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Nintendo inovation: invensions and marked introductions!


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I wanna make a list of the differet inovations, new aproches and introductions of new things to the marked, made by nintendo... just to make everthing clear... both in hardware and gameplay...



Lightgun (For NES)

Analogstick (N64 Controller) i know sega and maybe others had it before but not as standart and for at good as the n64 controller)

Rumble (The N64 RumblePak)

Portable gamedevice with changeable media/games (GameBoy)

Smooth wireless control (The Wavebird)

Touch control in games (DS)

Voicecontrolled games (Hey Pikachu)




True 3D gamplay (Mario 64)

Giant adventures and epic games (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)


and so many more...


Do you guys have some to add?

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There was a video.

I can't be arsed to search for it though.


But it basically summed up what this thread was saying minus any references to contribution to software.


I think it's about time they supported DVD playback in Revolution. 1 generation behind the competition.. I highly appreciate this as I've never bought a DVD player.

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When it comes to gaming, and gaming interfaces, Nintendo pretty much invented, or implemented everything on the modern day console controller first.


D-Pad, 4 face button diamond layout, shoulder buttons, analogue stick, rumble pack, wireless.


These are just what you would see on a game pad for a home console too. It doesn't include other innovations such as the touch screen, tilt sensitivity, or light gun.


To look at it from another angle, they basically set the standard for home video consoles. So why the hell can't they do it again. This time, they're adding motion sensitivity, and 3D spacial detection. People say that the freehand looks stupid because it's shaped like a remote. Eveyone who deosn't play games would say the opposite and argue that the current controller is a strange shape, which in all fairness, it is. People are just too use to that controller. All because Sony and Microsoft have failed to change anything, causing gamers to get stuck in a rut.


Surely if Nintendo set the standard, then we should trust them to do the same again with the freehand. I don't know why some people still doubt it's functionality, and believe it will be unresponsive, because it's already proven that it will work. I've seen people so blind that they think it will be crap for left handers? How is that a logical thought? you can hold the controller in whichever hand you like, you only need the one. These thoughts baffle me.


To be honest, I'm fed up with trying to tell people how this controller works. As soon as they see the games in motion, I think they'll finally believe.

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There was a video.

I can't be arsed to search for it though.


But it basically summed up what this thread was saying minus any references to contribution to software.


I think it's about time they supported DVD playback in Revolution. 1 generation behind the competition.. I highly appreciate this as I've never bought a DVD player.


You do know the Revolution will be able to play DVDs. Its just you have to pay the licensing fees. We just don't know how we are going to pay for it.

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The iPod click wheel must have sounded pretty stupid before they put that in the iPod.


You do know the Revolution will be able to play DVDs. Its just you have to pay the licensing fees. We just don't know how we are going to pay for it.
Yes by saying "it's about time" I think that does insinuate that I am aware of the Revolution's DVD playback ability.


I think I'm the only person on the forum who's buying a Revolution as their sole DVD player.

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What region DVDs will the dongle be able to play? Anyone got any guesses as I know Nintendo haven't released this info yet.


You can guarantee that the dongle will lock you down to the normal geographical regions, that will be something that Nintendo is contractually obliged to do. The hope is that it's not set within the console itself, too; if it's just in the dongle you could import them from other regions.

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You can guarantee that the dongle will lock you down to the normal geographical regions, that will be something that Nintendo is contractually obliged to do. The hope is that it's not set within the console itself, too; if it's just in the dongle you could import them from other regions.


That would be interesting. Having a dongle for each region. How many are there again? I suppose you'd only need region 1 and 2 wouldn't you?

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everything Hal said in first post


That be nail on the head material ;)


Err... do all the things that didn't really happen count? like networking on the NES, CD drive for the SNES etc?


Also Mode7 and the FX chip on the SNES, those were both pretty impressive for the time.


shoulder buttons? Bongos? heheh!

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Don´t waste the laser-lence-lifetime for some stupid DVD-playback. Herre in Germany you get a brandnew dvd-player for 30€!That´s the same price for a DVD. O.K. that are those without divxplayback, but rev won´t do it either....

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Don´t waste the laser-lence-lifetime for some stupid DVD-playback. Herre in Germany you get a brandnew dvd-player for 30€!That´s the same price for a DVD. O.K. that are those without divxplayback, but rev won´t do it eithe


I second that. A Nintendo console begs to played not watched. DVD players are so cheap and tiny now. I saw one in Family Dollar the other day for 25 USD which is dirt.

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Guest Stefkov
I think I'm the only person on the forum who's buying a Revolution as their sole DVD player.


im getting the "dongle/addon" whatever you want to call it, i thought dongles were like memory pens, i thought it was just a "lock" that you have to "unlock" to open the DVD capabilities.

anyway im getting it for my room. i dont have a DVD player in my room, nor a ps2 or xbox. my bro has the ps2. i have the GC so i ant play DVDs :( so im getting the addon o watch my beloved final fantasy advent children at beddy bye byes :D

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I don't consider the laser lifetime of my console to be a big deal, it's something like a 3rd of a million hours anyway.


The Revolution console is generic, it will be the same (perhaps except colour) for all regions, the console will be manafactured and shipped to Germany for Nintendo of Europe HQ to box it up, add manuals and the corresponding power supply for which country.


The DVD dongle is a 'way around' making a different Revolution for each region like they did with the PS2 (raising the cost somewhat) and even then you still had to pay for a freaking remote that did the job properly.

It is correct it will simply unlock DVDs for a particular region, a mpeg2 license is around £20, and the hardware/packaging costs should be included in this.. if the Revolution launches after blu ray it may be even cheaper because it's no longer the industry standard.


I think the DVD playback is negligible unless you are a hardcore film viewer.. which I am not and if you think watching DVDs on it will make it break you're hugely misinformed, everyone knows the first batch of PS2 drives were shit.

You can't judge all consoles by that one cock up.


Of course there is no 'need' for it if you already have one.. I have a DVD drive in my iBook but it's not how I want to watch and even if I could buy a DVD player for about £30 off eBay I wouldn't because it simply wouldn't be stylish or slot loading and probably would come with a crap remote.

I'm confident the Revolution FHC will have a cool DVD GUI.


Theoretically if you were feeling rich you could import a Japanese/American DVD dongle to play import DVDs.. but it would probably be more cost efficient to buy a region free player from Amazon/eBay.


I don't watch such DVDs.


just doesn't compare..

Revolution is just an uber quiet stylish DVD player, that's why I want to use it..

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The D pad was made by ninty as other companys can't use one, there versions are differnt (eg. xbox one), plus how lame is the xbox joystic, I had to repair a broken one with half a screw and a soldering iron (and I still beat by friend 3 rounds to 0 on tenchu using the "repaired" one), saying that the n64 ones are the worst for breaking.

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