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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (29th July 2022)


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I haven't finished Chapter 3 yet but got the first new colony and got the hero from that one. There have been som pretty interesting cut scenes on my way there, I'm really looking forward to seeing what all of this is all about.

I'm about 17 hours in and all my party members are level 26 ish. I also try to switch classes whenever they max out their class rank. 

Edited by MindFreak
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Due to playing Curtain Call, the Lego Movie and watching both Under the Banner of Heaven and all of the football that was on at the weekend, i've spent very little time with this game. However, the time I did spend with it was fantastic. I'm still only on the second chapter but the story so far has been fantastic to watch. Yeah, it when full of Shounen anime style and I love it.


The whole section involving the Consul was utterly amazing. Firstly, the epic battle music that played throughout the fight was beautiful to hear. Secondly, the cutscenes that followed the initial battle were something else. When the Consul mocked the plan of the team, the line delivery was great.



There's nothing better than when a character or team have their back against the wall only for a new power to be unlocked or an awaken to happening. Seeing the rest of their team unleashing their link up forms was hype inducing. 


I honestly thought it couldn't get any better but when Noah finally unleashed the potential of his weapon...yeah, that scene was something very special.




Awesome stuff. 

I love the new chain system. It's very flashy and actually makes a fair bit of sense. I was never able to get to grips with the one in the original game but this one seems pretty simple in comparison. When a chain move is pulled off the game shows it's Persona inspiration. :D 


Eunie continues to be hilarious. There have been a few times where she has had me in stiches and the following line was just pure gold.


I'm just happy the queen got the respect she deserves when it comes to profile pictures. Needless to say that I instantly changed it to her.


There was another hilarious line soon after the boss fight.


It was when Noah was debating whether or not to play for the fallen Consul. The team said that he shouldn't, given that he had just tried to kill them all. Noah decides not to listen and play for the fallen boss. Lanz then says...


The delivery of the line was perfect and had me laughing away.

Not long after the boss battle I called it a day. I think I'm about 9 hours played, with my team currently in the level 20 area. Like Mindfreak, as soon as I have maxed out a role I switch it to the next one. I think I've got 3 maxed out so far. I have done much exp grinding, at least not on purpose. I've just been really exploring and uncovering the maps and this in turn has levelled me up to where I am at the moment. Outside of the tutorial, I've still not used any of the extra exp you get from the camp sites. I'll keep that for a later date.

One thing that has been a little annoying are the enemies that seem to target you no matter your level. I know in the original game that if you were a higher level then the majority of enemies would leave you alone. That doesn't seem to be the case here. I'm a few levels higher than the enemies roaming the map and yet they still come for me. It's not a deal breaker but it can be annoying when you are trying to explore.

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32 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Outside of the tutorial, I've still not used any of the extra exp you get from the camp sites. I'll keep that for a later date.

One thing that has been a little annoying are the enemies that seem to target you no matter your level. I know in the original game that if you were a higher level then the majority of enemies would leave you alone. That doesn't seem to be the case here. I'm a few levels higher than the enemies roaming the map and yet they still come for me. It's not a deal breaker but it can be annoying when you are trying to explore.

Don't use the Bonus EXP unless you're truly stuck on a plot induced fight. If you use it willy nilly, you'll end up with less in the long run because you'll be overleveled for the place you're in, which gets you less of everything. Which is bad.

As for enemies aggroing on you, I think the threshold is 6 levels higher. The level indicator grays out then and enemies ignore you. Unique monsters and plot induced fights don't count, mind. You're not getting out of those.

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Got really addicted to this game and powered through the story, I am now on Chapter 5... oh boy!



Oh wow, I have so many questions now. So the Moebius are using these "humans" to prolong their existence and every time they die they are recycled and reborn as the same people but with their memories wiped, akin to Blades in XC2. They are being pitted against each other as part of two factions so that Moebius can continue to exist. Melia Antiqua from the first game is the Keves Queen except that it turns out that she's actually just a robot with the abilities and mannerisims of Melia. Consuls break the normal cycle of what most go through and retain their memories, as seen with Joran but have very different personalities after being reborn as a Consul. What's more, Consul N and M are somehow alternate versions of Mio? What? Then there are a group called the Lost Numbers who live in a city in the sword that is simply called "City" and they give the group eyepatches to prevent Moebius from tracking. Then you see what we take for granted as human existence be treated with such grandure. The directing when Mio touches a human baby is unlike anything I've seen in a game before and it really feels like you're part of something grander... of course I also suspect City will get destroyed later down the line but in this extended exposition dump that only has gameplay of you following a single character it definitely feels like the objective now is to "break free" and return humanity to normal by defeating the Mobius.


Also, if the Keves Queen is a robot, the Agnes Queen is probably one too.

Can safely say that if the pervious Xenoblade games were on the restraining order in how deep Takahashi was allowed to go it feels like the band aid has been completely stripped off and the they simply went for it. I'm going to admit that the identity of a certain character wasn't really a surprise in the end while the same time it also was.

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I started Chapter 4 the other day and I'm surprised how strong my characters already are. I get plenty of Chains with 150,000 damage or more, and ending with Ouroboros is just absurdly strong. There was a giant creature in the beginning of Chapter 4 that I needed to slay and none of my characters died during that fight. 

I can only imagine what they might add to the combat later on. 

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I completely gave up on XC2 when I was probably about 5% in... story, towns, characters, complex combat... it just wasn't for me. But you guys are really piquing my interest, is it worth a look even if I didn't like a lot about its predecessor? I loved JRPGs back in the day.

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3 minutes ago, Shorty said:

I completely gave up on XC2 when I was probably about 5% in... story, towns, characters, complex combat... it just wasn't for me. But you guys are really piquing my interest, is it worth a look even if I didn't like a lot about its predecessor? I loved JRPGs back in the day.

Probably not.

The game definitely feels more like the second game than the first. The combat is pretty much the same but is a little more complex due to different job types and Oroborus forms. I'm really enjoying what little I've played so far (just started chapter 3) but then I loved the second game.  

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I agree, if you didn't like the second game, this one won't turn you over. The story is better and more mature (thematic, not boobs), though, which is definitely a plus. 
Fewer boobs does not sounds like a plus at all.
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I have finished Chapter 5. How does this game keep getting better?



Hoo boy, a lot happened.


Further to finding out about "City" in Swordmarch and finding out about the first Ourobouros who for some reason look like Noah and Mio along with a bunch of others, the infiltration of Agnes Castle starts. You travel through Erythia Sea which has one of the greatest game tunes I've ever heard, go to bust out an informant who turns out to be extremely obnoxious and uncooperative. Seems like the party eventually warms to her, then the girl you've been following, Shania, is actually evil because she like the idea of infinite lifespans and is working with Consul N and M. Consul N does seem to be the main antagonist of this story and he looks just like Noah for some reason. When you wonder how that is possible you find out he has witnessed countless realities. Like, what? Then anime antagonist plot armour kicks in and he becomes literally OP and unbeatable for no reason and after what feels like it could be the final boss, instead you get the bad ending. A series of cinematic cutscenes play, the party is stripped of their abilities, put behind bars and suddenly it makes sense why the game has been talking about Mio's lifespan so much... she's locked in a seperate cell and going to be executed on a day where rebirth would be impossible. Like, wow, yikes!


The series of cutscenes after the Consul N fight are insane in their scope. I hadn't even realised Mio hadn't called Noah by his actual name yet at that point until it happened. The game had been building towards romantic tension between these two and its heavily implied they have strong feelings for each other, but then you remember that because of their life system they don't know the word "love". But its very obvious. Then you see Mio fade away into dust and Noah asked to send her off... yikes! Then Consul N kills Noah and Chapter 5 ends. What?


But then I saw the start of Chapter 6 and apparently withint Noah's repeated lifespan he has done this over and over again? EXCUSE ME?


I stopped there. Wow, this game!


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So I've reached Chapter 4 a few days ago...my gods the cutscenes and stuff that happened at the end of Chapter 3 were epic, some stuff I saw coming and other stuff didn't.


Joran being the small Consul, called that as soon as I saw the first glimpse of a short one.

But the Ooroborus all having a second form...I should ha e expected that but some how I did not so was hyped as frak when it happened.

Love the designs and how different they are to the Keves forms.

I've barely touched story stuff in Chapter 4 found a but load more side quests so lost in that.

Have characters at level 36 now, feel stupidly over leveled. Wish the camps let you level down...but I think that was only a New Game+ thing in previous games.

To compensate I've changed the difficulty from Normal to Hard :p



Oh question, does Cleaning Clothes at camps actually do anything? I've not noticed much dirt build up on them, bit of dust on faces maybe. Like if I never used the clean clothes option would there be some sort of penalty?

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What does Hard mode change? If it's just more HP and more damage, I don't care. It'll just drag out the fights but with three healers on the team, it doesn't matter much. 

I haven't touched much of the story for the past 5 hours. Just did hero quests. I'm at 35 hours now,  though. It's a great game, I really enjoy it. 

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I'm still slowly working my way through the game and continue to enjoy my time with it. My team is currently level 40+ (no bonus EXP used from camp sites) and I'm still pottering away in chapter 3. I refuse to move on until I've done all of the side missions, of which there are many. You think you've cleared them all, go exploring in a new area and then a whole host of new ones pop up. 

I've been loving the Hero side missions. The story segments you see from them are really good and the characters you get from them really flesh out the team. I'd argue these shouldn't be side missions at all and should be part of the main story. I say this because doing these you get to meet and fight more of the Big Bads and these battles and segments add a little more to the main story.

I found a decent grinding spot the other day and spent a fair bit of time there. I kept killing the enemy, saving, reloading my save which then spawned me right next to said enemy. It made for some fast experience, especially when I strong enough to just slap auto battle on. I tend to try and find an area that is a few levels higher than me (these are usually off the main path) and then hang around until I've matched or surpassed that area's level. This has meant the main story path has been very easy. As I said earlier, my team are the the level 40+ range but the story missions I'm currently on are in the 28-30 range. Love it. :D 

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Haha, I love the difference between us there. I spoted those side quest ? marks with enemies level 39 and was like, I'll come back to them later. You are like "must get them now"!

I'm level 37 now, so will be going back for them soon I think.

Moved the story forward a bit on Chapter 4 but still very early in it.

Found a new area and got lost exploring and filling in the map haha.


On 17/8/2022 at 8:24 AM, MindFreak said:

What does Hard mode change? If it's just more HP and more damage, I don't care. It'll just drag out the fights but with three healers on the team, it doesn't matter much. 

I haven't touched much of the story for the past 5 hours. Just did hero quests. I'm at 35 hours now,  though. It's a great game, I really enjoy it. 

I'd say as well as damage and HP I think it makes the enemy AI a bit better also.

Not really noticed it much with normal monsters, but with Uniques it def makes a difference. Did a test when found a unique 2 levels above me. On hard mode I struggled. It seemed to target party members that were low HP more. Tried him a second time on normal and it was a breeze.

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Amazing stuff! The new interlink forms have been unleashed. The cutscenes for these were fantastic. Kinda reminded me of Digimon when a new form is unleashed and they digivolve in an epic way.

Joran is back! I never seen that coming at all. Shame he was a little prick and needed a good beatdown. Level 29 v level 40. No chance, buddy. :D 

Very happy with the new chain attack moves that have been unlocked. They are absolutely devastating. 

This game just keeps on giving. So much better than the original.

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Yesterday evening I reached chapter 4 and have progressed a little with the story this morning. I've finally unlocked the skill/Hero that allows you to use the wires that have been scattered about the world. About time! After that I decided to do some grinding. 

Looking around the current area I was in, enemies were 10+ levels lower than me and so I decided to return to previous areas and look for some high level UMs. I found one at level 51, with enemies around it at level 49. I'd be punching above my weight (team is at 42) but I had a crack at it. I win more than I lose but it has been worth it. I've been able to level everyone up to 48 and I'm gonna stay at this spot until they are level 50+. 

I've got another Hero mission to sort out as well. Came across a guy who uses guns and I need to track him down and bring him on the team. 


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Done with chapter 4. That ending was absolutely phenomenal. My team is level 46 or 47 and is holding up against story enemies just fine, nontrival battles but nothing too straining. The last fights on Chapter 4 were good,  but once again chain attacks are absurdly powerful,  taking down a boss from 50 % damage. 

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I've still pottering away in Chapter 4. Once again there have been lots of sidequests pop up and I've also been continuing grinding exp. My team are in the mid 50 range now. However, it's getting harder to find enemies that I'm able to level up on though. I did come across a mission where there were 4 flying enemies and 3 enemies that hide underground, all of which were level 60. It took a few attempts for me to be able to complete this but I got a fair bit of exp for doing so.

The game does looking stunning at times. There was a scene that involved Noah and Mio that had some fantastic shots.





Lovely stuff.

As usual, some of the recent story moments have been epic.


The battle between Ethel and Cammuravi was amazing. Dude refuses to be controlled by the Consuls and so rips his own eye out!


You then have both of them go at it in a fight to the death in order to see who is the strongest warrior.


After watching them die, the team then has to face off against a newly interlinked Consul that is apparently better than the interlinks that the team have been using...


This thing started to give a big speech but clearly Mio wasn't a fan. :laughing:



Thing moment kinda reminded me of Naruto and when Sakura would often unleash with a huge punch that sent enemies flying.

Finally, Eunie continues to crack me up with her accent and dialogue delivery. :D 


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There's just no need for Keves Castle section to be so long. It's ridiculous. It's endless corridors just filled with absolute fodder. Reminds me of the original game when that started to introduce such places in the second half of the game. I'm hoping I'm not having a taste of things to come. 

*gets back to traversing the castle*

Easily been the lowest point in the game so far.

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55 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:
  Chapter 4 (Reveal hidden contents)

There's just no need for Keves Castle section to be so long. It's ridiculous. It's endless corridors just filled with absolute fodder. Reminds me of the original game when that started to introduce such places in the second half of the game. I'm hoping I'm not having a taste of things to come. 

*gets back to traversing the castle*

Easily been the lowest point in the game so far.


Didn't find it that long. The floating islands perhaps had a bit too many steps but otherwise it wasn't more than an hour long.


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It felt a lot longer than that to me. :D 

I ended up finishing the chapter last night. The events that occurred more than made up for the dungeon.


Firstly, the battle between the team and the newly interlinked Joran was fantastic. Eunie overcoming her fear and unleashing with Taion was great to watch. Shame he got away again.

Secondly, Melia wasn't Melia at all! I kept waiting for her big reveal to happen and then it turns out it was a machine all this time. Crazy. 

I expected N to be Noah but I wasn't expecting another version of Mio to be with him. Again, crazy stuff. 

I can't wait to get back on it to see how all of this is going to play out.


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