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Doubt it... they're already making a big loss, and they'll want to make the most out of those who are desperate enough.


If they keep the same price though i think they will lose even more, even avid fans of Sony may not be able to pay the £425 price tag. Theres been alot of talk going around that the price will be slightly dropped. Perhaps not as much as my estimates but i think they should go for under £400!

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Metal Gear Portable Ops, Medal Of Honour and Killzone are all fantastic and have saved the PSP from collecting dust.


MGS is like the PS2 versions, it's outstanding. I have no-idea about the story but it's great fun anyway! :hehe:

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Doubt it... they're already making a big loss, and they'll want to make the most out of those who are desperate enough.


By the time it comes out over here the manufacturing process will be less of a loss for sony therefore they can afford to give a cheaper price to us

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By the time it comes out over here the manufacturing process will be less of a loss for sony therefore they can afford to give a cheaper price to us


Dream on. They kept the PS2s price as high as they could for as long as they could, with it being the most expensive console of its generation for the whole of its lifespan, with the exception of the short period (was it a week?) after the Xboxes launch before they dropped the price by £100. They need money, and with very few must have games to bolster software sales, they'll be wanting to make as little loss as possible on the hardware.

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Yes, £349.99-£379.99 i reckon!


Motorstorm rocks! [/QUOTe]


A drop to £350? hell no, it's gonig to be what, about 3 months until it's released here, how much do you think production costs are going to drop in that time? I think there's a possibility it could drop to say.. £399.99 but no lower.

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Well I finally gave into temptation and ordered a PS3. I know it's stupid and I'll get stung for import duty and it's overpriced, but I've come into a bit of money recently and decided to import one from dvdboxoffice.com.

Has anyone got one on these forums?

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Dream on. They kept the PS2s price as high as they could for as long as they could, with it being the most expensive console of its generation for the whole of its lifespan, with the exception of the short period (was it a week?) after the Xboxes launch before they dropped the price by £100. They need money, and with very few must have games to bolster software sales, they'll be wanting to make as little loss as possible on the hardware.


Ah but the fact is they need to sell em seen as theres only about 1 million units sold

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then i can delete and put the next one on?


I dont think it worked, i did what it said, extracting the files and what have you. Then i copied the files on my psp. One of the files was corrupted, the other i ran. I got to the psp logo, then it went black, and off. I turned it back on, and it was no different, and it hadnt created that file it said it would. So I decided in wanting not to wreck my psp, to format the memory card and update to the latest version. Ill just stick to MGS even though i wouldve liked to play final fantasy

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Ah but the fact is they need to sell em seen as theres only about 1 million units sold



Yes, they need to sell them, but until there's enough software on the market to cover their losses they can't really afford to make price cuts. And that won't be till the end of the year at the earliest.

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Well I finally gave into temptation and ordered a PS3. I know it's stupid and I'll get stung for import duty and it's overpriced, but I've come into a bit of money recently and decided to import one from dvdboxoffice.com.

Has anyone got one on these forums?


I gave into temptation about a week or so ago. It all happened so quickly...(well i had to be quick, they literally sold out in about 5 minutes).


I'm actually pleased i didn't really listen to anyone's comments (press, game websites etc..) about it and just decided myself. My one came to roughly the same amount it will probably launch here in the UK, i wouldn't of imported otherwise, i would of waited, i wasn't going to pay more. So it's kinda a bonus to get it before March and at the same RRP and i didn't get customs as i ordered from VGP (thankfully).


I wasn't going to buy one either, i didn't plan on buying one at all. My bro preordered one from Gamestation last May and put down a £20 deposit. I was going to wait just for him to get his...then i saw Motorstorm.....MY GOD, it's out of this world, believe me! Totally lives up to my extremely high expectations of it. So i suggest you make this your first PS3 purchase.


I've downloaded a Genji demo, thought it was very good, nothing new but the reviews have been a 'tad' harsh on this. I also played Gran Turisom HD concept and must say i was very impressed. If this was a early code from the game, i honestly don't know what the final ones going to look like. I also downloaded a couple of blu-ray trailers and must say that impressed me as well, a tad better then HD-DVD i believe.


It is big, heavy and very very shiny! and does look like a George Formans grill, so who-ever said that was correct. HOWEVER i really like it.


Overall? The PS3 in no-way beats the Wii for innovation, playability, freshness and games. I always knew it wouldn't. It is however a showcase for the most realistic looking games you'll ever see, and alot of them play like a dream. The controller may lack rumble and it may not be as different from the PS2 controller as it should have but theres something about this console which really gets anyone into 'technology' and 'graphics' into a spin.


Theres certainly room for all 3 consoles. As they all do something good in there own right. My only major worry is lack of future 'exclusive' games. The missing rumble in the controller didn't upset me as much as i thought it would, i forgot after 15 minutes of Motorstorm BUT it still should be in there!


Also i must add that backwards Compatibility is complete shite. I know that sounds extremely harsh, but in all honestly i think Sony should scrap the whole idea and just hope that people will keep their PS2'S. PS2 games on your PS3 look terrible. Sort it out Sony and real quick as you really could do without more negative press from these harsh critics.


So yeah. Feel really lucky that i was allowed to buy one and overall i'm very impressed. Although not being a fanboy 'at all' it really is going to find it tough beating Wii's innovation and originality and 360's very good support and live services, so Sony have a awful lot of work to do.


Also HazyUK if you need any help when setting-up, ask me and i'll try to answer any questions you have. Oh and enjoy it! :)

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Thanks Owen, I had an email stating that mine will be shipped on the 17th of Jan. It's costing about £450 for the 60gb deal with COD3 and I added Resistence to the package. I'll pick up Motorstorm when I know for definite that it's been shipped.

What do you use for the mains lead? I heard that you can use an IEC mains cable (kettle lead), is that true?

I'm looking forward to the PS3 and I'm glad I ordered it, I don't spend that much money on anything else but I do like my video games.

I'm looking forward to seeing it on my 1080p hdtv. :)

I'll probably have more questions for you nearer the date. Cheers.

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Thanks Owen, I had an email stating that mine will be shipped on the 17th of Jan. It's costing about £450 for the 60gb deal with COD3 and I added Resistence to the package. I'll pick up Motorstorm when I know for definite that it's been shipped.

What do you use for the mains lead? I heard that you can use an IEC mains cable (kettle lead), is that true?

I'm looking forward to the PS3 and I'm glad I ordered it, I don't spend that much money on anything else but I do like my video games.

I'm looking forward to seeing it on my 1080p hdtv. :)

I'll probably have more questions for you nearer the date. Cheers.


Good deal! Resistance is a fantastic shooter, it uses the best bits of most FPS and has a really good story and wonderful graphics, the enemies are very intelligiant as well, COD3 is also a very good game on the 360, so it will be pretty much the same on the PS3 if not slightly better in the graphics department!


I heard loads of stuff about using a kettle lead, but i'm running it on a '500 watt' stepdown transformer so it's running at the power it's suppose to. I wasn't going to take any chances. http://www.play-asia.com sell the one you'll need for roughly £29.00, of course if you decide to use a kettle lead thats about £7. BECAREFUL though, to make sure i would buy a stepdown transfomer, at least you know for a fact it won't break it.


The PS3 was made for 1080p TV's it seems, so it should look even better on your TV then it does mine, you lucky thing! I'm using a HDMI cable i purchased of Ebay for £9.99 and it works a treat! Let me know if you want the sellers name.


Also don't panic if theres no picture on the screen when you first turn it on, some have had to plug both composite and HDMI in, turn the PS3 on and choose HDMI connection for it to work, although i didn't need to do this and i'll doubt you need to, too. (Of course if your going to use component, that would take the place of HDMI)


Hope that helps!


I know what you mean, £450 is alot of money and i'm really grateful i got one. I'm totally in love with games, so it's worth it though. It hasn't let me down yet! :grin:

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COD3 is also a very good game on the 360, so it will be pretty much the same on the PS3 if not slightly better in the graphics department!


360 version actually looks slightly better, if you can even spot the difference.

Games not great anyway Treyarch took a great franchise and broke it.

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