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Gamecube a Letdown?


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The Gamecube was awesome, the only thing that didnt make it as fun as the N64 was that I was at college then and ill my gaming mates were still around so we used to have multiplayer sesh's ALL the time (which is when gaming is at its greatest), weve all moved away now so those moments are rare!!


However, I have more games than any other games system Ive ever had (which is a lot, except the SPectrum actually - had hundreds for that :)


Although the N64 WAS incredible, people do remember it fondly, I would say for every great N64 game there are probably 2 for the cube, all the games people have mentioned (though I would add Winning Eleven and Waverace into the equation) its been immense - I'm still playing through games that came out ages ago - Second Sight, Prince of Persia 1!!


Compare game franchises



Mario N64 wins

Zelda Tie (though Cube may still win this)

Mario Kart Cube

1080 Tie

Lylat Wars N64

FZero Cube

Smash Bros Cube

Waverace Cube

Mario Party Cube

Golf Cube

Tennis N64


Theres just a few, but Cube IMO is winning, then compare the others - N64 had GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Pilotwings, Blast Corps etc Cube has Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Second Sight, Persia, Mario Football, Batallion Wars.


I mean, I could really do a big comparison, doing this I'm even more convinced the Cube is anything BUT a disappointment!

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GameCube is a waste:D


Yes Gamecube is a BIG Letdown


First, the console was small, great controller and small disc, all that was good, which makes the console COol


Second the cosole was aimed at children and family gamers, instead of adult and teenagers. Nintendo beleives by aiming games at kids, they will make a better money, because when kids see things on tv they say i want this i want that


There was some great titles but other titles that keep coming out for Gamecube was lame, titles like Pikmin, Wario ware, Animal Farm. Gamecube also featured online support, but it was, but after Sony when online with there own console, all games that featured online for gamecube stop! which makes buying an adaptor is a ripp off.


I was looking for FPS games, which i totally found, games like Pikmin, Animal Farm, Mario ect. I was so totally p@ssed off, i counldn't even find games like Area 51, Mortal Kombat: Shaloin ..., all great titles that suppose to be on an't even on the console.


Nintendo stoped making great titles for the Gamecube, people say GC is good, by giving same proof (Resident Evil 4), that game was suppose to be release early, but was delayed twice, if Nintendo focused on Gamecube this console would have been better

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OK you kids wanna play with me



first of all, this topic says "Gamecube a Letdown?"

which means you say your opionion about its let down


Second,YES! Nintendo did market it for kids, WHY DA HELL IS MARIO THE TRADEMARK?

why is there bugs bunny games, megaman, pikmin, donky konga ect kids games

so you are trying to tell me, a hardcore gamer that play games like Unreal series, doom3 and telling me those hardcore gamers will be playing Animal farm and HARVEST MOON

you got to be joking


Third, gamecube isn't a letdown?

then why is there 3 pages of peoples post about the let down


Fifth, every forum has 60% kids, 5% morons and idiots

you my friends seem to be one of em

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Xino - I think speak for everyone. FUCK OFF!!

I don't want to reply, but my anger is rising by the second. HARDCORE gamers play anything that is good - most of the games you list above. It is the sheep, the masses who play fucking wank 'adult' games, just to be 'cool', a hardcore gamer won't care about image or whether something is deemed 'kiddy' by small-mind ignaramus' like yourself, the same way a hardcore film fan would watch Disney films!!



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dazzybee is right!! Hardcore gamers play games in a WIDE RANGE that are good. And anyway, I'd like to see a lil kid complete Pikmin (which isn't kiddy at all) F-Zero or Viewtiful Joe, or even get all the Shines on Mario Sunshine.


And by the way Xino, MORTAL kOMBAT IS SHIT compared to the likes of Naruto, SSBM & Soul Calibur II anyway!!


Blah blah etctec, go fuck your PS2 in it's TWO controller ports (so what was a rip off there? and also very old fasioned, even the N64 had 4)

AND...I think if there was A bugs bunny game on the Cube that it's definatly ALSO for the PS2!!

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ok... lets start with the boyding:D


FIRST...i should f@k off, if i use that language on you kids, the mod/ admin will send me a dumb pm about me using it


SECOND... your anger is rising... wow boy, i didn't know you worship Nintendo, don't worry i won't diss your god again


THIRD...yes you are right hardcore gamers play any games, but not kids games


now for you Kurt Johnson:D

FOURTH... so you are telling me, if a kid completes Pikmin, he isn't a kid anymore, but if he doesn't his a kid ... WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK OF THAT PEOPLE? if i don't complete Chu Chu Rocket i am a kid but if i complete it, I AM AN ADULT i am no more a kid


FIFTH... Mortal Kombat is sh@t, oh i see, if it is, why his da game on ps2 and xbox and its making sale now, if its sh@t how come its isn't on Gamecube? Naruto, Soul Calibur.. ROFL

you are a waste, you an't even a hardcore gamer your self, just buy crappy games Nintendo buy for you AKA NINTENDO RIPP OFFS

Tekken series is way better than Soul Calibur 2 ( but SC 2 is better becuase of its unlocks)

Virtua Fighter series is better than Soul Calibure 2

and the best 3d fighting game is Dead Or Alive, it doesn't need to be the best because it is!

and by the way Tekken 3 can still stand a chance against Soul Calibur 2

SSBM that game doesn't even stand a chance against Tekken 1, ( even with crappy graphis and details) why? CUZ THAT GAME IS RETARDED, it is meant for kids

cuz every where i go, kids say that game is the best, which other hardcore games say RE4 and Metroid series are


SIXTH... yes there is a bugs bunny on ps2, BUT THE WORST OF ALL, there is a girls games on Cube ROFL, the name is Sweenties 2 i think, saw the game on my fav gameshop, there are many bugs bunny games on cube, even Donald Duck

wat da hell? Animancias?


SEVETH... PWNED/ OWNED/ BOYED evey word you got it, i boyd you hard, both of you


and final thoughs, YES I AM 60% NINTENDO LET ME DOWN, REAL HARD

it will have let me down 905 but sinc other third partys are giving games on the Cube its surviving, games like Path Of Neo, Spartan, and thanks to SEGA for my sweet Shadow The Hedgehog:D

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going on like how

first of all

this topic says

"Gamecube a Letdown"

other people posted their opionions, i did mine has well

now bunch of kids come in, posting about my opionion, WHAT DA HELL IS THAT?

now i owned/boyed them, and you are telling me i am the kid


i am starting to think you are on their side, be my guest if you wanna have a go at me too , do it!

you dont want to end up like those 2 fools

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Err, yeah Ok. Going ALLLLLLLLLLLL the way back to the original topic, I seriously can't believe that people consider the choice of Gamecube games to be a dissapointment compared to the N64. Sure it had Mario64 and OOT as well as the RARE games, but not a huge number of great games. Also, game releases of anykind were few and far between and typically quite expensive. Once people put on those rose-tinted spectacles, you'd think the N64 was made of solid gold and had rainbows bursting out of every cart. But it didn't. It's games took ages to make, had very little third-party support and lost Nintendo it's dominance over the market The Gamecube though has had more then it's fair share of great titles - everything from Mario Sunshine, Zelda and F-zero to Resident Evil 4 and Harvest Moon, along with enough third-party support to keep it ticking over. I don't care what anyone says, N64 was good, but Gamecube was a definite improvement.


PS. This is a video games discusssion forum. Stop trying to "own" each other. To officially own someone you have to be in hand-to-hand combat, or at least playing Counter Strike/Chess against each other. So hush yourselves.

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going on like how

first of all

this topic says

"Gamecube a Letdown"

other people posted their opionions, i did mine has well

now bunch of kids come in, posting about my opionion, WHAT DA HELL IS THAT?

now i owned/boyed them, and you are telling me i am the kid


i am starting to think you are on their side, be my guest if you wanna have a go at me too , do it!

you dont want to end up like those 2 fools


I´m not against your opinion on GC, It´s your attitude against others that bothers me.

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No wonder GC is where it is today! :(


Discussion and debating ones opinion is one thing but chastisement or name calling is petulant to say the least.


Please keep the personal attacks for another site! Especially as this is primarily a Nintendo fan site. Anyone would think some here aren't true Nintendo fans :hmm:


This sort of thing is becoming typical within Gamecube forums everywhere I seem to visit these days! :sad:


Some visiting this thread would think most hardcore Nintendo fans are Nintendo's worst enemy not the other consoles or the poor 3rd party ports to the GC we have had to endure in it's lifespan.


All above are personal accounts with little or no facts to back them up. Most are subjective insights based on too much of past Nintendo glory!


I have 75+ games and there are still games out there for me to collect like some of those mentioned in this topic and games still yet to be released.


I have games based in most genres not just a select few. Although I haven't invested much in RPG type games. Not a great fan of this unfortunately. No doubt I am missing out on some corkers there.


Gamecube isn't a letdown for me personally and yes I also bought it for my kids. So what!


This is why.


Most muliplatform games are best served on PC platform. They generally come out 1st on PC and games are usually way cheaper! You can also find some good mods to extend the life of some of these as well. PC also serves my Multiplayer needs well. I'm not tied to an expensive tarrif solely for gaming!


I bought my GC for Nintendo games not PS2, XBOX or PC type games. That's the difference! It's not about how many game titles are available it's about the quality of the games out there.


I'm still having fun with some of the games I initially bought with my GC over 2 years ago. Some people I know have bought all 3 consoles. One guy in particular even bought PSP as apposed to DS!


He even bought GC just for RE4 because @ time Capcom said it wouldn't be releasing it on any other platform! He buys only a select few titles and only buys another title once he's finished it :hmm:


Some of these games within weeks of buying he sells barely having touched it because it wasn't the experience he looked for in a game :shock:


No wonder out of the 3 Nintendo do best with the little resources they have. The other 2 companies don't make enough games to subsidise the huge hardware development cost!


Selling a console is one thing feeding it is quite another. Many people eat the Sony/MS McDonald meals with little disregard for the quality of the produce.


Whilst I have dined their many times myself. I know I'll get a better experience eating @ a Nintendo restaurant! :D

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Compared to the N64, the GC was better in some ways than others.


Good ways


The GC provided me with classic gaming from games like The Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Super Smash Brothers: Melee and Soul Calibur II.


The GC allowed me to link my GBA to the GC with the GC-GBA cable, making games like Sonic Adventure 1 + 2, Wind Waker and Four Swords Adventures more playable.


With the good things, come some bad points. These include


Lack of decent third party FPS games. Timesplitters is a good FPS.

Lack of third party support from companies. I was hoping for Burnout 3 to come out for the GC, but it has not.


The GC has been a good console, and heres hoping that the Revolution, or whatever it is gonna be called will be a better success

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If Nintendo focused on Gamecube, and payed the third parties to make some games on the Gamecube, then it won't be a let down

Nintendo always jump into the next step,

its like.. They made a console, it took long, they finally did it, they celebrate

now they forget about the games to make it work, but move on to the next console


here is a backup

Nintendo made Gamecube, put some games on it, forgot about it and started to work on the DS, that is why there isn't that much hardcore games

Nintendo finished building the DS, celebrated, and started to work on teh Revolution without that much money. but forgot the DS need games to make more money

for example, why is Mr Driller and Tetris doing there?


now i am thinking, Nintendo will finish making the Revolution, they will forget about the games still and work on the internet/wifi and gadgets/features for the console

becuase right now some crappy games are coming out on the revolution

the only good one coming out for me

Metroid Prime 3, Codemend, Darkness

others will be Super Smash Revolution, Mario series and Mario 120 wat ever that name is, and Animal Farm revo

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Having just schooled xino in the rev boards and looking at all of his posts, only one thing springs to mind:




yes he has opinions, but they're usually ill-known opinions! he doesn't know much about anything he comments on! he should think before posting really and give sound arguements to back up his views, otherwise his points just don't hold any water!!!

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Having just schooled xino in the rev boards and looking at all of his posts, only one thing springs to mind:




yes he has opinions, but they're usually ill-known opinions! he doesn't know much about anything he comments on! he should think before posting really and give sound arguements to back up his views, otherwise his points just don't hold any water!!!


Couldn´t agree more. You are 100% right.

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Kav 82 please stop trolling

actually i though you some lesson at the revo board, and you don't have to be carrying it around like a mad boy



Casual gamer, i am sorry, you must have mistaken the games i play:D

i don't play kids games like, pikmin, animal farm, super smash brothers, harvest moon, kirby, bugs bunny, animanicas all those kiddy games on Cube


Just because i am boyding/ owning Nintendo:D


and by the way kav82, you shouldn't really understimate your enemies/opponent

ok! ;)

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Having just schooled xino in the rev boards and looking at all of his posts, only one thing springs to mind:




yes he has opinions, but they're usually ill-known opinions! he doesn't know much about anything he comments on! he should think before posting really and give sound arguements to back up his views, otherwise his points just don't hold any water!!!


Yes. They are opinions with no thought and no point. Yes we show our opinions, but what you're saying is bullshit.


And plus, we don't WORSHIP Nintendo, obviously you're just a Sony fanboy or something without an open mind and is sad enough to come on here and slag of Nintendo.

I believe that YOU are the kiddy one and very very SAD, maybe you should get a life.

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and what life is that

i am happy i got one.. unlike you nintendo freaks that don't know anything about hardcore games

i have been watching all post

when kids try to diss me, they come up with, i am a ps2, sony fan boy, well i am not, it seems that Sony must be better:p

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What are you on about!?

Hardcore games!?


Nintendo freaks with no life!?


1) I have a life. It's a crap 1, but I've still got the will to live at the mo.

2) I don't think we appreciate being called kids...how old are you!?

3)What Hardcore games are you talking about or whatever!?

4) Why do your posts make so little sence and contain so little logic!?

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