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No Retail Support For Nintendo


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Hi All


Every week I look at the Revo Europe sales figures page for Nintendo and see how DS, GBA and Cube do really well..


So why is it that if I want to go to my local shop and buy a game, I cant.


This is my personal experience:-


GAME: 1/2 a shelf of game cube, 1 rack of DS and Gameboy

GameStation: 1 rack of DS, half a rack of Cube and Gameboy

HMV: 1/2 a rack for GBA and DS, 1 row for cube

Virgin: limited DS only

WHSmith: limited GBA and DS only

supermarkets (Tesco,Sainsburys,ASDA) - No nintendo!!!


I find that most of the games on display in Game and Gamestation are only the "top 5", and its a dodgy top 5 at that!! How long can King Kong and Metroid echo's stay in the top 5, surely everyone must have these games by now, or just dont want to buy them.


Its without saying that every shop that has a tiny Nintendo section, has a massive PS2 and Xbox section! Infact my local GAME store has a bigger PS1 section that GC!!! Whats going on there!!!


Games stores only seem to have only crappy old games in stock as well. Surely they must know that street fighter puzzle and barbie are not big sellers, why cant that shelf space be dedicated to the new and best nintendo releases .


Whats going to happen when the revolution comes out? I bet there will only be a choice of 5 games of which one will definetly be "atari revolution classics" and another will be "rubbish puzzle nobody want's revolution"!


Does anyone know of a store that has an excellent range of new nintendo games???

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i find it sad tht gamecube is so neglected in shops but it is nearing the end of it's life cycle with few major games tht wud warrant shelf space. However i don't really`see a shortage of ds games anywhere, for example my local game has a fairly good sized ds section at the front of the shop. About your comments on the revolution launch i'm sure there will be more than 5 games and with mario128(?) and super smash bros supposedly comin out at launch ther shud be a pretty decent line up.

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I just had a look at the gameplay site and found that this company is in Basingstoke, on Telford Road, which is the same loation a GAME stores head quarters!!! Surely this is GAME under a different mask! if they can provide games on line, why not in store.


I dont want the bother of having to order online then wait half a month for the goods to turn up. What good is it to entice new players to nintendo if the only way you can get a good variation of games is via a web site.


Remember, Nintendo are supposed to be aiming for the non gamer market. it much more likely that such a consumer may be walking around a store and pick up a game box thats looks interesting to them, and make that purchase.


How many non gamers will be searching game only web pages where you have to search to find a game you want??

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I dont want the bother of having to order online then wait half a month for the goods to turn up. What good is it to entice new players to nintendo if the only way you can get a good variation of games is via a web site.


That's bull, you've obviously never ordered from gameplay, pre orders come a day early and other orders either come next day, or the day after.


This is old, people have been talking about how ninty don't get much shelf space for ages. But nothing's ever changed, even if the ds does sell better.


it much more likely that such a consumer may be walking around a store and pick up a game box thats looks interesting to them, and make that purchase.

EDIT: And plus, they would probably be in a game, or other kind of media (muisc/dvd) store to actually be somwhere that sells games. So the person has to have some interest in these things to go into that section.

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Thats right, I have never ordered from gameplay and neither would I want to. Ordering on line is fine if you know what game you want to buy, but its no use if you just want to look for a game that takes your fancy. I am the type of consumer that like to be able to take home on the day of purchase, so a 1 day or two day wait is a long time. I often fancy buying a game over a weekend if I have nothing else to do, the weekend is over by the time any online store can get a game to me!!


If you have ever been in a GAME store you will notice that most of the people looking at the GBA section are people under 18, and are usually going to buy a game using saved up cash or pocket money. So online shopping is useless for most nintendo consumers unless they have access to the internet and a payment card.


I dont know of anyone under 18 who has a credit card who's parents would allow them to spend in online stores.

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Even when Nintendo had shelf space in stores like GAME i still got the majority of my games from http://www.gameplay.co.uk and http://www.play.com due to the fact of the games being a lot cheaper.


As for you saying waiting half a month? what planet you been on ? As someone has said Gameplay usually get pre orders out the day before release and on games already out it only usually takes 1-2 days with play.com taking about 3 days.


It is sad to see Nintendo dissapearing off stores shelf space but the company has to look at what is making them money, and to be honest PS2 & Xbox probably make them the most money.

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And plus, they would probably be in a game, or other kind of media (muisc/dvd) store to actually be somwhere that sells games. So the person has to have some interest in these things to go into that section.


Thats right, so if you go into a shop such as Virgin you will see virtually no nintendo, so the non gamer who wants to buy a game or console will buy a ps2 or xbox.


Also if you did want to buy a video game you would go into a game shop and take a look around to see whats on offer, and again you would only see that ps2 and xbox are available. You may even wonder what had happened to that company called nintendo?? Its not everyone that buys games online and it is arrogant to assume that I am some kind of dweeb for not doing so.


You also seem to be avoiding my point that like many I dont want to or are unable to buy online due to lack of credit card or internet connection.

Not everyone is as tech savvy as you....

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There is no Cube section in my local GAME, but GameStation has 1 or 2 shelves of quality titles and big GC preowned section. But I order online mostly, cheaper and I don't have to deal with condecending looks from staff in 360 T-shirts. Tools.

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You also seem to be avoiding my point that like many I dont want to or are unable to buy online due to lack of credit card or internet connection.

Not everyone is as tech savvy as you....


You didn't even say anything about credit cards in your oginal post, jsut the second one. Which i haven't even replied to.


My point was if you go into the game section you have to at least be a little bit of a gamer to go there. So non-gamers aren't really going to be in there anyway.

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I find that most of the games on display in Game and Gamestation are only the "top 5", and its a dodgy top 5 at that!! How long can King Kong and Metroid echo's stay in the top 5, surely everyone must have these games by now, or just dont want to buy them.


Its without saying that every shop that has a tiny Nintendo section, has a massive PS2 and Xbox section! Infact my local GAME store has a bigger PS1 section that GC!!! Whats going on there!!!


Games stores only seem to have only crappy old games in stock as well. Surely they must know that street fighter puzzle and barbie are not big sellers, why cant that shelf space be dedicated to the new and best nintendo releases .


1. The charts probably do reflect the top selling games, but if something is out of stock it needs to be filled, hence the use of old random titles.


2. As a company they're trying to shun the PS1 out the door, so maybe thats thats branch's way


3. Not up to them what they get in stock. Probably the publishers trying to get rid of stock.

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This is the reason Nintendo are bringing so many franchises as launch games. Hopefully it'll be one of the greatest launhes ever, hopefully it'll be amazing. Especially if there are around 3 big franchises. Smash Bros, Metroid and another. Some will be released a little later than launch day i expect...

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Do the right thing and from now on buy all your games from http://www.gameplay.co.uk


When you pre order games there you often get the day before release too. Since I used them once I've never used anyone else.


They should hire you as advertising ;)


But yeah, I haven't been in a videogame store for ages now, I buy almost everything, games, dvds, books etc. online now.


Also, on the topic of Cube games, what can you expect, the cube is practically dead, if it doesn't sell, why would would a store stock it?

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GC support is decreasing by the second, but i still think that the GBA and DS get a fair shout. Not as much as they deserve to, but a fair bit. When i bought Sonic Rush a few days ago, i visited 2 GAME stores and 1 HMV, 1 Virgin Megastore and 1 WHSmith.


GAME has about the same amount of space for DS as the PSP, however they have far too much wasted space for UMD movies. Same with the other stores really. I find it annoying that so much shelf space is taken up by UMDs.


Although, if i'm totally honest, i'm starting to become an addict with online shopping. Personally, i think this is the way to go. It usually works out cheaper and it means you can even get some titles faster if you import. Just look at the superb Videogameplus.ca, and you'll see what i'm on about.


The only saving grace of high street shopping are Second hand games. I've picked up many GC games second hand for much cheaper than a brand new copy.


RichieRich: Just talk to your parents about internet shopping. Ask them to buy you a game and that you'll pay them the money for it in cash. It'll most probably work out cheaper for you and you will have access to purchase a large selection of game. Either that, or ask a friend to order it for you and pay them. ;)

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Well the GC is pretty much dead now anyway. There aren't many totally fantastic games coming until TP. And then that'll be the last we see of the GC.


And Richie, what Fierce said, i used to do the same, for some reason i never thought of using my own card. Now i've realised i can sue my own card i just use that, and msot of my stuff comes from online stores, try gameplay.co.uk, just once, see what you think.

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