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There may be spoilers perchance, don't want to see? Hit that X.


Stolen from some sexy dude called EEVILMURRAY at the Tales Forum [thing at the top gives it away] the ending to the Harry Potter series is revealed!


From fans bitching about Dumbledore not really being dead, or Snape not really being Evil has prompted Rowling into a magical ending which will please little shits the world over.



Now savour.








In seriousness though, Harry Potter has been on the decline, for me, since number three. I plan on reading the last one purely to finish the series... but it has truly gone down the drain.


Harry dies. Everyone is sad.. J.K Rowling retires rich ass.. licenses out every cheap 3rd party product like soundtracks, games and movies.


The fans lap it up. but want more.


Publisher steps in and tries to get Rowling to write spin offs for Hermiony and Ron. She declines.


It's going to happen sooner or later.

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