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UK General Election 2024

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24 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

I do hate the fact that I can't use the co-pilot ai to ask a political question, even just a factual one. All I was asking was when was the last time the UK got to elect their prime minister and how many had we had since.

2019 and 3. Assuming you are excluding the one we just elected and including the one elected in 2019 (ie it's not "how many PMs have been installed since that election"). 

This intelligence is all real baby. 

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Posted (edited)

I was working early this morning and managed to block all the news about the election until later on which is becoming harder in this digital age. I've lived through so many bread and circuses and changes of government that I've become cynical about this whole thing which I hate about myself. Didn't vote for this government but I wish them all the best especially since Reform will be a constant thorn in their side.

The good thing about voting is that you have the chance to vote out a government that isn't working, shame I can't vote out some sections of the media. Never voted for them.


Edited by sumo73
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5 hours ago, bob said:

Crazy that Lib Dems only got 2.5 million and got 50+ more seats than Reform.

For once, our absolutely unfair "First Past The Post" system we use might have actually been a good thing.

The thought of Reform making up 14% of Parliament is not a nice one.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm just reading the live report from Starmer's speech. Yeah, the October budget is gonna look pretty grim.

In order for things to get put right, and for the country to get out of the hole it's in, he is going to have to raise taxes. What else can he do? Councils are going bankrupt and public services are completely down the toilet.

I've said ever since the pandemic that people were living in a bubble if they thought the furlough scheme wouldn't have consequences down the line but everyone was too busy spending their "free" money to care. 4 years later and billions in debt, here we are.

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The country is just a total mess right now. I do like the approach he's taking with being quite open about things but it really does put in perspective just how bad things are. The Conservatives have done a great job of pitting the poor against each other while the rich get away with murder. It's really no wonder we are where we are.

Tax raises will fill some of the holes we have but it doesn't change that much with the situation we are in. I think they need to go further and fundamentally change the way a lot of things work if we're actually going to succeed long term.

Certainly will be interesting to see what happens. We're at a point where we may stay here or may go elsewhere and what happens in the next few months will play a big part in what we decide to do.

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17 minutes ago, sumo73 said:

Not overly impressed with things at the moment concerning the new government over a wide range of issues. I really feel that they need to read the room and repair public trust in them. The previous government messed things up for sure but they are not in charge now.

I don't think many are, to be honest. They seemed to have come out guns blazing, rather than trying to ease people into things. It's the elderly who seem to getting hit hardest at the moment, especially with rumours that the threshold for private pension tax may now be getting lowered.

The rumours about taxing cars depending on the mileage you do is another thing that won't sit very well with people. Some are saying it will only be for electric cars but that's still a kick in the nuts for those who bought one thinking they wouldn't have to pay tax. Again, I said years ago that the government would find a way to tax EV drivers. There was no way they would allow that kind of money to slip through their fingers.

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On 9/4/2024 at 6:27 PM, Kav said:

Labour are simply Red Tories these days.

I think this is probably the key point really, the whole lot of them are awful.

On 9/4/2024 at 4:07 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

I don't think many are, to be honest. They seemed to have come out guns blazing, rather than trying to ease people into things. It's the elderly who seem to getting hit hardest at the moment, especially with rumours that the threshold for private pension tax may now be getting lowered.

I don't disagree but the outrage here seems to be on poor old pensioners having things taken off them when in reality it's the pensioners with a lot of money having a few benefits taken away and their fat private pensions taxed more in line with working people. I'm sure it's not been thought through properly as usual and there will be people in the middle squeezed from both ends. As with anything like this the best thing they could do is simplify the system to remove loopholes and ensure everyone actually understands what the hell is going on.

On 9/4/2024 at 4:07 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

The rumours about taxing cars depending on the mileage you do is another thing that won't sit very well with people. Some are saying it will only be for electric cars but that's still a kick in the nuts for those who bought one thinking they wouldn't have to pay tax. Again, I said years ago that the government would find a way to tax EV drivers. There was no way they would allow that kind of money to slip through their fingers.

I feel like this is another unwarranted outrage from people trying to turn everyone against each other. The tax breaks on EVs were always due to end. Taxing based on mileage is essentially what we currently have as the further you drive the more petrol you need and so... the more tax you are paying. The road network still needs to be maintained and I'm not sure how anybody expects that to happen if there is not some sort of tax coming in to fund it. 

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