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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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Its Amanda Seyfried (playing Lilly Kane). Best looking dead person ever. (look at the head. blood!).


7- Hmm just slightly larger than before. Hoping for a new TP one in a few weeks :p


Might change mine. Love my avatar, but not the sig. And they need to match. So may change both.

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honestly Ashley your sig kind of scares me... Everytime I see it I think it's some dead person lol since the pic cuts off the head lol but your avatar is very nice and makes up for me thinking of dead people so 8.5/10


It is a dead person. Its just so damn pretty (from an arty, not necro, POV). Changed it now because I never liked the other. And ta, I heart my avatar.


Supergrunch gets same as before, 7.

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I like it :)


But is there supposed to be a white line on the bottom and rhs?




I changed mine to this one when the big avatars were allowed.


No there isn't and I don't know why it's there :hmm: This is the image I uploaded.


TK: I like it as always, but it seems a bit pixelated now. 7/10

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