Domstercool Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Rayman is the same game, it just controls with a pad. And RR7 is the biggest improve to the series yet. Custom, slipstream, team based.
KKOB Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Rayman is the same game, it just controls with a pad. And RR7 is the biggest improve to the series yet. Custom, slipstream, team based. still the same game though for all intents and purposes, looks the same, mostly the same tracks and music. the controls with the pad make it totally different to how it plays on Wii. i imagine its shit on PS2.
triforce_keeper Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 still the same game though for all intents and purposes, looks the same, mostly the same tracks and music. the controls with the pad make it totally different to how it plays on Wii. i imagine its shit on PS2. Agreed. This game was made for wii, Ubi just thought ah what the hell we will make a few more Euro's if we make it multi-format.
Domstercool Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 9% different it seems on gamerankings between wii controls and normal controls, Wii obviously leading. Music is all totally new in RR7. I know, I have both the soundtracks. Tracks I give you yeah, but people who don't have a 360 (yes there's plenty, only 7 million 360s sold remember) might not have even touched it. So it's still a good game on a different platform. Zelda is on Gamecube and Wii, does that mean it shouldn't be counted as a good game for the wii then, since it's on the gamecube too. The controls don't seem to make THAT much difference since I've read a lot of reviews stating both are good games.
triforce_keeper Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 omg..... Ok look, Zelda I think works better on the Wii. I love the controls. Anyway Zelda just works with the controls, pointing and slashing. Pulling worms out of bunnies teeth and guiding a bunnie round tight spaces and loads of other examples just don't fit an analogue stick.
KKOB Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Zelda is on Gamecube and Wii, does that mean it shouldn't be counted as a good game for the wii then, since it's on the gamecube too. The controls don't seem to make THAT much difference since I've read a lot of reviews stating both are good games. Thats slightly unfair as the Wii plays both versions of the game and is exclusive to Nintendo (obviously), and the Wii controls just make sense. but this is a PS3 thread . . .
Dante Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Domstercool Persona 3 Fes 19 April 2007 Append Version = 6090yen Stand-Alone Version = 8190yen
Domstercool Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Persona 3 FES? Is that some sequel or spin off or something? Persona 3 isn't even out in the USA yet! Although it is soonish (Can't wait to blow my brains out to kill someone)
Mr. Bananagrabber Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 So I heard the PS3 won best new machine award or something on IGN with the Wii in second. Discuss lolol.
Domstercool Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Really? Wow I thought IGN really bummed the Wii too. O_o
KKOB Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 because they were viewing it from a multimedia/high tech perspective.
Fierce_LiNk Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Really? Wow I thought IGN really bummed the Wii too. O_o Oh dear God. Best new machine award? Sounds very prestigious. "!"
mcj metroid Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 err this debate is fun.i suppose this is all that's going to happen in this thread. I don't agree with anyone. But i will say that takeo:you haven't tried the ps3 yet.judging it by the psp is Not an indication of what the ps3s games are going to be like.Obviously the ps3 will get more attension.they have spend so much on it so It's not going to will have it's great games and it's bad ones. yes the launch wasn't super but the ps2s most notable game at launch was......tekken turned out to be the most succesful console ever with a lot of great games(though i prefer ps1 still).Point is i believe the ps3 will pick up and have better games produced eventually but at the moment yes there are very few that people will actaully care about and please stop saying motorstorm as a defence it doesnt sound exciting So I heard the PS3 won best new machine award or something on IGN with the Wii in second.Discuss lolol. haha new machine but not new games console. the ps3 is obviously the better machine
KKOB Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 yes the launch wasn't super but the ps2s most notable game at launch was......tekken turned out to be the most succesful console ever with a lot of great games(though i prefer ps1 still).Point is i believe the ps3 will pick up and have better games produced eventually but at the moment yes there are very few that people will actaully care about and please stop saying motorstorm as a defence it doesnt sound exciting The PS2 had over a years head start on the competition, so by your argument, the 360 has had the most similar launch to the PS2-and i believe it was M$s aim to outshine what had gone before and it did, it had decent launch games lol PS3 won't fail in the manner that it will sell consoles, and get a few good exclusives and make Sony some money in about 4-5 years times but it has/will lose market share and won't reach the lofty heights its older sister has. Motorstorm looks half decent its just the Japanese version isn't a full game, so hopefully it'll be a full game by the time it launches here . . . sometime mid to late 07 hehe :p
mcj metroid Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 ............i give up the ps3 is going to suck i tried ok.......Too much effort. still might get it eventually though:)I always do
Domstercool Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Why not use Motorstorm? The guys who have been getting hold of USA versions have been saying it's alot of good fun. Surely that's enough to make it a good game. It's very exciting to play the game so random sites say. I don't think you've looked into it enough just to get a idea of how cool it actually is.
That Guy Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 I think Motorstorm looks pretty decent actually. It's not going to sell a system to me but if I had one I'd pick it up.
KKOB Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 Why not use Motorstorm? The guys who have been getting hold of USA versions have been saying it's alot of good fun. Surely that's enough to make it a good game. It's very exciting to play the game so random sites say. I don't think you've looked into it enough just to get a idea of how cool it actually is. i assume that was to me, i have to an extent, but everything i was reading was a week or two ago when all that was out there was the Japanese version. It could be a good a game if it gets a couple of modes added to it. Its one of 2 titles at the launch of PS3 that actually look interesting and pretty good. I think Motorstorm looks pretty decent actually. It's not going to sell a system to me but if I had one I'd pick it up. exactly, but thats probs because theres one other game thats good on the PS3 launch line up that you haven't played before.
KKOB Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 Well it was to MCJ, but nevermind. aaaah sooo, i think he was just giving his view cos he loves a good argument, but rarely has the energy to sustain it.
Mr. Bananagrabber Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 I'm wrong, I know it but I won't admit it. Fixed it for you
AshMat Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 It's obvious people around here are closet PS3 fans, but are making out that they don't want one. "Weeellll, if i had the console then maybe.. y'know erm yeah i guess i mgiht just pick it up" if i had themoney i'd probably already have a US console.
Domstercool Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 Well since the console is region free. I'm happy waiting for a PAL release. BUT YES REGION FREE MAKES ME CUM FOR USA RELEASED RPGs!!
CooInTheZoo Posted December 30, 2006 Author Posted December 30, 2006 Takeo would you leave the fucking thread please! Its great to be opinionated but your flaming anyone and everyone who has something positive to say about the playstation 3 (which you have not played, and neither have i BECAUSE IT IS NOT OUT HERE YET!) drop it. play it when its out. come back then.
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