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PlayStation WrapUp - 2022


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PlayStation Wrapup is here!

My Top 5 Most Played Games



Yup. It's pretty much just Warzone, though, as the multiplayer is terribly disappointed (no hardcore :().



It was fun for those 77 hours. :D 



Loved it. A blast from the past which is now quite a looker, as well :) 



GOTY contender :D 



Not surprising...Pro-clubs is fun, infuriating, fun and maddening :laughing: 
No Fifa 23 for me, though. Gonna skip this one.


General Stats



Quite a good year, I've had. PS5 games have overtaken PS4 games. You love to see it.

Ok, H-o-T. Show us your million Platinum trophies and put us all to shame :p 

At the end of the year (probably rather early next year) you'll get my "beautifully crafted" excel graphs with some more stats that I collected myself :D 

Edited by drahkon
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Edit: Not working for me, no idea why.

Edit²: The above are US codes. Here are the EU codes:

G82P-9GN6-LX56 (Action Adventure)
E2EC-A4NE-NK8C (Shooter)
MKQG-B9N7-H3KE (Racing))
4NAG-MQN6-B3FG (Sports)
88QQ-GPN2-C4JB (Fighting)

Edited by drahkon
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14 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

No idea where 119 games played is coming from. I just checked my trophy list and it should only be 90 odd. 

Pretty sure they count all the games you started once.

I haven't finished 113 games, but it wouldn't be surprising if I started this many :D 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Better late than never :p for my own sanity I'll be referring to the stats I posted in  2021 because PS don't like me enough to compare my stats this year to last year's (which I'm totally not linking here to save future Julius a search...your welcome in advance myself :D)

Number of Games Played & Most Played


Yeah...an interesting year for me in gaming, as this WrapUp will surely make evident. 17 games played is surprisingly up from the 16 I played in 2021 though (a whopping - wait for it - 6.25% increase in games played!), so that's a positive I guess? Perhaps the only increasing number we'll see breaking down these stats :laughing:

Anyways, as for my Top 5 Most Played Games of 2022:

  1. Gran Turismo 7 - 196 hours - 26% of total annual playtime | yeah, this one's not much of a surprise at all to me, because despite the incessant microtransaction BS littered into this game...this was one hell of a meaty game that I thoroughly enjoyed. I think I had 130 hours or something logged by the end of May when that Plat finally popped? It's a game I still play with friends, either directly or when we're in chat together and just grinding, and it's even great for mindless grinding while listening to music or a podcast. I think this game is probably the only reason FIFA got squeezed out this year.
  2. Elden Ring - 107 hours - 14% of total annual playtime | well..this is wrong considering my final playtime was 102 hours and 56 minutes according to my save file, and I don't remember spending 4 hours in the menu, so :p anyways, GOTY. Really not much to say for this one. The playtime is totally justified. Just give us that damn DLC already From!
  3. The Last of Us Remastered - 98 hours - 13% of total annual playtime | okay, I'm a little miffed that I was 2 hours away from breaking the 100 hour mark with this game in 2022, but whatever! Yeah, this is what a Platinum hunt does to you, and as someone who normally doesn't replay games when it comes to hunting Platinum trophies...this might be one of my favourite Platinums that I've ever gone for. I loved TLOU when I first played it early in the pandemic in 2020, the story was fantastic as was much of the game itself, but my time with it this time spent revisiting the story in Normal+, tracking everything down in Easy++ for the main story and in Easy in Left Behind, and then playing through Left Behind in Survivor and the main game in Grounded+++ really elevated my love for this game and what it achieves as a game alongside what it achieves as a narrative experience. And then there was playing through Factions not twice but three times thanks to being kicked out in one of my final matches on my first run, which in and of itself was one of the most fun online modes I've played in a game, and really sets my expectations high for wherever the standalone Factions lands in the (hopefully not-so-distant) future. 
  4. Grand Theft Auto Online - 65 hours - 8% of total annual playtime | this one's a little sad to look at stats-wise because, for me, it really just drives home how inconsistent my friend group became in 2022 when it came to playing online multiplayer games together, as we all faced a lot of personal challenges throughout the year. Swear the only reason it's this high is because I still mindlessly loved driving around the airport while we talked, but I was the only one playing :blank:
  5. FIFA 23 - 54 hours - 7% of total annual playtime | this one's kind of nuts considering that, at the time, 12 of these 54 hours came from a monster session with just one of my friends during which we talked about just about everything. It was also the night we learned that EA didn't include a way to play kick-off (or any other mode really besides Pro Clubs) co-op online, meaning we had to resort to using Share Play, which, uhhhhhhhh...leaves a lot to be desired, let's put it that way :D 

So, in total, that's 520 hours across my five most played titles in 2022, averaging 104 hours for a game in my top five. Compare this to 679 hours in 2021 across my top five, meaning an average of 135 hours 48 minutes per game in the top five, and you really start to see just how heavy a weighting FIFA has when it's my most played game in a year (at 311 hours in 2021). My top five games also made up a crazy 68% of my playtime in 2022!


Total Time Spent Playing & Misc. Stats


Ah, the year my number of hours spent playing PS5 games finally surpassed PS4 games...which seems a little disingenuous, considering that other than The Last of Us Part I, all of the PS5 titles I played have PS4 versions :p in other news:

  • 733 hours played is down from 895 hours played in 2021, an 18% decrease in total playtime. And because I missed out on catching my 2020 number of 902 hours played, it's a second consecutive year where this number has slipped. Whoops. 
  • hours played locally and hours played online were both down from 2021 (581 and 219 hours compared with 676 and 219 hours, respectively). 
  • Total days played down from 241 days to 179 days, a 62 day - or two month! - difference. 
  • And I still don't have a PSVR headset, so that's still at zero :p 


Trophy Haul (or a lack thereof)


Overall number of trophies down by 133 from 499 in 2021 to 366 in 2022, a meaty 27% dip. But whatever. I got double the Plats I did last year. Okay so maybe one of those shouldn't count considering I got it for transferring a freshly Plat'd save of Fallen Order from PS4 to PS5...but still :p 


Annual Highlights


And here are the annual highlights. 


All in all, for me, a very weird year of gaming, but oh well! Let's see what 2023 has in store :D

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