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E3 2006 Hype/Discussion

Atomic Boo

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Good video but talk about recycling the same footage.

I thought MTV would be more professional than this.. the edit in the middle was pretty lame too :P


It's official, the big three have set their press conferences for the days leading up to the Electronic Entertainment Expo.


Sony's kicking things off at their studio in Culver City on the afternoon of Monday May 8th. The next day Nintendo and Microsoft host back-to-back press conferences, with Nintendo leading the charge and Microsoft following up. Both are within walking distance of each other in Hollywood.


No specifics have been released about the content of the press conferences, but expect Nintendo and Sony to be talking (and showing) next-gen consoles. Microsoft's invitation mentions both the 360 and Games for Windows, which you can bet will be all about Vista.


Something tells me nobody will be visiting xbox if Nintendo have playable demo kiosks.

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Yes games makes a console, but your saying if Nintendo revealed the final Rev secret and it was something big like steroscopic 3D...you wouldn't care? Yeah right.


simple fact is, it's not going to be stereoscopic 3d.... the hardware inside the box is very conventional and no really up to providing acceptable 3d twice over for that kind of display.

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Good video but talk about recycling the same footage.

I thought MTV would be more professional than this.. the edit in the middle was pretty lame too :P




Something tells me nobody will be visiting xbox if Nintendo have playable demo kiosks.


Thats True!!


I think everyone will be at the Nintendo Conference. However playable demo's start on the 10th thats when the Expo starts.


May 9th is really that far away.

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Thats True!!


I think everyone will be at the Nintendo Conference. However playable demo's start on the 10th thats when the Expo starts.


May 9th is really that far away.


by 'everyone' do you mean the same press that get invites to all 3 of the major conferences? :woops:

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The fact that Revolution will be backwards compatible with GameCube, is a big thing in my eyes. Consumers will know that their GameCube or Revolution games will be playable on future consoles. The Revolution will have a big amount of playable GameCube games to play. Developers can reach more people by making games for GameCube. This is one of the reasons I think Tomb Raider is being made for the GameCube, because they can sell it to Revolution owners too.


It is a shame really, that backwards compatibility wasnt included earlier.

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^ I'd prefer it to be a Revolution launch title, or at least being able to use the FHController, everyone would buy a revolution if they could whip/slap Lara's ass : peace:


P.S.: Yeah... I'm a pervert


But seriously... Nintendo needs to put a lot of "out-of-print" gamecube games available for Revolution...

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The market for GameCube games is gonna be so great, eBay will be swamped with people wanting to make a quick buck.


So many classic GameCube games to play for like £5 a pop.

well... I for one think it could be, nintendo should at least let us order any game from the back catalog >_<
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Just so you know, according to IGN, Iwata has said that Rev games will cost no more than $50- thats how much current-gen games are, so thats good.

The Rev will be the multi-platform game player of choice-Fifa, TimeSplitters, Splinter Cell, and Medal of Honour fans will buy it because of the low price point, and they probably wont have an HD-TV.

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Most 360 games launch at $59.99/£50 you know?

Revolution is already undercutting most 360 games by $10, Oblivion by $20 and on par with the crap 360 games that didn't sell.


well... I for one think it could be, nintendo should at least let us order any game from the back catalog >_<

I totally agree.. there's gonna be a huge market for it in the first 6 months because nearly all systems have a pretty crap launch for first party titles (cough xbox) but I am really gonna try and build up some solid Cube games to play.


I remember playing SSX to death on the PS2 for like 4 months before something decent came along.

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Will RE host thou E3 video conference and update details as they come on the news article? I remember how long it took to get onto RE last time with so many awaiting viewers. It was so exciting! And to know that there'll be all these announcements videos pictures and..... *faints*

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Nearly all systems have a pretty crap launch for first party titles (cough xbox)

I was going to say "what about Halo?", but that was 2nd party...


If Retro 'borrow' MPH's multiplayer, replacing the hunters with Space Pirates and Federation Troopers, as well as keeping the cube Primes' damn good single player, then we have something which will, if Nintendo actually advertise it, give the Revolution one hell of a launch title.

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The lights will turn off... then sudenly 2 figures will come out. :shock: it's Darth Vader and a Jedi Master holding... Lightsabers (Revo gamepad). They are fighting and the action takes place in the huge screen. The Jedi wins and then the lights are turned on.................. The Jedi is :shock: George Lucas himself :shock: , announcing news Star Wars games for Revolution, as well as DVD movies that will use the 3D video-image projector of the Revolution.


Remember where you read it first....

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Most 360 games launch at $59.99/£50 you know?

Revolution is already undercutting most 360 games by $10, Oblivion by $20 and on par with the crap 360 games that didn't sell.



I totally agree.. there's gonna be a huge market for it in the first 6 months because nearly all systems have a pretty crap launch for first party titles (cough xbox) but I am really gonna try and build up some solid Cube games to play.


I remember playing SSX to death on the PS2 for like 4 months before something decent came along.


he actually said he expects games to cost less than $50 let alone the $60+ that 'other' next gen games cost.


*edit* ssx is all i played for ages and ages... until jak and daxter and final fantasy, i think. lucky i still had my dreamcast!

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Where's everyone getting their news?

I was thinking about getting some snacks in on the forums and mostly using 4colorrebellion.com who have promised the best Nintendo coverage and have been updating the site for it.

I'll also probably check the Kotaku feeds if they are about but I'm totally steering clear of digg.com/gaming and joystiq because since they've branched off into the fanboy empire the site has become a mess and hard to navigate.


Anyone got any good sources worth adding to an RSS feed?

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