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Hello Villan,



I think that, on the whole, they do a good job. However they do, on occasion, let themselves down with poor errors of judgement such as this. Mr Odwin in particular, I feel, suffers from this.



I have as much right as anyone to comment on moderators' behavior.



I thought Moria was in the wrong in that particular situation, and that Motion was well justified in his criticism, which I do not view as 'insulting'. A ban seemed harsh.



All of my threads so far have stimulated the sort of debate and banter this forum has been lacking of late, as I'm sure you will agree when you remove your head from your arse.




Joseph xx


Man, there's so much rubbish in that post...I-I don't think that there is a single rubbish tip in the world that would be able to hold that post, without any danger of overflowing... :shakehead


Can someone just ban him for having a dupe account please.


Quoted, it is The_Ganondorf yet again.


I bet ya a fiver.

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Hello again,


Been lurking for months (years?).


Posting through a proxy as I have trouble accessing the site for some reason.


Unless you can prove otherwise please stop the accusations. I am a very sensitive person and they are upsetting me.




Joseph xx

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Hello again,


Been lurking for months (years?).


Posting through a proxy as I have trouble accessing the site for some reason.


Unless you can prove otherwise please stop the accusations. I am a very sensitive person and they are upsetting me.




Joseph xx

Hi Ant. 101010101

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Oh my goodness me. See what I mean about heavy handed moderation?


Oh and Ant-Shimimminimimininin? Wrong. Stop being so paranoid, this is my first and only account.


If you continue to behave the way that you are then further infractions will follow and you will be banned.


If all is innocent, post in the tech board and ask about how to access the site without using a proxy. Using one is generally unnecessary.

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If all is innocent, post in the tech board and ask about how to access the site without using a proxy. Using one is generally unnecessary.

But I am well within my rights to do so should I wish.


I don't think you noticed the italics in my post... or you intentionally ignorned them.

I genuinely don't understand the purpose of the italics.

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