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McPhee you rock! You are like the Mods/Admin's public relations officer!


The most frustrating thing about this whole mess is not knowing what is going on. Thanks for the update on the situation!


Ok, i got a question.

Where have the admins been this whole time, besides when banning people?


I would imagine they are trying to get to the root of the problem on their admin boards....just a guess though.

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Ok, i got a question.

Where have the admins been this whole time, besides when banning people?


I have been without the internet at my new house so I've only been popping back on from my parents house and catching up with everyone's moaning is like a full time job. I browse through the admin boards to catch myself up though.

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I have been without the internet at my new house so I've only been popping back on from my parents house and catching up with everyone's moaning is like a full time job. I browse through the admin boards to catch myself up though.



What were we all saying about arrogance, patronising behaviour and members actually being treated with respect for a change?

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One final moan if you will, directed at Moria. Since yet another topic was locked I'll have to post it here:


You're forgetting that being on the forum is a privelege, not a right.


And you're forgetting that being a mod is a privelege, not a right. It doesn't make you better than anyone else. Certainly not us lowly members which you seem to see as somehow 'beneath you'.


Rant over.

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I don't think any mods look upon normal members as below them... unless the normal members start acting so idiotically that anyone would look down on them.


And you're both forgetting how to spell privilege. :heh:


Fair enough, and when 'certain' mods act like idiots then we're allowed to look down on them.


And speling was never my strong soot. ;)

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Guest dynastygal

I've noticed some spam left over from the GTFO spam sessions, and was wondering why it wasn't deleted?


Is it to show who were the ones spamming? To prove a point? Just curious.

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The YouTube tag issue, I'll be honest, I looked into it briefly and couldn't figure out how to do it. I'll give it another look when the current forum issues are resolve.


If there's spam around it's because either its subjective that it's spam, we didn't spot it or the issue is resolved and deleting it won't make any difference.

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The YouTube tag issue, I'll be honest, I looked into it briefly and couldn't figure out how to do it. I'll give it another look when the current forum issues are resolve.


Ok, cool! I was just wondering since we had that poll and it then went all silent! :heh:

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It was stated in this post(http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=582530&postcount=143), by Shorty, that he would show the gtfo moria threads so could we please see them and have an explaination as to why they were any different to the hundreds of "in before lock" posts.


I would also to know which posts of mine in the MPT where considered spam.



i too want to see these

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Theres nowt in em. Most of the talk was in the MPT thread, the thread GTFO_Moria made were only a few posts long and basically consisted of:




A Poll: "TITS OR GTFO?" 2 votes for GTFO one for TITS




Poll: "BIGGEST COCK" Hitler or Moria, 4 votes for Hitler none for Moria




Trust me, you ain't missing anything. Im sure you can guess the sort of replies the threads had

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