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8 hours ago, Mokong said:

This dude with the symbols for name joined my hunt, when into tent and never came out. Just sat AFK for whole hunt. Probably trying to get rewards without even hunting. I gave him a few mins but then decided to kick him.



Did a few more Apex Rathian as trying to hunt 10 for the scroll (didn't realise Apexes had scrolls too) and this same dude ended up in my join request again. Again he went straight to tent. Gave him 2 mins then kicked him again.

Yeah, I see that kind of thing happen in Rampages quite often. Very annoying.

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Same person again, this time in Apex Diablos hunt.

They actually joined quest soon as it started, fast travelled to a sub camp and sat in tent for 5 mins then I kicked them.

I actually gave them a warning on chat I would kick after 2 mins...next time I kick soon as I see them join :p


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G Rank DLC coming next Summer, wohoo


FYI, for those that haven't played in a while, if you are looking for a challenge the Street Fighter event, Hunt a Rajang has two Rajangs on map. But you only need 1 to complete quest. The one that sleeps on top of mountain is a gold crown king Super Rajang. He pretty much the closet thing to G rank if he isn't actually G rank. Took me a good few tries to take him down. He one shot me from full health to nothing in one hunt.


Also some clips from recent hunts with me and Glen Playing possum



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I really like the crossover quests getting custom music, even if it does make the music hilariously out of place. No, especially when that happens.

Iceborne is when MH World did that Final Fantasy Behemoth crossover, right? Capcom stuff is cool and all (and there's a lot of nice little touches in those costumes), but I'm hoping we get a similar non Monster Hunter monster from Sunbreak.

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I never considered the NPC dialogue could be hiding hints towards the expansion.

I really should pay more attention but I usually just skip past any dialogue as quick as I can to get to the hunting of monsters :p



Also I'm almost certain I had the idea of the Dragula dragon creating the Apex Monsters before this guys vids and he got it from a comment I left on his firsy Sunbreak vid :p


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5 hours ago, Glen-i said:

No cross-play or cross-saves for the PC version.

Damn. :(

Well, it's lost sales for Capcom. Really don't get the logic.

There seems to be many people who would repurchase the game on PC if it was possible to bring over save data from Switch. ::shrug:

That said, having just looked at the PC version of Rise in action I'm suddenly not quite as bothered by this news. I mean it looks good, but nothing like I was expecting it to. Doesn't seem like they've improved geometry at all, just resolution and texture quality. :hmm: Unlocked frame rate and ultrawide support will obviously be awesome too, but other than those things it appears to be very similar to the Switch version.
Just not similar enough to include cross-play/save apparently. :rolleyes:

Anyway, cheers for the info.

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4 hours ago, RedShell said:

Damn. :(

Well, it's lost sales for Capcom. Really don't get the logic.

There seems to be many people who would repurchase the game on PC if it was possible to bring over save data from Switch. ::shrug:

That said, having just looked at the PC version of Rise in action I'm suddenly not quite as bothered by this news.

Does that mean you'll be getting Sunbreak on the Switch? :D


Was hoping for cross play as I know a few people without a Switch but will get on Steam.

But I likely would have double dipped and got Sunbreak for Switch and also gotten Rise+Sunbreak on Steam if they allowed cross saves.

Thought the lack of Nintendo Collabs (specifically no Wolf Link layer for Palamute) made at least one of Cross Play or Cross Save likey.

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9 hours ago, Mokong said:

Thought the lack of Nintendo Collabs (specifically no Wolf Link layer for Palamute) made at least one of Cross Play or Cross Save likey.

Oh boy, have I got news you might be interested in!

So, during that TGS screening for Rise, Capcom revealed the next couple of collabs for Event quests.

Nice to see armour is just as elaborate for hunters as it is for Palamutes. That drops on the 29th of October.

So far, so Capcom, but then...

Not quite Nintendo, but it's a step towards the more interesting for sure!

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14 hours ago, Mokong said:

Does that mean you'll be getting Sunbreak on the Switch? :D

That's a long way off, so not sure. :hehe: If anything though it just means I'm more likely to pass on Sunbreak altogether. :hmm: Also depends on what the situation is with Switch Online at the time and whether or not I'll be resubscribed to that.


8 hours ago, Glen-i said:

So far, so Capcom, but then...

Not quite Nintendo, but it's a step towards the more interesting for sure!

That is indeed more interesting.

Has there ever been a Sega collab in a MH title before?

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Capcom Survey about TGS and Monster Hunter.

One question asks what would make you more likely to buy PC version, multiple choice select all that apply options. Two options are Cross Play and Cross Save with Switch version.

They are basically checking if we want cross play...everyone get on and tick that box :p



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4 hours ago, Mokong said:

Capcom Survey about TGS and Monster Hunter.

One question asks what would make you more likely to buy PC version, multiple choice select all that apply options. Two options are Cross Play and Cross Save with Switch version.

They are basically checking if we want cross play...everyone get on and tick that box :p



Cheers for the heads-up, Mokong. :) Have done my part.

Here's hoping lots of people request both cross-play and cross-save so it does indeed happen.

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2 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Saw an option for "Platform Exclusive collaborations". Interesting. Kinda scared that by that, they only mean PC exclusive. I hope not...

I wonder if for Capcom it's a choice between doing platform exclusive collaborations, or enabling cross-platform functionality? :hmm:

Shouldn't have to be though, I mean Psyonix managed to do both perfectly fine with Rocket League. Whenever I played on Switch I could use/see the Mario and Metroid themed cars, but over on PC they would simply revert to the default vehicle.

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3 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Yep, done it too.

Saw an option for "Platform Exclusive collaborations". Interesting. Kinda scared that by that, they only mean PC exclusive. I hope not...

Yeah, while I would love a Wolf Link doggo, I would much prefer Cross Play, if it were an either or. But as Red said I don't see why Nintendo layered gear couldn't just appear as default in the PC version... That said I would hate for them to put exclusive weapons and armour in there. Unless it was maybe say Switch gets a Master Sword SnS and PC gets a different SnS with same stats to keep it balanced and to allow for cross play. The SnS would just appear as the version you are playing on.

The potential taht would worry me most would be exclusive Monsters cause I think that was part of the option too.

That would be a big hell no. >:(

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3 hours ago, RedShell said:

Cheers for the heads-up, Mokong. :) Have done my part.

Here's hoping lots of people request both cross-play and cross-save so it does indeed happen.

What is also interesting is the PC version will release with all content the Switch version has at end of November. So assuming no nee events are added to Switch after Nov the PC version will be on par with content.

This to me says it should be something they might be able to add either on PC release or soon after since the PC version won't be starting at version 1.0 and getting updated monthly. With Sunbreak launching on both at same time too there won't be a point where content differs from either.

This should make cross play in some way easier.

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I wonder if the issue here is simply Nintendo not allowing Capcom to implement it, perhaps thinking that it might have an undesirable effect on eShop sales of Sunbreak and potentially Switch online subscriptions too. :hmm: I mean there's no doubt that some people (myself included) would definitely jump ship to PC if cross-save/play was an option.

I struggle to believe there would be a technical reason preventing it from happening, especially when there are already many games that have managed it. ::shrug:

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14 hours ago, RedShell said:



I wonder if the issue here is simply Nintendo not allowing Capcom to implement it, perhaps thinking that it might have an undesirable effect on eShop sales of Sunbreak and potentially Switch online subscriptions too. :hmm: I mean there's no doubt that some people (myself included) would definitely jump ship to PC if cross-save/play was an option.

I struggle to believe there would be a technical reason preventing it from happening, especially when there are already many games that have managed it. ::shrug:

If it was a Nintendo thing and they'd be worried about people swapping yo PC for Sunbreak if there was Cross Save why not even just allow for Cross Play.

This stinks just like the lack of Voice Chat on Switch.

Capcom likely could do but just couldn't bbe arsed.

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So I just had a quick go on the demo for the PC version.
While Capcom haven't really done anything much to improve it visually, the natural increase to both resolution and frame rate definitely give the game a different feel.

At 4K/120fps it's as if you're playing it on a Switch emulator. :heh: Having spent so much time with the Switch version at 30fps, the motion seems absolutely ridiculous on PC! :o It's like the game is in fast forward! :laughing: No doubt this is actually how it's supposed to run, but it would definitely take me a while to get used to, if I were to continue playing on PC... but I'm not (because of the lack of cross-save) so it doesn't really matter. :hehe:

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