raven_blade2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 http://blogs.ign.com/Matt-IGN/2006/03/26/7367/ "Virtual Console: Rareless Well, here's something interesting from GDC 2006. Met with some Rare / Microsoft people who confirmed once and for all that Revolution's Virtual Console will not see any Rare-owned licenses. What does that mean? No-gos include Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Not happening on Revolution. Neither are gamers likely to see Goldeney 007, unless both Rare and new license holder EA commit it to Nintendo's platform. On a brighter note, any title developed by Rare that is fully owned by Nintendo could very well show up on the Virtual Console. Donkey Kong 64. Diddy Kong Racing. You get the point." -Matt, IGN Gamecube Editor That would suck. Nintendo had better make some deals to secure these important games for the Virtual Console. Forget all these stupid licensing problems, those N64 games are needed.
Nintendork Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 I heard someone say that Nintendo technically still owns the right to Goldeneye (don't ask how) but might not own the rights to the other games..? It sounded dodgy to me, but maybe the post Goldeneye games will be absent only. I'll wait until the lawsuit is over but it would be a great shame if this is part of the deal when Microsoft ate Rare.
EchoDesiato Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Ah crap, I was looking forward to finally playing Conker's Bad Fur Day.
ggamer Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 i really hope this isnt the case, i was really looking forward to downloading those games. Nintendo should (as raven said) try to make deals to secure these awesome titles for rev.
pedrocasilva Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 this just brings up the need for homebrew software on the console in order to emulate Rareware games.
ShadowV7 Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 I really hope they do appear I want to play Conkers Bad Fur Day
*Dalco* Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 does this mean that as rare own there own licenes (Banjoe, Jet Force etc) microsoft could launch there own download programme for past rare ware games?
pedrocasilva Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 does this mean that as rare own there own licenes (Banjoe, Jet Force etc) microsoft could launch there own download programme for past rare ware games?no, because N64's architecture is property of Nintendo so it can't be emulated reproduced by Microsoft, so if Rareware wanted to give a playable version of the game for Xbox they'd need to port the game for it... I believe that's what they intended to do with Conkers Bad Fur Day for Xbox initially, but then it evolved. and well... you saw the results. Also, they might need nintendo's authorization to do that... port it over. Conkers bad fur day is the exception because it was done by rare and published by THQ, that's not the case at all with Banjo Kazooie and others.
raven_blade2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Author Posted March 27, 2006 EA actually owns the current rights for Bond games. So EA and Rare would both have to give their consent for Goldeneye to appear on the Virtual Console. As for Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Worst Case Scenario: Nintendo agree a deal with Rare/Microsoft that will allow these games on the Virtual Console as well as Xbox Live Arcade. Ive got a feeling this is what MS would want to do anyway. Its better for the games to be on both services than just XBLA. As for Goldeneye, we need that. Its a classic.
Marbles Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 damn u rare! I had hopes of replaying snake, rattle & roll and battletoads
Guest Stefkov Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 noooo i so wanted to play jet force gemini for another time im gonna cry. why cant rare just make a little deal i mean they will be getting money when the games are downloaded. hen thats more money to help with ms. i mean theyll get a load of money for goldeneye, depending on how much i costs to download. they et a shar e of that, then nintedo are probably gonna pay them to let them put their games on the service.
21st century cowboy Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 kinda related, Heard over the weekend that Rare are going to be making Banjo Kazooie 3 for the 360. I don't know how true this is but it was supposidly said over GDC. I honestly can not see Nintendo paying microsoft to be able to have Rare games on the virtual console but I'd lurve to be playing Battletoads come the Revolution.
mario_jr Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 I wanted to play Killer Instinct, -> L R X B Y A.. Eyedol
Teppo Holmqvist Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 I heard someone say that Nintendo technically still owns the right to Goldeneye (don't ask how) but might not own the rights to the other games..? What people don't understand is that Nintendo funded / published / distributed Goldeneye like they do with most 3rd party games, and therefore own all rights for the game and its code. Older games like Snake Rattle n' Roll, R.C. Pro A.M., Cobra Triangle and Slalom also fall into this category. Later* Rare games were only exclusively distributed (not funded or published) by Nintendo, and therefore Nintendo doesn't have any rights to them. The main problem that prevents distributing Goldeneye is that Nintendo has lost rights for 007 license, which is now with EA. * Killer Instinct, Banjo, Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini and Conker: Bad Day Fur fall into this category. ...Battletoads come the Revolution. Publisher for Battletoads was now defunct Tradewest, which was bought by WMS* Industries in 1994. In 1996 WMS changed its name to Midway Home Entertainment, Inc. EDIT: Serious mistake! Tradewest only distributed Battletoads, and Rare still has all rights for the series. * also known as Williams
Librarian Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 yes thank you for that.. stop talking about Goldeneye like Rare and Nintendo owns it.. They can't just release GE without handing EA a giant pile of chewits.. Im much more interested in that Donkey kong racing game Rare was working on when they left for MS.. that looked and sounded like a blast..
Pestneb Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 yes thank you for that.. stop talking about Goldeneye like Rare and Nintendo owns it.. They can't just release GE without handing EA a giant pile of chewits.. Im much more interested in that Donkey kong racing game Rare was working on when they left for MS.. that looked and sounded like a blast.. But if Nintendo release it it would be dual between EA and Nintendo - so both would split profits. Nintendo would be happy, EA would be happy. EA could come up with a deal where if users buy 3 of their Bond games they get GE for free through VC. assuming the situation is between just MS and Nintendo. other deals are possible, things MAY change.
JetSetWilly Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 I wouldn't worry about stuff like this. If the Virtual Console is a success the content will be there. It would be like EA and Microsoft turning down (almost) free money. We already know Microsoft has no objection to letting Rare make money from Nintendo handhelds.
Jay Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 I'm not surprised at all - Rare own the licenses to Banjo, JFG, Battleloads, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, Conker etc. and as I understand it would be easy for them to be ported over to Xbox Live Arcade so why would Microsoft give up a potential crown jewel? It was never going to happen. We will still see the Rare games that Nintendo developed which include the brilliant DK Country Series (and DK64 and Diddy Kong Racing - Which I thought were crap but I know many people loved) so its not all bad.
JetSetWilly Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 as I understand it would be easy for them to be ported over to Xbox Live Arcade so why would Microsoft give up a potential crown jewel? It was never going to happen. I can't decide whether it is saddening, ironic, both or neither that people will want to play "Nintendo" games on another platform rather than buy a Nintendo platform.
pedrocasilva Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 I can't decide whether it is saddening, ironic, both or neither that people will want to play "Nintendo" games on another platform rather than buy a Nintendo platform.well not that easy as rare games had references all over for nintendo consoles... banjo kazooie has a GB, banjo kazooie 2 a N64 and most games have references. And they can't use the original code, they have to port it... you know rare, if they go messing with the code they'll remake it into a Xbox 360 game. like they re-did conker... I wouldn't be surprised if Banjo Kazooie 360 is a remake of the original... (although I don't think it'll happen) you see what I mean Even if they don't... direct port is time consuming at best, as they can't emulate a N64 they have to port all the code to run natively... N64 was a complicated system so it's not like getting the sources and just compiling them, all the games were direcly optimized for N64... they won't run as they should with a quick and dirty port...
gmanprime Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 Oh please I hope they try to negotiaye with rare and EA for golden eye. Thats thier only title really love(That and diddy kong racing but it looks like we might be seeing it anyway.)
Helmsly Posted March 29, 2006 Posted March 29, 2006 Not being able to download Blast corps = A shame from Satan’s anus.
Wesley Posted March 29, 2006 Posted March 29, 2006 They should just create some kind of add-on to play N64 cartridges.
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