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Tales of Symphonia Remastered (Switch, PS4, Xbox - 2023)

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Jesus, it's the first time I'm hearing about that new screen transition to battle. What the actual hell? They took a good-looking smooth transition and turned it into something that makes this look like it was made in RPG maker. And it hurts the eyes, to boot.

Not sure why that little detail got to me so much, but goddamn, it did.

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Posted (edited)
45 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Jesus, it's the first time I'm hearing about that new screen transition to battle. What the actual hell? They took a good-looking smooth transition and turned it into something that makes this look like it was made in RPG maker. And it hurts the eyes, to boot.

Not sure why that little detail got to me so much, but goddamn, it did.

Not only that, but apparently in the PS4 version of the remaster, the shattered glass screen battle transition is present, which makes the decision even more jarring.

The PS4 version also has a more stable framerate, and doesn't fade the backgrounds to black on the pause menu either.

It seems that the GameCube version is still the best overall then, not taking the extra content into account.

I'm curious to see how the GC original looks again now, especially over a GC HDMI adapter, or HDMI modded console.

The last time I played the original, was likely on a portable 14" CRT, which supported 60Hz... it was fantastic at the time.

I did buy the PS3 remaster, and I could tell something was off even with that version, I still played it for a bit, but I haven't been back to it since.

Edited by S.C.G
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13 hours ago, Sméagol said:

That was already evident from the trailer.

If they just ported the Cube version I would've been happy. 

And remove the Remastered part of the name. It's a pure lie.


This game deserved so much better. :( Can't even jest that it's been demastered as that'd be doing The Mummy Demastered an injustice. 

You can just hear them saying "after the release of the beloved ToS on the Nintendo Switch family of systems, analytics show there is no audience for the Tales of series among Nintendo consumers. It performed significantly below expectations." 

Despite everything, I still came close to giving it a pity buy. Hopefully not be long until it's in the bargain bin. 


Seems like Bandai Namco acknowledges the bad state of the game:


“Apology and Information: Thank you for playing Tales of Symphonia Remastered for the Nintendo Switch. We have confirmed that there are currently problems with this version of the game that is on sale. At present, we are currently investigating on a fix.

We will give out information on an update as soon as it is available through this account, so please wait for more info. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused to our customers.”


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What this will likely mean, is that the "Glass-breaking" effect will be reinstated to the battle loading screens, the pause menu shouldn't fade the background to black, the framerate might be improved from what it is at the moment, but I wouldn't expect anything above what the Xbox and PS versions run at, so the 30fps cap will still be there, as it's limited from the original source material it was ported from the first time around, when the PS3 version was released, which was based on the technically inferior PS2 version, which had more content.

I'm not sure if it's even realistically possible for the original cutscenes angles etc, dialogue syncing etc to be reinstated, due to the game seemingly becoming inferior in some way with each port, I don't know if these things were intorduced with the PS2 port, but I believe they were there in the PS3 port.

Some of these things may have been fixed by fans in the PC port, but that's still an inferior version.

At this point, unless you really want to play this game on a Switch or other modern platforms, your best best is probably to just play the GC original with some decent video cables, or play it via Dolphin (using a copy of the GC game, assuming you own it) as it seems to run better in some ways, or play it on GC, but use a modded console, a copy of the GC game that you own, and play it from an SD card serial port adapter, which may well give better loading times, at the very least.

I may look into this, if it's of interest to anyone, comparing the game running from disc and from console, as I still own my original copy of Tales of Symphonia on the GameCube, and I recently bought a HDMI modded console, it could make for an interesting comparison... at this point, I have no intention of buying the remaster, unless I ever see it very cheap, and even then, I'm unsure if it would be worth it.

If you've played the GC original, I don't think any other version of this game will ever compare to it at this point, and I say that from enjoying the game very much back in the days of its original release, but I acknowledge that the game has its issues in other areas as well, even in its original form, but it's still fun.

However, if you haven't played the game on the GC before, I could see how you could enjoy the game on the Switch or other modern platforms, but I wouldn't say it's worth picking up if you still have access to a GC and the game.

For anyone who has played the game before, and is just enjoying the game for what it is, on your modern console of choice, that's great as well.

On 2/25/2023 at 3:34 PM, S.C.G said:

I may look into this, if it's of interest to anyone, comparing the game running from disc and from console, as I still own my original copy of Tales of Symphonia on the GameCube, and I recently bought a HDMI modded console, it could make for an interesting comparison... at this point, I have no intention of buying the remaster, unless I ever see it very cheap, and even then, I'm unsure if it would be worth it.

In the review thing I posted they compared a few bits of the versions, even showing where they've missed putting in some text (compared to the cube version)

Was there any reason given as to why the PS2/3 version was the one chosen to port? The Gamecube, hell I think even the Wii version was better? (thankfully I have both, although the Gamecube version is Canadian so I have to use my Freeloader to allow me to use it.

1 hour ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

Was there any reason given as to why the PS2/3 version was the one chosen to port? 

Because even if technically inferior, those versions have extra content (though I don't know what). Baffling that they couldn't base the remaster of those versions and still bring it up to a decent standard. :( 

Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

Because even if technically inferior, those versions have extra content (though I don't know what). Baffling that they couldn't base the remaster of those versions and still bring it up to a decent standard. :( 

Taken from a few places:


With that, the following differences have been confirmed:

-The PS2 version will have a new song for the opening movie, "Soshite Boku Ni Dekiru Koto." This will replace the "Starry Heavens" track in the GC version; however, both songs are by the same band, day after tomorrow. It is likely that the PS2 version as well will have this song removed should it go to the West.

-The PS2 will have a significant number of its cutscenes rendered in anime FMV. However, this is already cited as not being an "enhancement," but a means of compensate for the inability of the PS2 to perform everything in real-time using the game's graphics system. Two examples of events that are being replaced are the "Former Torietto Ruins" and "Rarebird" scenes (sorry for not knowing the proper English translatons for these)

-New events will be added in the PS2 version, including the following:

1) You can ride the jet stream coaster in the amusement park (Arutamira). Furthermore, you can choose who you want to ride it with.

2) More readable books on the religion of Maateru are scattered across the game map.

3) The casino in Arutamira now offers blackjack and other games that can be played. Earnings can be used to purchase not just garudo but EX Gems and also GRADE points

4) In the outdoor theater in Arutamira, there is an event in which Kuratos and Rifiru actually participate in a production due to a lack of performers.

5) In the snow village of Furanoru, there is a new event which explores a new side of Zeros (something triggered when Zeros lays his eyes on a father and his child near the ice statues)

6) Revisiting Parukomasuta after destroying the nearby human farm starts a new event regarding the creation of a new medal in celebration of the destruction of the farm.

7) Roido, Zeros, Regal, and Puresea each have one new special attack.

Roido - "Kaenrekkuu" (Air-Spin attack except the sword is flaming)
Zeros - "Dankuuken" (Spinning upwards tornado slice)
Regal "Retsuenshuu" (Spinning flame kick)
Puresea "Raishuuhougeki" (Overhead lighting ax strike)

8) Coretto and Kuratosu each have a new summon attack.

Coretto - "Grand Cross"
Kuratosu - "Shugohoujin" (literally, "protective magic square formation")

9) New "Compound Attacks" (fukugou tokugi) added to the PS2 version.

Roido + Regal - "Ryuukometsugajin" (circular lightning strike)
Shiina + Puresea - "Zanmagekkeika" (spinning sphere blade)
Coretto + Rifiru - "Fukuin" (literally, "Gospel")

9) The PS2 is to have new "Titles" (shougou) that each of the characters can achieve.

10) The PS2 version is cited to run at 30 frames a second due to hardware limitations (the GC version runs at 60). Apparently it was a necessary sacrifice to keep the quality of the graphics/images intact. Preliminary reviews of the PS2 version in Japan have cited the PS2 version as having a more "inorganic" feel relative to the GC original.

Actually that was from neogaf



as someone who has completed symphonia about 5+ times on the GC/dolphin, i will always recommend the PC/PS3 for symphonia.

the GC version will give you:

-60 FPS

-a spot to farm gald

the PS3/PC version gives you:

-30 fps

-extra artes and mystic artes for every character

-additional extra dungeon at the end of the game

-more sidequests/scenes

-more costumes

-voiced skits

-dual audio

-slight QoL changes in battles

personally, i would gladly trade 30fps for all the extra content that's featured in the newer version. i know a lot of people cant stand 30fps, and i totally understand if you dont. if you can look past the 30fps, then i would highly suggest the PS3/PC version!

if you do end up going with the PC version then you should also get the special K patch, like others have brought up. it separates the PC version from the PS3 version in terms of graphics and performance. it also fixes quite a bit of glaring issues with the port. if you dont care about that sort of stuff, then the PS3 version has the sequel game which is extremely hit or miss depending on who you ask.


From my memory, the skits were voice acted in English in the Gamecube version, so I'm not sure why this is being brought up, but I have played the Wii version too so I may be mixing things up.

A used... pink bathrobe...
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11 hours ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

Taken from a few places:

  From da reddit in 2004 (Reveal hidden contents)

With that, the following differences have been confirmed:

-The PS2 version will have a new song for the opening movie, "Soshite Boku Ni Dekiru Koto." This will replace the "Starry Heavens" track in the GC version; however, both songs are by the same band, day after tomorrow. It is likely that the PS2 version as well will have this song removed should it go to the West.

-The PS2 will have a significant number of its cutscenes rendered in anime FMV. However, this is already cited as not being an "enhancement," but a means of compensate for the inability of the PS2 to perform everything in real-time using the game's graphics system. Two examples of events that are being replaced are the "Former Torietto Ruins" and "Rarebird" scenes (sorry for not knowing the proper English translatons for these)

-New events will be added in the PS2 version, including the following:

1) You can ride the jet stream coaster in the amusement park (Arutamira). Furthermore, you can choose who you want to ride it with.

2) More readable books on the religion of Maateru are scattered across the game map.

3) The casino in Arutamira now offers blackjack and other games that can be played. Earnings can be used to purchase not just garudo but EX Gems and also GRADE points

4) In the outdoor theater in Arutamira, there is an event in which Kuratos and Rifiru actually participate in a production due to a lack of performers.

5) In the snow village of Furanoru, there is a new event which explores a new side of Zeros (something triggered when Zeros lays his eyes on a father and his child near the ice statues)

6) Revisiting Parukomasuta after destroying the nearby human farm starts a new event regarding the creation of a new medal in celebration of the destruction of the farm.

7) Roido, Zeros, Regal, and Puresea each have one new special attack.

Roido - "Kaenrekkuu" (Air-Spin attack except the sword is flaming)
Zeros - "Dankuuken" (Spinning upwards tornado slice)
Regal "Retsuenshuu" (Spinning flame kick)
Puresea "Raishuuhougeki" (Overhead lighting ax strike)

8) Coretto and Kuratosu each have a new summon attack.

Coretto - "Grand Cross"
Kuratosu - "Shugohoujin" (literally, "protective magic square formation")

9) New "Compound Attacks" (fukugou tokugi) added to the PS2 version.

Roido + Regal - "Ryuukometsugajin" (circular lightning strike)
Shiina + Puresea - "Zanmagekkeika" (spinning sphere blade)
Coretto + Rifiru - "Fukuin" (literally, "Gospel")

9) The PS2 is to have new "Titles" (shougou) that each of the characters can achieve.

10) The PS2 version is cited to run at 30 frames a second due to hardware limitations (the GC version runs at 60). Apparently it was a necessary sacrifice to keep the quality of the graphics/images intact. Preliminary reviews of the PS2 version in Japan have cited the PS2 version as having a more "inorganic" feel relative to the GC original.

Actually that was from neogaf

Man, that takes me back! I remember reading this info online back then. (Not this exact post, but the general gist of it. Also, the info being reported by JP-only players)

11 hours ago, EEVILMURRAY said:


  Actually from the reddit 2 years ago (Reveal hidden contents)

as someone who has completed symphonia about 5+ times on the GC/dolphin, i will always recommend the PC/PS3 for symphonia.

the GC version will give you:

-60 FPS

-a spot to farm gald

the PS3/PC version gives you:

-30 fps

-extra artes and mystic artes for every character

-additional extra dungeon at the end of the game

-more sidequests/scenes

-more costumes

-voiced skits

-dual audio

-slight QoL changes in battles

personally, i would gladly trade 30fps for all the extra content that's featured in the newer version. i know a lot of people cant stand 30fps, and i totally understand if you dont. if you can look past the 30fps, then i would highly suggest the PS3/PC version!

if you do end up going with the PC version then you should also get the special K patch, like others have brought up. it separates the PC version from the PS3 version in terms of graphics and performance. it also fixes quite a bit of glaring issues with the port. if you dont care about that sort of stuff, then the PS3 version has the sequel game which is extremely hit or miss depending on who you ask.


From my memory, the skits were voice acted in English in the Gamecube version, so I'm not sure why this is being brought up, but I have played the Wii version too so I may be mixing things up

So, just some quick amendments:

  • In the GC version, the skits were not voiced in either language. They added voicelines for skits in the PS2 and further JP versions. No English version has ever seen these skits voiced;
    • EEVIL is likely thinking of Symphonia 2, a different game in which the skits were indeed voiced in both languages, for all versions.
  • I have never heard of this extra endgame dungeon before. I did hear about some extra floors for Niflheim (a bonus endgame dungeon that already existed in the GC version), so that might be what they're talking about;
  • The sidequests/scenes they're talking about are relatively quick, are akin to skits when it comes to story/writing, and the new ones likely lead towards the added PS2 content. Just saying, for those who haven't played Symphonia, that's what the post's talking about;
  • I don't thing they ever fetched the original ENG voice actors to voice lines for the new Artes. So they'll voice generic things like "Take this!" or "Behold!" when they do them. Not a significant flaw or anything, it's just something that amuses me :heh:

So yeah. A shame they apparently removed the Gold Dragon bug, it was a funny oversight.

  • Thanks 1
11 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Search your feelings, you know it to be true


That game did not exist, it was another Nightmare the Wind Fish had, I hear it made the Wind Fish choke on its own vomit in the night, so they didn't have Link fight it.

  • 2 months later...
  • Fixed an issue that was causing significant processing slowdowns while moving through the sandstorm area of "Triet”.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would freeze at the end of certain boss battles.
  • Fixed an event where the screen would black out and become inoperable while navigating certain world maps and towns.
  • Fixed an event where the background music would be interrupted when moving to the world map after a battle.
  • Other minor bugs have been fixed.

This is set for an unspecified time on May 18th. Good to see they are still working on it. 

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Good news.  Honestly thought that Namco weren't gonna bother and would just take the money & run.

I mean... it's still gonna be a shit version, but at least it's less shit now.

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