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a touch sensitve revolution?


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i think that may have been taken out of context, i don't see the revolution controller having a touch screen it would just add to much to the cost and battery life, however the revolution control can already act like a finger just point at the menu item then slowly move it forward to simulate a press of a button.

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I think the touch screen technology can be quite intuitive.. mostly for drawing, this is apparent as it has been adopted in the graphic design industry as a standard. WACOM being the big player here.


It's great for digitial drawing and writing.


Communication will play a part in Revolution, we heard they patented a technology that turns speech into words and depending on the tone and volume of the voice it is formatted differently. This would alleviate any 'need' for a touch screen on Revolution for typing.

This is providing the technology is reliable and works for Americans, Europeans and the Japanese.

Basically a microphone can be plugged into Revolutions controller down the bottom and that'd work fine.


Our wrists and forearms aren't as delicate as the trained complex ligaments in our hands, so it wouldn't be as good for drawing eg. in mario paint which is rumoured. This is not to say that Revolution cannot be held like a paintbrush and brush strokes detected that way..


I expect there will be a dance mat that sits on the floor and plugs into the Revolution controller by a short cord so you can play anywhere in the room. That should be fun.

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Jesus guys, for once learn how to use your brain! You can indeed control touch screen-BASED games with a Rev mote. You can do the same with a mouse and keyboard. Nintendo already has a touch screen based system, they don't need another one that isn't even portable.


Just think about it, how could you hold the Revmote + nunchaku + touch screen + stylus at the same time? You wouldn't even be able to hold only the revmote and touch screen at the same time without dropping anything.


Besides, Nintendo will pay a lot of attention to the (wireless) DS-Rev connectivity, so there will be some games that will give you the option to use a touch screen.

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Yeah I've always thought that the DS would not only use Revolution as a hub but also as a touch screen for private games, like perhaps a quiz game where you write your answers on the DS.


Also as an alternative to buying the shell, I believe Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles would use this much like the GBA connectivity did.


Use the DS as a menu screen for battles, a map and status, leaving the TV screen to be very clean, fresh and generally pretty.

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I also don't think that it will have a touch screen like the DS. However, she only stated it's touch sensitive. Maybe parts of the controller are sensitive to how hard you press them. Imagine if you have a strong grab around the controller the attacks in Smash Bros become stronger, that would be quite cool.

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It might work...


If there was a small panel on the underside of the controller that you ran your fngers over (as your fingers will be there any way) allowing for some sliding or button pressing. Imagine tapping it and on screen your lightsabre came up and you then swung it round, tapped it again and it went off. The trigger would be used for guns.

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Guest Stefkov

actually a touch sensitive 'button' has been used. when you play gt3 on ps2 if you press down the x to go hard and fast itll spin the wheels ans go crazy, however if you slowly press it down itll go nice and easy Also if you are lightly presing the button itll go slow and when you press down harder itll speed up. this could be used on the rev. for some games...i cant think ofany right now though

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Then your fat aunt sits on the controller by accident, hey presto it's broken.


Not likely, far too delicate technology.


I'm hoping for a star wars game though, I've never played one before..


I think progressive sensisitivity buttons aren't going into the Revolution, they just don't have the depththat trigger buttons or shoulder buttons have.

I could be mistaken though..

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I think PS2 pads already do those progressive sensitivity buttons as stefkov noted, I don't remember using it myself but Im pretty sure it had that feature. And it's only a normal looking button with very little way to press down. How useful, I don't know.


As for touchscreen type tech for revo, as others have pointed out, Iwata ruled it out around E3, while all the rumours of the revo controller was going around.

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I think PS2 pads already do those progressive sensitivity buttons as stefkov noted, I don't remember using it myself but Im pretty sure it had that feature. And it's only a normal looking button with very little way to press down. How useful, I don't know.


As for touchscreen type tech for revo, as others have pointed out, Iwata ruled it out around E3, while all the rumours of the revo controller was going around.


yeah...It does have 'analogue' buttons. They're hardly very good though. The 'Cubes shoulder buttons show off analogue shoulder buttons FAR better.

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yeah...It does have 'analogue' buttons. They're hardly very good though. The 'Cubes shoulder buttons show off analogue shoulder buttons FAR better.


I think only the A BUTTON and the B BUTTON need to be analougue. and soem force feedback would be nice too.


Dunno y but I really want an Excitebike sequel I think it would work really well with the FHC only. It could even be sumthing my dad could get into.


B to accelerate

A to Brake (slam the brakes or slow deceleration)

Turning/leaning with the FHC

Pulling up to do a weelie

Force feedback a must


I think it cud be really gd


soz OFF topic


: peace:

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I just dunno if it has the depth to make it worth bothering.. The dual shock 2 was a great piece of kit, it was solid and shed half the weight of the original and added the analog buttons.. I have a suspicion that it's gonna be a nice responsive feeling button. But it's gonna be mono-pusho


If any of them do it will be the B button for sure, because our index finger has a great deal of control, we could get that headshot in so much quicker in an FPS.


If you think about it though.. we have the wand motions already. If you want to fight harder, you simply swing the controller harder.. if you want to hit the tennis ball lighter in a rally.. you backhand a little lighter.


You have that dimension with Revolution that you just don't need in buttons anymore. not to mention the analogue stick which has a lot of middle ground over a D-pad.

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Guest Stefkov

i actually always thought the rev controller as a kind of stylus and the sreen was the pad. it was just the easier method of explaining it to my mum.

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