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They should be arrested for stupidity (I am so angry!)


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But come on, putting it on a black banner with the text 'You have been warned' is pretty much a direct reference to past terrorist attacks. I hate political correctness as much as the next guy, but adverts like this are just asking for trouble. What if I made an advert that was very slightly offensive to a small minority of Muslims? Yeah, I'd be in the shit.



HOW is it a reference to terrorist attacks? What utter rubbish! Is the only thing anyone gets warned about terrorists attacks? Jesus wept.


So you agree that adverts that are slightly offensive to Muslims should land people in the shit then? Or would you say that was "Political correctness gorn mad" and that the advert should stand?

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HOW is it a reference to terrorist attacks? What utter rubbish! Is the only thing anyone gets warned about terrorists attacks? Jesus wept.


So you agree that adverts that are slightly offensive to Muslims should land people in the shit then? Or would you say that was "Political correctness gorn mad" and that the advert should stand?

You're right, I would say that was political correctness gone mad. Like that whole Danish cartoon thing. Absolutely fucking retarded that is caused such an uproar. But the point is, it did. Just like this advert. The advertisers knew it would cause a great deal of controversy, and there's no doubt that was their aim. Are you telling me the link to terrorist attacks was purely coincidental? Don't be so naive, it was a deliberate part of the ad campaign. So, if they knew it would cause offence, why did they do it?


My point about anti-Americanism was somewhat separate, and was in response to comments in this thread that went 'stupid Americans' or other such bollocks. It annoys me that the US are blamed for pretty much everything these days, and that the country's entire population is branded as 'retarded' on the basis of one individual's actions. Xenophobia if I ever saw it.

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i said stupid americans. they are american are they not? and in my opinion the tenuose link that was drawn up between this and a terrorist attck was pretty stupid. so i commented stupid americans.


What was i blaming them for? i dont think their entire population is retarded. they are the most powerfull nation in the world (that does worry me though) they are most deffinately not retarded, but there is a level of arrogance about alot of americans that i find disturbing.

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It annoys me that the US are blamed for pretty much everything these days



Who put the current government in power? I think it might have been the people?

Not that i'm anti american or anything, but i'm just saying. You could get into the whole people who didn't vote thing, but we won't.

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That whole 666 being evil and connected to satan is bull shit. Humans made time so how is it possible that we make our own deaths/evil through numbers?


The number 666 is mentioned in the Bible in revelation ch 13 vrs 18


"...Let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666".


People must be stupid if the belive bad things will happen on the 6,6,06 or any other date connected to 666.

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You're right, I would say that was political correctness gone mad. Like that whole Danish cartoon thing. Absolutely fucking retarded that is caused such an uproar. But the point is, it did. Just like this advert. The advertisers knew it would cause a great deal of controversy, and there's no doubt that was their aim. Are you telling me the link to terrorist attacks was purely coincidental? Don't be so naive, it was a deliberate part of the ad campaign. So, if they knew it would cause offence, why did they do it?


My point about anti-Americanism was somewhat separate, and was in response to comments in this thread that went 'stupid Americans' or other such bollocks. It annoys me that the US are blamed for pretty much everything these days, and that the country's entire population is branded as 'retarded' on the basis of one individual's actions. Xenophobia if I ever saw it.


You shouldn't be so quick to make presumptions. You say it's a nod to terrorist attacks because... there's a date? "you have been warned"? I don't think so. I think the campaign was supposed to highlight the importance of the three 6's. I do not see how you can say for certain that it was a deliberate part of the campaign, and you cannot say for certain that it would cause offence. I think tehy were aiming for controversy, and a distinction has to be made between that and an offensive remark.


I agree with you about the "stupid americans!" comments. The fact is that it's only a minority who were freaked out, a minority who made the connection. I think that if that banner was flown in the UK it would have had a different effect - people would probably assume it was a publicity stunt BUT i am sure some individuals may be worried. What if it was flown over a predominantly asian community? I'm sure they might have reason to believe they are at threat. But that comes from being oppressed. Someone else made teh link here too - Many americans and much of the western world is oppressed by fears that something out therep/i] is after us. it's like my mother believes that in every park lurks a paedophile in every bush, and that molesters are always after kids 'my age' despite the overwhelmingly small minority of actuall offences that occur... But I DIGRESS. I've written too much.


Simple answer: Chill.

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Who put the current government in power? I think it might have been the people?

First of all, what is wrong with the current US government? I'd love to see you, and all of George Bush's other critics, do a better job. And you know what, I don't like Labour, but do I go around saying that the British people are 'stupid'?


This, ladies and gentlemen, is precisely the sort of mindless bollocks I'm talking about.

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If it was a reference to the terrorism attacks of 7/7, you'd think they'd use 7s. It's almost as if the 666 is a reference to the number 666 which has been an integral part of the omen series long before recent terrorist attacks.


But no, that would mean we couldn't have a big victim complex about some evil conspiracy. The reaction of the people in the article was just like the muslim guy who demanded macdonalds remove a swirl from the top of their flurry containers because he thought it was deliberately mimicing the arabic symbol for "Allah". They're seeing things that aren't there because they want to be offended about something. And no one race, country or culture has a monopoly on this sort of thing, just look at the BNP website where they see "anti-white racism" everywhere. but again, certain groups are exampt from their paranoid pouty lipped whines being called political correctness.


Of course, if it was a group of muslims who'd made a connection between the release date of a film and the aniversary of, for instance, the deaths of people killed in a stampede at mecca, I'm sure you'd be jumping to their defence just as quickly...

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If it was a reference to the terrorism attacks of 7/7, you'd think they'd use 7s. It's almost as if the 666 is a reference to the number 666 which has been an integral part of the omen series long before recent terrorist attacks.


But no, that would mean we couldn't have a big victim complex about some evil conspiracy. The reaction of the people in the article was just like the muslim guy who demanded macdonalds remove a swirl from the top of their flurry containers because he thought it was deliberately mimicing the arabic symbol for "Allah". They're seeing things that aren't there because they want to be offended about something. And no one race, country or culture has a monopoly on this sort of thing, just look at the BNP website where they see "anti-white racism" everywhere. but again, certain groups are exampt from their paranoid pouty lipped whines being called political correctness.


Of course, if it was a group of muslims who'd made a connection between the release date of a film and the aniversary of, for instance, the deaths of people killed in a stampede at mecca, I'm sure you'd be jumping to their defence just as quickly...

Good argument, and I accept your point, but I still believe that the ad was deliberately trying to cause controversy, and that's something I disagree with. Things that are unintentionally offensive are a different matter. I guess we'll never know whether this was intentional or not.


And Faz, you inferred that the American people were 'stupid' for voting Republican, that makes you a critic of Bush's administration as far as I'm concerned. Unless I read your post wrong.

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And Faz, you inferred that the American people were 'stupid' for voting Republican, that makes you a critic of Bush's administration as far as I'm concerned. Unless I read your post wrong.


If you took it that way, then fair enough. I didn't even mention the word stupid, so don't even put it in single quotes. You just assumed thats what i was getting at when it wasn't.

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You could also say that if they saw a banner that said 6/6/06 and thought terriosts instead of making the religous "666" connection religion must be at an all time low in the US, dispite Bush claiming he works for God, or smething like that.


When i started reading the article i thought the date referance might have been some religous fanatics going to claim that the world would end on that date. hell we could bring it down to the second it could be 6:06 and 6 seconds on the 6/6/06 that's a triple 666, oh no's we're doomed :p


Anyway, since when were they remaking Omen? are they gonna remake all the Omen films? Jesus, why, the films is perfect as it is, it doesn't need to be remade. They prolly just wanna change the dates and stuff and make it like it was happening today, but the time in which the original is set works loads better. It's just gonna end up ruined by over use of special effects, poor direction (i'm convinced no american director today can shot a horror flm right, seems to be an asian skill at this point) This is even worse than Hollywood remaking all the good asian horror films.

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If you took it that way, then fair enough. I didn't even mention the word stupid, so don't even put it in single quotes. You just assumed thats what i was getting at when it wasn't.

Hold on a minute... I made a point about how annoying it is that people can brand the entire US population as 'stupid' based on the actions of one individual. You quoted it, and went on to say 'Who put the current government in power? I think it might have been the people?'. If you were getting at something other than what I have assumed, you've made your point very, very badly.


Think before you type.

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Hold on a minute... I made a point about how annoying it is that people can brand the entire US population as 'stupid' based on the actions of one individual. You quoted it, and went on to say 'Who put the current government in power? I think it might have been the people?'. If you were getting at something other than what I have assumed, you've made your point very, very badly.


Think before you type.


I could say sorry, but i wont because i did just hit the quote button and typed away, have you ever thought about this? I didn't edit it down.


I'll go back and edit it if you want to make you happier.

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I could say sorry, but i wont because i did just hit the quote button and typed away, have you ever thought about this? I didn't edit it down.


I'll go back and edit it if you want to make you happier.

There's no point arguing about this as you clearly don't have a valid point to make, and are only interested in making me look stupid, so I will conclude with the following and not post in this thread again:


You are a complete fucking retard.


Thank you.

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There's no point arguing about this as you clearly don't have a valid point to make, and are only interested in making me look stupid, so I will conclude with the following and not post in this thread again:


You are a complete fucking retard.


Thank you.


There you go again, assuming that I am trying to make you look stupid, when this whole thing started when you blamed me for calling americans stupid.


Now, i edited it for you, i guess your happy.


Oh, and no problem. ;)

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So, if they knew it would cause offence, why did they do it?




I do not see how you can say for certain that it was a deliberate part of the campaign, and you cannot say for certain that it would cause offence. I think tehy were aiming for controversy, and a distinction has to be made between that and an offensive remark.



SomestuffwassaidthatmadeFieldsofanfieldroadcompletelyignoreandsteal mypoint,whilstchanginghisargument.Emooverlookedagain.Emooo!


Good argument, and I accept your point, but I still believe that the ad was deliberately trying to cause controversy, and that's something I disagree with. Things that are unintentionally offensive are a different matter.- I guess we'll never know whether this was intentional or not.



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That whole 666 being evil and connected to satan is bull shit. Humans made time so how is it possible that we make our own deaths/evil through numbers?


To make it even more stupid, I think they mistranslated it from the bible (or somewhere) and it should be 616.

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Derived from Roman Numerals. Add one of each up...


I = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100

D = 500


... 666!


Jesans believe, perhaps amongs others , I can't say, that the antichrist's name would contain all these letters. Bit trucky, but personally I reckon a pope will get there one day. Sic.


.. Of course, the number M doesn't quite fit... Who here knows why?

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Derived from Roman Numerals. Add one of each up...


I = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100

D = 500


... 666!


Jesans believe, perhaps amongs others , I can't say, that the antichrist's name would contain all these letters. Bit trucky, but personally I reckon a pope will get there one day. Sic.


.. Of course, the number M doesn't quite fit... Who here knows why?



Ah, so that's the reasoning behind it. I always assumed that satan chose 666 because it's easy to remember, like 118 118. So why in the Omen is the antichrist's name Damien rather then say Calvidex?

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