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its been downgraded to a cat 2 now, seems it missed houston and everything, think the eye went over beaumont but didnt cause too much damage just lots of rain everywhere.


they said the tail could be dangerous as its got about 4 different thunder storms in it which will be carrying a load of water which is gonna get dumped somewhere

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Maybe the u.s will now admit that there is such a thing as global warning.

I hate George Bush's attitude on environmental issues; which is basically f*** 'em!


He wasn't able to be persuaded on the issue at the G8; maybe the detruction of his country might open his eyes;

but i highly doubt it!!!

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Meh, these hurricanes aren't really because of global warming. It's some sort of cycle these things go through; a couple of years in a row they're not that destructive and there's less of them, then there's a period again in which they're a lot stronger and there appear more of them. And right now they're going through the "lots of destructive hurricanes" period.


Hurricanes are being formed because of warmer water, yes, but the global warming hasn't had that big of an influence on it yet. That might change over the years though. And as far as I know, Bush recently actually acknowledged that there's such a thing as global warming. Don't remember if they're actually going to do something (kinda doubt it). But it's not like he's the one taking decisions on everything himself; he's got an entire goverment behind him telling him what to do.

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I lived in Houston Texas for 7 years before moving here just over 2 years ago. My mother called up one of our old friends who lived a bit further out and apparently they went up that big freeway going out of galveston and picked up a total of 15 people who had run out of gas on the freeway (mostly pregnant women and families with small kids) and they're all staying at their house until everything settles down. Crazy stuff though, all my old friends on my AIM contact list havent been online for a while. Its hard to think about what people must be going through, and even harder when you know those people.

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