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Quite a weird movie in places but I enjoyed it. The two guys are brilliant villians, I love how polite they are throughout the entire movie.

Few too many lingering shots for my taste but apart from that very good, I was tense all the way through waiting to see what would happen.



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Funny Games


Quite a weird movie in places but I enjoyed it. The two guys are brilliant villians, I love how polite they are throughout the entire movie.

Few too many lingering shots for my taste but apart from that very good, I was tense all the way through waiting to see what would happen.




Wich one??

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Really? Why did you like the third so much? I preferred the first out of all of them... his gf was such a good character and I preferred the direction style of the first. I didn't feel like the 2nd and 3rd gave you enough time to really identify with the characters.


Fantastic performance by Clive Owen as well. Gotta love that guy.

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Superbad is ten times funnier than American Pie because it's real. It contains truth. American Pie is just jokes, which are funny, but there's no truth there.


Ridgemont High is a different kind of film. And Road Trip is ugh.




Half way through Airplane 2 and it's pretty funny. I purposefully didn't read about it in case it got slated and I would have pre-conceived ideas. Maybe it did get slated. Anyway, I have to pause it because someone's gotta write about the goddamn War in Iraq for their university class. Did you know there was a war on?

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Really? Why did you like the third so much? I preferred the first out of all of them... his gf was such a good character and I preferred the direction style of the first. I didn't feel like the 2nd and 3rd gave you enough time to really identify with the characters.


Fantastic performance by Clive Owen as well. Gotta love that guy.


The first and the second suffer from exactly the same faults, wich are: the action is very good, but the drama is incomplete and offers no closure whatsoever... Now, Supremacy ups the ante a bit, mainly because of Joan Allen (who plays Pamela Landy in the movie). Finally, in comes Ultimatum... the action is fantastic, superb, masterfull, whatever, it's even better than the action in the first two, wich is saying a lot, since they're fantastic action pieces themselves... And element no.2: proper drama, explored well and offering some very much needed closure to the whole package. I think it's pretty much unanimous, the public agrees, the critics agree, pretty much everybody agrees, Ultimatum is the only one out of the 3 wich is really THAT good.


Now, if you ask me... I think the 3 movies should be seen as one. Now, if this is so, I'd rate it a generous 7.5/10 (wich is a very good score, mind...), because when you do watch the 3 in a row, they work very well indeed. But no matter how much that is, Ultimatum is allways superior to the first two parts, and I feel like putting the 3 together is ruining an action classic, as so, they should be viewed as separate stand-alone films, despite me thinking they should be seen as one.

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Now y'see I didn't think that the drama worked that well in the 3rd and definitely think it didn't work in the 2nd all that well (we are talking comparatively here). I found myself not feeling that much for Jason at parts and his chemistry with the girl in Ultimatum seemed a bit poor and honestly contrived.

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Now y'see I didn't think that the drama worked that well in the 3rd and definitely think it didn't work in the 2nd all that well (we are talking comparatively here). I found myself not feeling that much for Jason at parts and his chemistry with the girl in Ultimatum seemed a bit poor and honestly contrived.


Ahh.... so you're just like Jason, you're still hung up on Marie... The lack of chemistry is intentionall, he's still not over Marie (much like yourself)... One of the things that makes Ultimatum great is that, the way he deals with loss, instead of running away from it (like in Supremacy). Seriously, you should watch Ultimatum again, with an open mind. :heh:


I havent even seen the last 2 Bourne movies, even though the action was good in Identity I found it a bit of a slow moving movie and it put me off bothering with the other two.


Seriously... maybe Supremacy isn't for you, but I command you to watch it, just so you can watch Ultimatum! It's a fucking action masterpiece!

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The main problem I had with Superbad is it didn't know how or when to end. I found myself looking at my watch and getting bored for the last 15 minutes, probably around the time that the cops were explaining that they just wanted to appear cool to a nerdy kid. I mean, that was just really lazy writing. Couldn't they have found a more sensible and funnier explanation?


And generally, although the observation of teen life and the delivery were pretty good, the gags themselves just weren't that funny. American Pie did the gross out jokes better than Superbad. The dick drawing joke went on for too long, and the cops, even though they were funny, should have just been limited to a cameo appearance.


The bottom line is that in 10 years time, people will still remember the pie humping joke, or the semen as hairgel gag from There's Something About Mary, but I doubt that people will remember this film as much, menstrual blood on the knee or not.


Everything in this film had been done 10 years ago by Road Trip and American Pie, and they did a much better job.

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I do plan on watching the other two as I dont like to leave movies unwatched that I feel I should at least give a chance. They just arent too high on my list at the moment.


Im just considering ordering Hidden at the moment as im in the mood for more Hanake.


Watch La Pianiste. Fantastic.


Maybe...maybe :p


TBH though, I think that I did hype myself a bit for it so I was always going to be slightly disappointed maybe.


Hmm... no. I was uber-hyped, and I'm a tough cookie to satisfy... and I loved it. :heh:


The main problem I had with Superbad is it didn't know how or when to end. I found myself looking at my watch and getting bored for the last 15 minutes, probably around the time that the cops were explaining that they just wanted to appear cool to a nerdy kid. I mean, that was just really lazy writing. Couldn't they have found a more sensible and funnier explanation?


And generally, although the observation of teen life and the delivery were pretty good, the gags themselves just weren't that funny. American Pie did the gross out jokes better than Superbad. The dick drawing joke went on for too long, and the cops, even though they were funny, should have just been limited to a cameo appearance.


The bottom line is that in 10 years time, people will still remember the pie humping joke, or the semen as hairgel gag from There's Something About Mary, but I doubt that people will remember this film as much, menstrual blood on the knee or not.


Everything in this film had been done 10 years ago by Road Trip and American Pie, and they did a much better job.


Honey, it's already bigger than the pie. It's being hailed as the saviour of teen comedies worldwide (and it saved them from Pie and such). The only place where Pie is memorable is inside some teens' heads. And believe me, that'll be over soon. Superbad is art. American Pie is fart.


And your criticism of Superbad only makes you less of a voice to be heard. If you got bored with Superbad, you're the shallowest person I've ever met.



the fact that you're using the blood joke as a highlight just goes to show you're dumb. The dialogue is where it's at!

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Honey, it's already bigger than the pie. It's being hailed as the saviour of teen comedies worldwide (and it saved them from Pie and such). The only place where Pie is memorable is inside some teens' heads. And believe me, that'll be over soon. Superbad is art. American Pie is fart.


And your criticism of Superbad only makes you less of a voice to be heard. If you got bored with Superbad, you're the shallowest person I've ever met.



the fact that you're using the blood joke as a highlight just goes to show you're dumb. The dialogue is where it's at!


Its official your a condescending little shit. Already bigger then Pie? Dont think so. A very poor box office return, mixed critical reaction and hasnt spawned more then 1 (Mclovin) character who has transcended into popular culture (jim, finch, stiffler for american pie). Added to the fact the film is no where near as good as you are rating it and in sections the dialouge is way over scripted and forced.


I accept your knowledgable on films, but your opinion is more then 50% based on critical reaction. Just because Judd Apatow, Seth Rogen and the lads are being touted as saviours to comedy by the media doesnt make their films free of flaws. The fact is comedy has been in a shit state for the last 5 years and they are finally releasing stuff close to when mainstream comedy was beggining to get funny again - the road trip and american pie days. They are not releasing anything state of the art or anything fresh.


P.S. And dont even bother coming back with that bollocks of how you dont state opinions, you state facts cos it just makes you look like a wanker. I have studied film for 3 years and been a journalist in the field, there really is nothing you can tell me.

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the fact that you're using the blood joke as a highlight just goes to show you're dumb. The dialogue is where it's at!


What dialogue? You mean the part where Fogell tells that girl what time it is? Or the fact that Seth is upset because Evan was going to a different school? Really great. If you want witty dialogue then try watching something like Frasier.


I used the blood joke to compare it to other gross out moments in comedies and to state that it wouldn't be that memorable. I mentioned nothing about the dialogue. I don't compare a fight scene in a Van Damme movie to the dialogue in a Tarantino movie!! Tsk!


Like I mentioned in my previous post, Superbad was funny, there were a few great moments - just not that funny as to be hailed as the second coming like loads of people have.


And anyway, it's all subjective. Some people don't find Monty Python funny, others find it the funniest thing ever made.


Its official your a condescending little shit. Already bigger then Pie? Dont think so. A very poor box office return, mixed critical reaction and hasnt spawned more then 1 (Mclovin) character who has transcended into popular culture (jim, finch, stiffler for american pie). Added to the fact the film is no where near as good as you are rating it and in sections the dialouge is way over scripted and forced.


I accept your knowledgable on films, but your opinion is more then 50% based on critical reaction. Just because Judd Apatow, Seth Rogen and the lads are being touted as saviours to comedy by the media doesnt make their films free of flaws. The fact is comedy has been in a shit state for the last 5 years and they are finally releasing stuff close to when mainstream comedy was beggining to get funny again - the road trip and american pie days. They are not releasing anything state of the art or anything fresh.


P.S. And dont even bother coming back with that bollocks of how you dont state opinions, you state facts cos it just makes you look like a wanker. I have studied film for 3 years and been a journalism in the field, there really is nothing you can tell me.


Amen to that!

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The fact is comedy has been in a shit state for the last 5 years and they are finally releasing stuff close to when mainstream comedy was beggining to get funny again - the road trip and american pie days. They are not releasing anything state of the art or anything fresh.




I won't even say anything else, since it, as you say, it won't matter to you.


I'll only say this: Road Trip and American Pie are much more accessible, true. That's about all there is to it.


(I also like the way you criticize me, yet don't realize you're exactly like me.)


What dialogue? You mean the part where Fogell tells that girl what time it is? Or the fact that Seth is upset because Evan was going to a different school? Really great. If you want witty dialogue then try watching something like Frasier.


I used the blood joke to compare it to other gross out moments in comedies and to state that it wouldn't be that memorable. I mentioned nothing about the dialogue. I don't compare a fight scene in a Van Damme movie to the dialogue in a Tarantino movie!! Tsk!


Like I mentioned in my previous post, Superbad was funny, there were a few great moments - just not that funny as to be hailed as the second coming like loads of people have.


And anyway, it's all subjective. Some people don't find Monty Python funny, others find it the funniest thing ever made.




Amen to that!


Now he's comparing Frasier to Superbad. Frasier is intelligent dialogue. Superbad is witty. Strike 1.


Strike 2: AGAIN, you're using gross-out moments as highlights!!! Gross-out was the death of comedy, god-damnit! You recall the pie humping as a highlight... I think that settles it. It was a good scene, but far from the best or the most memorable.


Yeah, Van Damme and Tarantino, that's always a good way to make an argument: ridiculazing other people's statements. Grow the fuck up.


Second coming of what? You're hailing American Pie as a first coming???! LOL


Lemme guess, you don't think Monty Python is all that great? Because it truly is the funniest thing ever made. There's pretty much no argument there.

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Superbad isn't about dick jokes, it's about Guy Love. All the penis drawings and the Iron Chef of vag-pounding jokes are just shrink-wrap for what the story is actually about, which is two best friends who don't want to break up their friendship. That's why the film is popular, because it speaks to people.


The same goes for Knocked Up. It's about guys accepting responsibilities. The best line in the whole comedy is "Just because you don't shout doesn't mean you're not mean", because it tells the truth. All the shit about Jews and Munich is shrink-wrap. They improv all that anyway.

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Superbad isn't about dick jokes, it's about Guy Love. All the penis drawings and the Iron Chef of vag-pounding jokes are just shrink-wrap for what the story is actually about, which is two best friends who don't want to break up their friendship. That's why the film is popular, because it speaks to people.


There you go. :)

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Superbad isn't about dick jokes, it's about Guy Love. All the penis drawings and the Iron Chef of vag-pounding jokes are just shrink-wrap for what the story is actually about, which is two best friends who don't want to break up their friendship. That's why the film is popular, because it speaks to people.



American Pie isn't about dick jokes and toilet humour, it's about Guy Love. All the pie pounding and shitting at school in the wrong toilet are just a shrink-wrap for what the story is actually about, which is a group of friends who want to help each other lose their virginity and share one last sacrid moment together before the inevitable break-up college will provide to their group. That's why the film is popular, beause it speaks to people.

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