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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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the IGN messageboard only managed 5 pages. can't believe i was so lucky as to catch this 5 minutes after guarana posted the thread and to go through it all. it's been a special night people, that i'm sure will be topped come E3. It'd be good if Nintendo kept the videos till E3.


PS these pics make it harder to think what the 3rd secret will be (Unless it is something to do with being able to push out great graphics will ok specs)

20 pages amazing. hope all the screens are up in the morning. Night

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I bet there are some freaks out there, reading these threads WITH the magazine...and instead of scanning all 20 pages for us....there just gonna sit back in their mansions and sip on some coke :weep:

Let's just beg someone has the sense to scan in all that text and all those pictures really clearly, because i'm really interested in seeing what's said about it.

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I'm not a huge FPS fan but i'm really looking forward to this


I'm completely with you on that! I never really enjoyed FPS's but Metroid hunters feels soooooo good with that touch screen and i can't actually wait for this either. I don't think a launch will ever be this good :bowdown:

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Yeah where are those building pics guarana was talking about?




above this picture are 2 smaller pictures , showing a city with different lighting effects .. to see that pic , you need to see a zoomed out picture of this page..

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