring on the converse shoes hehe


and you cant really compare the new series to the old ones because their made for different generations.

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Tennant's only had twenty odd minutes of screen time so far, so we can't really judge him on that. Mind you, Ecclestone's set the bar tremendously high. I've no doubt Tennant can reach that - after all, he was in the 2005 special of The Quatermass Experiment. That was mostly running down corridors, which is all you need for Doctor Who!

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I think the new series has all the magic, humor, charm and ... wonder of the old series. I loved the old series and think the new series is just as good. People who disagree are usually (usually) just trying to find cons, because they don't want to like the new series.

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I think the new series has all the magic, humor, charm and ... wonder of the old series. I loved the old series and think the new series is just as good. People who disagree are usually (usually) just trying to find cons, because they don't want to like the new series.

What complete and utter bollocks, I wanted to like the last series, but they changed the whole dynamic of the show to focus on Rose Tyler, probably for the sole reason to establish Billie Pipers acting career. Hopefully seeing as they're ditching her this series the focus will go back where it belongs, on the Doctor, but I've got this horrible feeling a good portion of the series will be devoted to publicising the Captain Queer spin off. Personally I don't see what everyone sees in Russel T Davies as a writer, I could script a much better series of Doctor Who.

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Hopefully seeing as they're ditching her this series the focus will go back where it belongs, on the Doctor, but I've got this horrible feeling a good portion of the series will be devoted to publicising the Captain Queer spin off. Personally I don't see what everyone sees in Russel T Davies as a writer, I could script a much better series of Doctor Who.




From what little I've seen of the new Who, he seems to have been inspired by Whedon, the random quips and silly humour of Dr Who (Eccelson) is like a hyrbidisation of a few Buffyverse characters. Although you have to give Davies credit for Queer as Folk, good scripted drama.

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What complete and utter bollocks, I wanted to like the last series, but they changed the whole dynamic of the show to focus on Rose Tyler, probably for the sole reason to establish Billie Pipers acting career. Hopefully seeing as they're ditching her this series the focus will go back where it belongs, on the Doctor, but I've got this horrible feeling a good portion of the series will be devoted to publicising the Captain Queer spin off. Personally I don't see what everyone sees in Russel T Davies as a writer, I could script a much better series of Doctor Who.


jesus is wrong of me to take offence of that Captain Queer comment!


firstly, captain jack is a good character and john barrowman who plays him is a fantastic actor-hes done so many other things from oklahoma to period dramas! oh and dancing on ice . . . anyway . . . yeah john is gay but he's playng a bisexual character and arent we forgeting the doctors bisexuality!?!?!


secondly, russell t davies is great because he is a fan, and his writing style is unique-corny at times but tongue in cheek with some genuine heart felt and dramitic moments littered through! his style helps people to deal with heaveir topics-i mean the first episode with the dalek was a very emotional and scary for the kids. he just knows what he needs to do to engage the audience.


plus the whole bad wolf thread through the first series was great even if it did focus on rose it had the heart of the tardis as the main feature and rose is more a device to help the audience engage with the show and relate to a character thus making them feel emotionally connected to rose in this case.


whew-i need a lie down . . .

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arent we forgeting the doctors bisexuality!?!?!



Please, do remind me, I'm pretty sure I've watched every episode from way back when it started with William Hartnell and not once have I seen him have intimate relations with anyone of any gender (apart from that crappy 1999 movie, but that doesn't count).

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Please, do remind me, I'm pretty sure I've watched every episode from way back when it started with William Hartnell and not once have I seen him have intimate relations with anyone of any gender (apart from that crappy 1999 movie, but that doesn't count).


Spose you could chalk it up to a change in society and what the public is willing to be shown. I think it would be kind of weird if anyone on tv now (without very good reason) was asexual.


(Cause I can't be bothered to check myself). How many episodes are there in the first (new) series? Just watched the double part invasion in London thing, and want to finish them all but im annoyed Teleport doesn't seem to have recorded the Christmas invasion which was repeated tonight wasn't it? Hope it records the new season.

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Please, do remind me, I'm pretty sure I've watched every episode from way back when it started with William Hartnell and not once have I seen him have intimate relations with anyone of any gender (apart from that crappy 1999 movie, but that doesn't count).


the doctor in the new series is definatly portayed as being bisexual-speculatively


there was definatly something going on between him and rose and captain jack.

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